View Full Version : Spider-Man thread

24th November 2009, 08:14 PM
Well there is at least one other spider-man fan here so this might go somewhere..... for those who follow spider-man's adventures in marvel comics, what did you think of "one more day" and what do you think of the aftermath?

24th November 2009, 08:15 PM
im a fan but i havent really red the comic books for a while now but i watch the animated version on tv, sorry cant help you with the comics part

24th November 2009, 08:35 PM
I only read the Ultimate Spider-Man comics do you follow that also?

24th November 2009, 08:55 PM
ooh a spidey thread...
i didnt like "brand new day"/ "one more day" or whatever they wanted to call it, in the beginning almost stop collecting comics altogther because of it but i stuck with it i now i like it again. they could still handled things alot better than with "magic" i was also a big fan of the beforehand Micheal J. St(cant remember the rest) so i was a bit pissed that everything he did sort of didnt actually happen.

I also read Ultimate Spidey but only get the TPB and am now up to vol.19 and enjoy it very much there a few things they could of done a it better but overall A+

24th November 2009, 09:08 PM
I read One More Day and I didn't like it. It wasn't a great story anyway besides the Spider-Man makes a deal with the devil aspect.

Spider-Man's history is now so confusing. What stories happened? Which didn't? It would have been nice if they'd done it as a temporary story (like House of M for instance) but there's no sign of anything being undone yet.

The outcome though, the three times a month Amazing Spider-Man is probably a good way of publishing Spider-Man rather than three separate monthly titles.

Marvel in general bugs me these days with all their running from one major this-changes-everything crossover to another. But at least with most of the other status quo changes there's some feeling of progress or movement forward. The Spider-Man change simply undid decades worth of character development. If I wanted to read a comic book about a single Peter Parker living with his Aunt May I'd read Ultimate Spider-Man. And I do and loved it.

24th November 2009, 10:18 PM
I really liked the Bendis and Bagley's run of ultimate spider-man but when they changed to Stuart Immonen:mad:, i found it dificult to countinue the change in art was drastic i was so used to Bagleys stlye which i really loved. Does anybody share my view???

But now Marvel has re-vamped the ultimate universe to: Ultimate Comics and they have David Lafuente drawing spider-man who's stlye is a bit similar to Bagleys, has anybody started reading these issues? Its up to number 4 now.

24th November 2009, 10:23 PM
I didn't mind the art change (but prefered Bagley). I stopped Ultimate comics with Ultimatium though, not interested in another revamp.

24th November 2009, 10:54 PM
i havent got that far yet with ultimate spiderman is there any actual changes to the ultimate verse with the new ultimate comics or is it just a name change?

I do like bagley but i always found that his ultimate spidey was too dangly i much prefer his amazing spiderman version from when he was doing them in the 90's

Hopefully in the next few months i'll be getting a spidey tat on my back just starting to draw on up now i've always wanted one :D

24th November 2009, 10:56 PM
Well after 4issues there has been alot of changes some are a bit wierd but i dont wanna spoil it for you!
WOW a spidey tat thats awsome any pictures of your drafts???

24th November 2009, 11:02 PM
Well after 4issues there has been alot of changes some are a bit wierd but i dont wanna spoil it for you!

weird in a good way or bad

WOW a spidey tat thats awsome any pictures of your drafts???

got a couple of pics its pretty much just gonna be the same pose from amazing fantasy #16 but changed to suit my style/likes might post a pic up tomorrow about to go to bed now

24th November 2009, 11:11 PM
Well its for you to decide lol i dont mind some of the new aspects but a few things are definately wierd, i dont want to ruin it so i cant really say.

26th November 2009, 11:05 PM
i used to read all the comic versions. I have the september 11 issue somewhere all bagged up. I really prefer wolvie over spiderman though

2nd December 2009, 06:25 PM
Despite myself I found myself enjoying the post-"One More Day" spidey-verse but having said that I still don't see why it was necessary for the marriage to end, or if it did why oh why it had to involve a deal with the devil, particularly one that involved Aunt May's life. Amazing #400 was one of the most moving comics I have ever read in my life and its value as a story was completely ripped to shreds the first time they retconned her death. My attachment to the marriage is because I grew up with it, and my problem with dealing with Mesphisto is that its not something I could ever imagine Peter doing. Alas, whats done is done, until a different regime decides to undo it. It is ever thus with comics.

As for Ultimate Spider-Man - well worth reading and even for those who loathe Brian Bendis (not a sentiment I share but I can understand the point of view of some his more reasoned critics), it is one book that he is a superb scribe on. Ultimate Spider-man was not in need of "Ultimatum" but its thrown up some interesting storylines for the rebooted book nonetheless.

