View Full Version : Anyone have a DC Encyclopedia? HELP

10th October 2009, 02:53 PM
I recently sold my DC/Marvel Encyclopedias to help pay for an operation.

I sold them, had my operation ( Gallbladder is removed, woohoo ) and I got a very nasty Email back from the buyer saying.

" Where's the dust jacket for the DC Encyclopedia, I want a refund "

I never got a dust jacket, nor did I think the first editions came with one, Can anyone confirm or deny this, and if anyone has one they'd be willing to part with you could PM me and sort out some details.

This isn't a sales thread persay but I'd rather give someone here $15 for a piece of paper than refund this guy $150.


10th October 2009, 10:07 PM
You did have a PHOTO of this book on your auction before you sold it right?? If so, it should have shown it was coverless and if the buyer was worried about it he should've asked you about it before bidding. Did you claim that the book was complete in the item description?

Perhaps you could just tell him that you never knew it came with a jacket and that yours didn't and offer to send him some small free gifts as an apology.

11th October 2009, 01:55 AM
I had a stock photo, it didn't show whether it came with a cover or not.

11th October 2009, 09:48 PM
Tell the buyer where he/she can stick his/her dust jacket because you did not say people were bidding on a DC/Marvel Encyclopedia + dust jacket.

12th October 2009, 12:10 AM
I never got a dust jacket, nor did I think the first editions came with one, Can anyone confirm or deny this

This probably isn't going to help but my first edition DC Encyclopedia has a dust jacket...

But I agree with the previous posters: if it ain't in the description the buyer ain't getting it.

Best of luck

12th October 2009, 09:41 AM
Agree ... If it was not stated in the listing then u have NO obligation to give it to him... He saw the auction , bidded, won, paid, received and what im thinking is after he realised that it actually comes with a jacket thats when he got onto you about it .. and in a rather rude way by the sounds of it too ... Keep your money Zaul... Be nice and simply tell him. "look sorry mate i didnt mention this jacket in the listing and u bid on what u saw in the listing" :cool::cool: