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27th October 2009, 10:43 PM
Anyone else here a collector of Citadel Miniatures?

I colllect a 40k dark angels army, and my primary army, a Space wolf 13th company army. I'll be honest i do it more for the painting, and dont battle much. Any other Imperials or heretics out there?

27th October 2009, 11:47 PM

And so the Warhammer thread returns from the dead yet again.

I started collecting back when I was 12, about the same time I temporarily stopped collecting TF's for a few years, soooo as you can imagine I have quite a bit. Current favoured army in the 40k scene is Orks, thanks to the new plastics.

I am motivated by both joy of painting and having a friendly game. However I must say when it comes to minatures for painting and gaming It's the smaller companies that are my favourtes these days. Games Workshop may be the largest and most profilic minatures company, but I wouldn't say they still have the best talent, (although they do make awesome vehicle kits).


27th October 2009, 11:49 PM
My wulfen would have fun disassembling that ork tin looking thing, piece by piece with their bare hands. lolz. I'll dig through photobucket tomorrow and find a photo of my 13th co.

Also been reading the Horus Heresy series lately. Excellent series of books so far if your interested in learning how the whole thing kicked off =]

29th October 2009, 01:37 PM
My wulfen would have fun disassembling that ork tin looking thing, piece by piece with their bare hands. lolz. I'll dig through photobucket tomorrow and find a photo of my 13th co.

Many have said as much, none have thus far succeded, all those Orks get in the way to. :D

I've heard the Horus Heresey series was mostly decent. I can pretty much recall the whole story from reading old sourcebooks though.

29th October 2009, 03:14 PM
:)Space Wolves, 13th company unassembled:o and a Dwarf fantasy army:D. Don't think much of the new codex, very HQ orientated and to much psychic abilities for my liking:(. Completely neutered my spear of 7 Terminators, these had 3 assault cannons which is now down to one unless I want a 10 man squad in which case I can take 2, what a load of bollocks:p

29th October 2009, 03:19 PM
I'm a big Warhammer Fantasy fan myself, but havn't been up to date for a couple of year now. Been drifting more and more to my Transformers instead :p

As for 40k I havnt really been into it as much, but love the fiction a lot.

The Horus Heresy series is very good, I've read them all up to Mechanicum, Fulgrim is probably one of my fav books.

30th October 2009, 12:44 AM
:)Space Wolves, 13th company unassembled:o and a Dwarf fantasy army:D. Don't think much of the new codex, very HQ orientated and to much psychic abilities for my liking:(. Completely neutered my spear of 7 Terminators, these had 3 assault cannons which is now down to one unless I want a 10 man squad in which case I can take 2, what a load of bollocks:p

Those are pretty standard changes across all the new 40k books. At least they didn't make your army list as dullsville post like they did with Chaos. Besides I'm sure they added plenty of new cheese seing as how GW can't (or don't want) to balance their army books.

Anyways, played 40k yesterday, a big trench rush with endless Ork waves, not my orks though. I used my old guard army Alas despite over a 100 orks falling in no-mans land there heavy walkers still broke the Imperial lines. While I can't say 40k is one of my favourte rulesets these days, it sure can be quite awesome visualy.

Thanks to my friend for taking all these photos

Birds eye view of the battlefield.


Daring orks teleport behind enemy lines


The horde approches


Death from above.


These things just keep comming!


30th October 2009, 03:12 PM
That's an awesome set Zed:eek::cool:

30th October 2009, 09:47 PM
Yeah I've been into Warhammer for years. These days I just have a company of Salamanders (About 100 Marines, a Veteran Squad, 10 Scouts, two dozen Terminators and 10 tanks) and a huge Tyranid swarm. I never seem to have the time/focus to get a decent amount painted though. Over the years I've also played Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, Eldar, Chaos, Orks, Lizardmen, Undead, Bretonnians, and had bits and pieces of pretty much every other army going.

I used to be quite into the old board games as well - Talisman 2nd/3rd, Heroquest, Advanced Heroquest, Space Crusade, Blood Bowl, all sorts. I did recently pick up the new Space Hulk, still not had a chance to play it yet though. Found a copy of Man O' War with Plague Fleet at a flea market type affair last weekend too which I'm looking forward to trying. Even came with entire Dwarf and Elf fleets!

31st October 2009, 01:56 AM
That's an awesome set Zed:eek::cool:

Thanks took me a few weekends to build a few years back, it's not finished though, and I almost tossed it when it wasn't being used, glad I didn't.

Yeah I've been into Warhammer for years. These days I just have a company of Salamanders (About 100 Marines, a Veteran Squad, 10 Scouts, two dozen Terminators and 10 tanks) and a huge Tyranid swarm. I never seem to have the time/focus to get a decent amount painted though. Over the years I've also played Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, Eldar, Chaos, Orks, Lizardmen, Undead, Bretonnians, and had bits and pieces of pretty much every other army going.

I used to be quite into the old board games as well - Talisman 2nd/3rd, Heroquest, Advanced Heroquest, Space Crusade, Blood Bowl, all sorts. I did recently pick up the new Space Hulk, still not had a chance to play it yet though. Found a copy of Man O' War with Plague Fleet at a flea market type affair last weekend too which I'm looking forward to trying. Even came with entire Dwarf and Elf fleets!

Really? I have Salamanders too, Salamanders and Space Wolves are the only two loyalist chapters I've ever dabbled in, though I only have Slamanders now. I can't believe they all have jet black skin and red eyes now! Damn revisionist Games Workshop I'm not repainting mine. :mad:

I'd be very impressed if you painted a whole company of Marines, all my armies are small and max out around 3000pts at most usualy.

You lucky dog finding Man O War! That's one of the best games Games Workshop ever made in my opinion. The only downside is the space needed for the ship charts. There is a new naval fantsy game from an independant company out now called Uncharted Seas that I would like to try.

As far as painting large armies go, it can be quite a chore, that's why i've pretty much moved to skirmish games. I play a handfull now, all of which are set in a different setting such as super heroes, wierd wild west, or my current favourte Infinity, set in the not to distant future drawing heavily on anime influences like Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, and Akira.


1st November 2009, 01:19 AM
I don't follow the board game / painted figures fanaticism of 40k, but I do enjoy looking at the massive armies and awesome skulpts whenever I walk past the workshop stores. I find the universe a little confusing, the game itself (and the rules) even moreso. I've always thought the 40k series to be rather geeky, but I've come to appreciate it moreso as a hobby and an "art" over the past year from afar.

The IG look rather formidable and battle hardened in your set zed. The IG in the dawn of war game series look like conscripted skinny peasant farmers with toy guns.

13th November 2009, 12:27 AM
The 40k universe is a big jumble of various ideas and influences from scifi, mythology and history. Admitedly though the 40K universe is to large and hard to fathom. The defined history of said universe is better established than the myriad Transformer universes.

I think the appeal of the universe come from it being a very dark and twisted universe, perhaps testimony to it's British origins, the base conflict of the 40k Universe is that of order vs chaos rather than good vs evil. I prefer the fiction that harks back to this rather than some of the more cheesy sci fi elements like the Tau and Necrons.

The Imperial Guard in the pictures are rasied from the planet Catachan a rather inhospitable high gravity jungle world where only the strong and evidently ripped survive. Mine were actualy themed after GI Joe, due to the Vietnam war influences in the Catachans design.

23rd December 2009, 02:09 PM
Are there chrome paints available at the Games Workshop stores for say...refurbishing the engine in my sandstorm or galvatrons knee caps?