View Full Version : Your Top Ten TFs toys for 2009.

2nd January 2010, 04:42 PM
Suggested by Paulbot, so here it is - post up what your best (up to ten) Transformers toys were for 2009.

2nd January 2010, 04:57 PM
I was just starting a thread :) Anyway it's a follow up to last year's interesting Soapbox/thread (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=3115).

Based on the ones I have on display, had most fun transforming, or play with the most, my favourites would be:

1. Masterpiece Grimlock. A fantastic recreation of the original toy with modern technology, some fun gimmicks and a masterpiece toy you don't have to think that hard about when playing with.

2. ROTF Leader Optimus Prime. Captures the movie character so well (and even better in the Buster repaint I don't yet have). Although a very complex transformation it's right on the edge of being too frustrating and challenging.

3. Universe Cyclonus. I am always amazed at how great and kibble-less an action figure this toy's robot mode is. The inclusion of a Targetmaster was a great touch. I prefer the Universe (Comics/G1 toy) colours.

4. Animated Blurr. A long time favourite character gets a fantastic toy design with a nifty and fun transformation. I love the smooth lines and long lean robot mode.

5. Universe Deluxe Hound. Hound is a great deluxe toy with a smooth transformation, great classics look, and a wonderful accessory in the form of Ravage.

6. ROTF Deluxe Sideways. My favourite of the ROTF deluxes. A good automorph gimmick, very nice vehicle mode and a more classic robot mode just outclasses Sideswipe.

7. ROTF Voyager Starscream. Improving on the original movie toy design in everyway. The only thing I don't like is the 'tattoos'

8. EZ Legends Devastator. Each individual legend is so so but that they managed to make a legends scale combiner with no need for kibble and captured the look of the movie character better than the Supreme size could.

9. ROTF Deluxe Sideswipe. Another standout of the ROTF deluxes with a great vehicle mode and transformation.

10. Universe Legends Wheelie. Thanks to the storybook this is a character I've always liked and this toy is just so much fun. I love the way it all slides into place during the transformation.

Honourable mentions: Alternity Megatron (great toy just not quite Megatron and I've not opened mine yet), USB Ravage (great idea), Legends G1 Bumblebee (another fun legends design), Universe Dinobot (often derided but I quite like), Samurai Prowl (great way to update to the existing good deluxe) and Icecream truck Skids & Mudflap (for pure novelty value).

2nd January 2010, 05:27 PM
Since this was a very dry year with mainly movie and Animated toys which for the most part failed to interest me... and I rarely collect any of the new'ish toys (still back-collecting G1 ;)), my list has been shortened to my top 5.

1. ROTF Deluxe Sideswipe
2. Classics Cyclonus
3. ROTF Legends Devastator
4. ROTF (Human Alliance) Bumblebee
5. Henkei Sunstreaker

I would put MP Grimlock in there somewhere, if not at the top, but I haven't yet experienced this figure in order to give an opinion. I hear he's brillaint so I'm open to trade offers if anyone wants to swap for a MP Magnus and G1 Wheeljack ;)

2nd January 2010, 07:27 PM
Yeah, I also lost a lot of interest in TFs in 2009 - mainly because of ROTF. But still, here's my list of favourites...

ROTF Leader Optimus Prime (looks just like it always should have)
MP Grimlock
Universe Classics Cyclonus
Universe Legends Warpath
Universe Legends Bumblebee
Henkei Hound (awesome colours on an awesome figure)
Henkei Seekers (Thrust & Dirge)
Universe Inferno
Henkei Silverbolt
Animated Blurr

Honourable mentions to... Henkei Red Alert & Smokescreen, Animated Swindle, Universe Legends Wheelie. I couldn't add Alternity Bumblebee, EZ Legends Devastator or USB Ravage purely cos I don't own them yet! But I really like the look of them!

2nd January 2010, 07:40 PM

1. ROTF Buster Prime. Finally a large TF toy who feels like he's worth the price tag, Awesome mould with an amzaing paint job, if only all TF's were like this.

2.Masterpiece Grimlock. I haven't really been a fan of recent Grimlock moulds, Energon was to fat, Classics to lanky, but this is great a perfect recreation of Grimlock, the way he was meant to be, and the best Grimlock since G1. He might have made #1 if not for the high price tag.

3. ROTF Leader Prime. Yeah I know the same toy as Buster Prime, but he appears again in my list because I really enjoyed the mould that much. Sure the blades can be annoying and the transformation can be tricky, but I really enjoy it, it has the same feel as when movie prime transformed for the first time in the first TF movie, first time in a long time I've spent over $50 on a Hasbro TF, and not felt ripped off. Had there been no Buster Prime, ROTF Prime would be #2 after Grimlock.

