View Full Version : Megan Fox To Be... (potential spoilers!!)

10th October 2009, 02:33 PM
...Terminated In Transformers 3!!!

Wow could this be true?


I seriously doubt its true, but you never know!
Hopefull he will focus on the robots instead of her in TF3

10th October 2009, 02:54 PM
One could only dream of the money they would make by putting out an action figure that recreates the gory death scene that will be the end of Megan Fox in the Transformers movie franchise.

I'll take 20.

10th October 2009, 05:40 PM
That would be nice but i dont think thats gonna happen :(

10th October 2009, 06:14 PM
I hope so because I think that a permanent "main" character death is what this next movie needs.

Or they can keep her in but just show a picture of her breasts in every scene shes in. That'll solve the character problems.

10th October 2009, 07:39 PM
After all the BS from her during 2 (how dare Michael Bay take us on a tour of the pyramids) she deserves it. I think she's a scrag

10th October 2009, 07:42 PM
she was hot in TF1, in ROTF, she's a... ummm... skank

10th October 2009, 08:11 PM
Thank god! i agree that a principle character death would liven things up a bit, and i think its pretty clear too that no one working on TF wants her involved anyway, so... if they do it, i'll rejoice :D

10th October 2009, 10:25 PM
the hell... tho i agree she isnt as hot as everyone makes her out to be these days, why would you kill her off and not shia labeouf? that idiot is the first one to die in my eyes. death to all those who disagree with me.

11th October 2009, 10:46 AM
Mikaela gets infected by a transformer virus and she turns into a pretender controlled by megatron to spy on Sam. The plot revolves around Sam eventually finding out and freaking out and then goes on a quest to find a cure for his hot girlfriend....the potential cure crash landed on earth millions of years ago. The cure turns out to be a fake, Mikaela who is upset by this throws herself into a pit of liquid metal.

Ode to a Grasshopper
11th October 2009, 06:39 PM
Can't wait for her porn career...

Vector Prime
11th October 2009, 07:37 PM
she was hot in TF1, in ROTF, she's a... ummm... skank

and that doesn't make her even hotter? :p

11th October 2009, 07:43 PM
Okay, I kind of liked Mikaela in TF1, but considering how RotF reduced her to a levitating pair of chesticles, it'll probably be a mercy killing.

Although if it's just to get in another 'hot chick' with no talent, I don't WANT her to die.

12th October 2009, 09:11 AM
the hell... tho i agree she isnt as hot as everyone makes her out to be these days, why would you kill her off and not shia labeouf? that idiot is the first one to die in my eyes. death to all those who disagree with me.

How long did Spike last through all the TF series? He was a complete mong but they kept him in there for years. So i'd put money on Sam staying the course :P

12th October 2009, 11:42 AM
Well why cant it be more focus on the TFs and have the human characters as just ... you know support. Like how the soldiers appeared in the second movie, they're there but theyre ( coz they're part of the story) not the focus or the story does not revolve on them figuring out a plot ( if there's any) of need to find and use a deux ex machina ( woooh, woooh). Let a robot do that honestly, it isnt hard:mad: That way if the story necessitates death to a human character it isnt such a big deal...