Another question then - what first got you attached to Spider-man/Peter Parker - either character or comics wise?

2nd December 2009, 06:47 PM
Another question then - what first got you attached to Spider-man/Peter Parker - either character or comics wise?

My interest for Spider-Man started in 1999 when i used to watch Spider-Man Unlimited on TV sadly it only lasted for 13 episdoes but it is still may favorite Spider-Man cartoon, the shortness of the series left me craving more, so i got into the comics a few years after the show ended, i decided to start on the newest line which was ultimate comics! Also the movies, games and other cartoons played a large role in my interest.

So basiclly the unlimited cartoon sparked my interest in Spider-Man:)

2nd December 2009, 10:04 PM
Another question then - what first got you attached to Spider-man/Peter Parker - either character or comics wise?

The Amazing Spiderman comics got me hooked my dad used to collect the comics in his teens and still had a boxfull of the australian reprints leftover which i used to grab when i was a kid (i.e. 8yo) and draw the covers because i really liked the look of the covers and then just started to read them one day and liked the character and havent stopped since
I also watched the Spiderman animated series that was done in the 90's and loved that too :D

3rd December 2009, 02:01 PM
The 90's animated series got me hooked, as did the x-men series.

not much of a fan of Brand New Day, due to the fact I cant (and nobody else) figure out if "The Other" storyline where Pete died and was reborn actually happened.

to me, that story was EPIC! the fight between him and Morlun was amazing. loved when Spidey got his eyed gauged out!

3rd December 2009, 07:20 PM
to me, that story was EPIC! the fight between him and Morlun was amazing. loved when Spidey got his eyed gauged out!

+1000 that was am awesome storyline, i dont think that happened with the brand new day stuff unless it did and he was forgotton about it and cant use the extra powers because of that

Sky Shadow
3rd December 2009, 08:14 PM
From my perspective, the biggest problem with the reboot of Amazing Spider-Man as a 'weekly' is that before Brand New Day I was reading Friendly and Amazing because I enjoy reading Peter David and J. Michael Straczynski's work, but I couldn't have cared less about Sensational, so I just didn't get it. Since the reboot, I only want to read the Dan Slott issues (which are great), so I was doing that for a while - just buying the Slott stories, but it became too much effort to work out which were which, so now I'm not reading it at all. And I read every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man from day one until Ultimatum, at which point I couldn't work out what I was supposed to be buying anymore, so I stopped that too. So Marvel has gone from having me buy three Spidey-titles per month to buying none.


3rd December 2009, 08:53 PM
From my perspective, the biggest problem with the reboot of Amazing Spider-Man as a 'weekly' is that before Brand New Day I was reading Friendly and Amazing because I enjoy reading Peter David and J. Michael Straczynski's work, but I couldn't have cared less about Sensational, so I just didn't get it. Since the reboot, I only want to read the Dan Slott issues (which are great), so I was doing that for a while - just buying the Slott stories, but it became too much effort to work out which were which, so now I'm not reading it at all. And I read every issue of Ultimate Spider-Man from day one until Ultimatum, at which point I couldn't work out what I was supposed to be buying anymore, so I stopped that too. So Marvel has gone from having me buy three Spidey-titles per month to buying none.


I found the same problem with the Ultimatum saga, it spanned across 4 different tittles (FF4, Spidey, X-Men, Ultimates... i think:confused:) which all tied into one but it became way to confusing at then end, they should have had a guide to show what to read so it all makes sense lol!

9th December 2009, 02:32 PM
cant wait for the new Deadpool Arc "Whatever a Spider can!"

Wade decides he would like to be Spidey's sidekick!

11th December 2009, 10:46 PM
This thread has motivated me to do something ive been wanting to do for awhile, which was to take pics of my collection so i thought i would share

ASM #550-599

ASM #500-549

ASM #450-499

ASM #400-449

ASM #350-399

ASM #300-349

ASM #250-299

ASM #200-249

ASM #1-199 well at least all the ones that i have at the moment, which im currently working on

and yes i DO have all the crossover comics for all of the stroylines and some other variants and signed covers as well but they have to be digged at of another box

12th December 2009, 10:16 PM
:eek: thats a nice collection, they look good all layed out on the floor like that!
Will the rest be hard for you to track down?

13th December 2009, 10:01 AM
:eek: thats a nice collection, they look good all layed out on the floor like that!
Will the rest be hard for you to track down?

thanks, the rest wont be hard to find it will just start getting really expensive for the condition of comic that i want