4. Henkei Hound. A near perfect remake of Hound, with Ravage, what's not to like.

5. Henkei Smokescreen. A good mould, made that much better by an excellant paint job. I really don't like the Universe version but Takara got it spot on here. Up until Buster Prime Smokescreen was my favourte example of a TF paintjob done right.

6. Universe/Henkei Cyclonus. Another excellant remake of a G1 Character, with a Targetmaster. The only downisde is now I want more Henkei.Universe targetmasters and Scourge.

7. The Aircraftbots of ROTF. Ok I'm cheating here, but I really did like all the new aircraft moulds for ROTF. Usualy Aircraft bots are weighted so only one mode looks decent but these guys look good in both modes. I'm speaking of new an improved Starscream, The plesant suprise of (a modified) Breakaway, The very original Ransack, The Impressive (fron above anyway) Jetfire, and the continuation Dirge. As a huge fan of transforming Jet robots this was a good year. We see decent car robots every year, but this many good Flybots deserve a place on my list.

2nd January 2010, 10:03 PM
1. ROTF Buster Optimus Prime. Not even considering price, i think this is a better Transformer than any in the Masterpiece line. Taking value for money into account only makes it more impressive! (if this re-release didn't happen, the top spot would be the regular release)

2. Masterpiece Grimlock. After my whinging about value for money, Grimlock will seem like an odd choice, but this is truly a great toy, with nothing really left out to improve on. One of my childhood favourites done ultimate justice.

3. Alternity Convoy. It's hard for me to pick the best Alternity, since the G1 flavourings of Bumblebee almost had me swayed! But i'm a sucker for perfectly closing car doors, what can i say! Detailed like the best Binaltech's but at 2/3 the size, this toy (and line) showcases an incredible level of engineering. Character choice aside, this is a robot in disguise toy like they were originally envisioned.

4. Alternity Bumblebee. Best revision of Bumblebee's G1 style. The Classic Bumblebee was nice, but the attention to detail on a truly realistic car model puts it head and shoulders above.

5. Alternity Megatron. I slightly favour Convoy since he clips into vehicle mode better, but the samurai stylings here make for an awesome re-interpreted character.

6. Henkei Hound. Actually he came out right before the beginning of 09! But whatever - overall the best toy in the Universe/Henkei line, with a flawless paintjob and bonus accessory to boot. So good that it makes Binaltech Hound seem just a little less good! His only fault is the shoulder missile not clipping on so well.

7. Henkei Cyclonus. Just beaten by Hound because, whilst i prefer the Henkei colour scheme, they screwed him with the wrong shade on his nosecone! His kibbleless design owing to awesome use of the chest cavity impresses me to this day.

8. ROTF Human Alliance Bumblebee. Whilst i wish his chest/bonnet piece was more like the deluxe, this is and will likely remain, the definitive version of the character. Almost Alternator level accuracy in vehicle mode and being Human Alliance, has playability through the roof.

9. ROTF Voyager Starscream. One of the cleanest jet's in terms of underside kibble, and a faithful robot mode as well. Only the claw kibble hurts him in jet mode, but otherwise i think i'm happy enough with this toy to forgo the leader, however awesome that looks too!

10. ROTF Scout Ransack. Not the coolest alt mode.. not the best looking robot mode. But for it being the first time attempted, this toy is a resounding success. That he has no kibble at this size is just stunning!

There's a lot of ROTF toys that could have snuck onto this list if not for the Alternity line - Voyager Long Haul, Mixmaster, Deluxe Sideswipe, Dirge, and Scout Dune Runner were all up there - for all the ragging on ROTF that i read on these forums, i can't help but think there's a lot of people missing out on some of the best toys in recent years.

2nd January 2010, 10:22 PM
10. Universe Beachcomber
09. Henkei Inferno
08. Henkei Hound & Ravage
07. Universe Cyclonus
06. ROTF Dirt Boss
05. ROTF Rollbar
04. ROTF Deluxe Sideswipe
03. ROTF Leader Optimus Prime
02. ROTF EZ Collection Scrapper (all the Constructicons are nice, but Scrapper's my fav)
01. ROTF Voyager Long Haul (one of the nicest Voyagers in some time)

Honourable mentions for Animated Activator Cliffjumper and Alternity Cliffjumper for not being straight repaints of Bumblebee!

