View Full Version : What is your main source of Transformer toys?

5th January 2010, 12:47 PM
I'm interested to see what everyone's main source of Transformer toys are?

I know that there are some that don't even have Ebay accounts (looking at you Goki ;)), so where do you find most of your acquisitions?

Do you mostly trade / buy from friends? Do you visit second-hand toy shops or raid the Smith Family bins *jokes*? Do you purchase online other than Ebay?

I guess this is aimed more at the vintage collector as the obvious answer for those interested in current toys would be their local toy shops.

To clarify one of the poll questions, "Buying / Trading via the forums and fan meetups" also includes attending fairs such as the Penrith and Parramatta ones.

5th January 2010, 01:10 PM
I get a lot of my G1 from ebay and go to toy's r us and other stores for all the newer transformers that im after
Im starting to get into ordering online from web sites but for now its mainly ebay

5th January 2010, 02:06 PM
The bulk of what I have bought last year would have been from people on here, and alot from Jgon :p Every now and again I get a few off ebay as well.

In previous years before I re-discovered this forum, I got my figures from Parra Fair, occasionally getting lucky at local markets and op shops.

5th January 2010, 03:07 PM
Since I mostly buy G1 toys, that would be ebay.

For the contemporary stuff its HLJ.

5th January 2010, 10:46 PM
Mostly from big chain stores followed by swindles salesyard.

5th January 2010, 11:12 PM
I belong to the top selection of the poll - first option. ;)

6th January 2010, 09:20 AM
I get the overwhelming majority of my toys through ordinary retail sources. I'm suprised this wasn't one of the poll options; I had to choose Other. :p

6th January 2010, 09:43 AM
I get the overwhelming majority of my toys through ordinary retail sources. I'm suprised this wasn't one of the poll options; I had to choose Other. :p

I guess this is aimed more at the vintage collector as the obvious answer for those interested in current toys would be their local toy shops.

Does this answer your question of why there is no option for retail sources or do you mean something else?

6th January 2010, 10:14 AM
Mainly through local fans. I do use eBay, but rarely nowadays. In the past eBay was my primary source, and before that was through alt.toys.transformers sales!

6th January 2010, 10:28 AM
I'm also getting most of mine through fellow fans whom I trust, thanks a lot everyone :)

I've yet to try and use online shops, I'm not confident on how to use them yet :p

But for current Australian releases, mostly through local shops.

6th January 2010, 09:44 PM
I guess this is aimed more at the vintage collector as the obvious answer for those interested in current toys would be their local toy shops.Does this answer your question of why there is no option for retail sources or do you mean something else?

I get most of my Transformers from retail stores. And I have a G1 collection too, most of which I got from retail stores. So anyway, I clicked "other" cos most of my Transformers come from local shops. :/

6th January 2010, 09:48 PM
Well, the bulk of my then purchases and that of my meager recent ones ( mostly parts and accessories) is Ebay. for more recent ones of course - retail shops but the vintage, G1,G2 BW stuff I get from ebay , a small portion from here in this forum and of course Parramatta Fair.

7th January 2010, 08:31 AM
And I have a G1 collection too, most of which I got from retail stores.

I should have created a special category for you Goki as you would be one of a select few that would have obtained the majority of their G1 collection via retail outlets :)

8th January 2010, 06:00 PM
Stories like this (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=6555) make me feel relieved that I buy most of my Transformers from the shops. You don't get these kinds of issues when shopping in a store and you can inspect the toy first hand yourself. If the toy happens to be defective then you can easily return it to the store for an exchange or refund. You also don't need to wait for shipping or worry about the toy being damaged or lost in transit because the toy is right there in your hands to take home.

IMO shops offer greater comfort and security compared to purchasing online. Having said that, purchasing online can sometimes be easier when you're getting something that you've been unable to find in local stores. Toy hunting can be a massive pain in the bum (and a big waste of time and fuel) when you drive great distances to look for a toy in hopes of finding it (which can also be really emotionally draining and downright frustrating to the point that you want to put your hand through a wall!). Both shopping online and in stores offer pros and cons, but in the majority of cases I prefer buying in stores. I suspect that I'm probably the only person here who doesn't have an eBay account. :p

8th January 2010, 10:11 PM
Stories like this (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=6555) make me feel relieved that I buy most of my Transformers from the shops. You don't get these kinds of issues when shopping in a store and you can inspect the toy first hand yourself.