Gutsman Heavy
2nd January 2010, 10:32 PM
1. MP Grimlock, one of the best TFs I've had the pleasure of owning
2. Animated Wreck-Gar, I've always wanted a Wreck-Gar and animated delivered him to me in style!
3. RoTF Leader Optimus Prime, would have been #2 if not the the window titty issues. Still a marvel of engineering!
4. Universe Cyclonus, Pretty much the perfect deluxe, which is a huge kudos since I prefer a realistic alt.
5. Henkei Red Alert, the best looking version of this mold to date.
6. Animated Swindle, whilst not the perfect deluxe, it oozes so much character I'll over look the crappy hands and floppy chest.
7. Universe Inferno, Like Henkei Skyfire before him, this voyager turned a character I couldn't care less about into a must buy.
8. Henkei Thrust & Dirge, worth the $100 each price tag.
9. Henkei Hot Shot, proof the toy should come before the gimmick!
10. Universe Ratbat, its almost as if this mold was made for the bean counting bureaucratic bat-bot.

Runner ups: Universe Mini-bots, Henkei Ironhide, Animated Blurr + Shockwave.

2nd January 2010, 10:39 PM
01. ROTF Voyager Long Haul (one of the nicest Voyagers in some time)

Whilst Long Haul is indeed an excellent toy, i was surprised to see it as your number 1. In my opinion his only faults are in robot mode: the tray not locking in (very securely), and his waist sometimes detaching. I had imagined, being fond of playing with your toys, you would have experienced frustration picking him up often?

3rd January 2010, 04:18 PM
The tray is loose on mine too, but the waist locks in securely enough. B) The loose tray doesn't adversely effect the way I play with him all that much. I like how his blade-weapons can be firmly tucked away unlike say ROTF Leader Prime's sabres. (-_-)

Vector Prime
3rd January 2010, 11:54 PM
Alternity Nemesis Prime (Black Convoy)
Universe Deluxe Hound w/Ravage
Universe Deluxe Cyclonus
Henkei Red Alert
Universe Ultra Onslaught
Henkei Dirge & Thrust
Alternity Megatron (Silver)
Universe Voyager Nemesis Prime
Universe Voyager Inferno
Universe Voyager Treadbolt

***NOTE : I don't collect Masterpiece or ROTF, hence none listed on here***

4th January 2010, 12:58 AM
well seeing as i only collect movie toys

10. rotf voyager mixmaster
9. rotf supreme devastator
8. rotf voyager starscream
7. rotf voyager demolishor
6. rotf fab longhaul
5. movie 1 leader prime
4. movie 1 voyager ironhide
3. rotf deluxe chromia
2. rotf deluxe sideswipe
1. rotf leader prime

i also really loved all of the legends figures... except megs and ss

Seraphim Prime
4th January 2010, 10:19 PM
I'm going to assume that this list is for toys that we actually own ourselves, so that's why there's no mention of Alternity or MP Grimlock.

01. ROTF Optimus Prime
02. Universe Cyclonus
03. Animated Samurai Prowl
04. ROTF Sideswipe
05. Animated Blurr
06. ROTF Starscream
07. Universe Hound
08. ROTF Arcee
09. Animated Swindle
10. ROTF Dune Runner

A nice little cross-section of figures there. Honorable mentions go to Combiner Devastator - I only pulled him out of layby today, but he's been pretty fun to play with this afternoon, towering over my other figures; Universe Beachcomber - a great update for a figure who has been close to my heart for a while; ROTF Ejector and Scalpel - figures who are quite fun in their novelty, and provided me an often necessary distraction for a couple of minutes while studying for exams last semester.

5th January 2010, 12:34 PM
I am afraid that I didn't like enough toys in 2009 to complete a Top 10...Wait...Were Henkeis released in 09 or 08? For some reason all that I recall being released last year were ROTF and Henkeis or anything else feels like a very long time ago.

6th January 2010, 09:33 PM
Were Henkeis released in 09 or 08? For some reason all that I recall being released last year were ROTF and Henkeis or anything else feels like a very long time ago.
Dude, you were at my birthday in 2008 when I received and opened up my Henkei Megatron! :D Anyway, Henkei came out in 2008 but some later Henkei toys were released in 2009 (e.g. Hound, Inferno).

But I'm assuming these lists are for toys that you personally acquired in 2009, even if that's not the year the toy was released, cos I've noticed a few other people have included non-2009 toys in their lists.

6th January 2010, 09:37 PM
1. Rotf ejector.
2 - 10. Encores.

My outside mentions would have to be mp screamer (hasbro), and classics hound & inferno. Better than I expected them to be.