So... you don't believe that credit card fraud happens in retail shopping, or you only use cash when making purchases? Even if it is the later, I'm assuming that you would withdraw this cash from an ATM somewhere. You hear about skimming devices used on EFTPOS machines and ATM's all the time. In fact, there was one reported just last month (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/6618283/court-appearance-over-credit-card-scam/) and also this week.

9th January 2010, 12:02 AM
I don't have a credit card, but you make a fair point about EFTPOS fraud and ATM skimming devices. But I still don't feel the need to buy most Transformers from the net... for me it's just quicker and easier to duck over the Kmart or something and just grab it then and there.

Maybe I'm just simple... but it works for me (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=394). :)

I should have created a special category for you Goki as you would be one of a select few that would have obtained the majority of their G1 collection via retail outlets
Sofaman also pointed out that he gets most of his toys from shops, and apparently 17.86% (at the time of this post) of poll respondents have also elected the "None of the above" category, although I'm not sure if they're all necessarily also buying from local shops too. Even if it's a minority I think it would've been nice to have it included in a poll. Ah well, no use getting your arm chopped off by a lightsabre and crying over spilt blue Bantha milk I suppose. :)

9th January 2010, 01:49 AM
I get my Transformers figures from retail stores, online stores, and via private sales with fellow Transfans.

9th January 2010, 01:46 PM

From the obvious main option you neglected to add; retail off/on-line stores.

9th January 2010, 02:45 PM
Hmmm... I tried to modify the poll as you guys have asked but it doesn't seem to allow me to :(

To be honest though, I think it makes for an interesting discussion for those that have continued to purchase through retail stores over the years and have managed to 'build' such impressive collections. You're dedication should be told in a story.

9th January 2010, 05:30 PM

There was no difficulty about buying the whole cybertron range here at retail. It was all here and plentiful.

Plus there is/was no amazing feat about buying encore at hlj as they were released.

9th January 2010, 05:50 PM
I was referring to those that have continued to buy through retail outlets without the need to resort to online for back-collecting thus demonstrating they have been able to keep pace with the hobby and potentially have been doing this since day one e.g. Goki.

I myself only got back into collecting Transformers about 7 years ago which means, for me anyway, places like Ebay are my main source as I am now playing 'catch-up'.

Sorry if I didn't make sense before :)

9th January 2010, 06:17 PM
I mostly buy through eBay as well as get what I can through retail stores.
Sort of tricky when all they have is mostly RotF stuff, not really an interest for me.
I don't have any friends into TFs and havn't been around long enough to be buying or trading with other members.
I havn't tried any other online stores yet, still gathering intel ;)
Forgive a newbie question, but what are these fairs (like Penrith and Parramatta) of which I see mentioned?
I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get...

I myself only got back into collecting Transformers about 7 years ago which means, for me anyway, places like Ebay are my main source as I am now playing 'catch-up'.
lol, think you have it bad, I'm trying to play catch up on all those years and only started about 3-4 months ago :p

9th January 2010, 07:29 PM
The Penriff Fair thing is new and afaik only a handful of members like i_amtrunks and mknell have checked it out. I personally have never been to one so I can't comment.

The Parramatta Collectables Fair (although it was _once_ held in Broadway... heh) is pretty much what the title says; it's a Fair for various kinds of collectables: Transformers, Star Wars, MotU, G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Lost In Space, posters etc. Past fairs also had collectable cards (including sport cards), music records, comic books and other non-toy collectables, but these vendors have slowly disappeared. The same people who run the Fair now run a separate Music Collectables Fair. Their official site is here (http://www.collectables.zip.com.au/) (note: Despite the fact that they still display Case Fresh's logo on their site, Case Fresh has not been a vendor at the Fair for several years now)

10th January 2010, 10:11 AM
The Penriff Fair thing is new and afaik only a handful of members like i_amtrunks and mknell have checked it out. I personally have never been to one so I can't comment.

I went to the last one, wasn't great. Mainly caters for Die Cast cars and whatnot collectors.

The Parramatta Collectables Fair (although it was _once_ held in Broadway... heh) is pretty much what the title says; it's a Fair for various kinds of collectables: Transformers, Star Wars, MotU, G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Lost In Space, posters etc. Past fairs also had collectable cards (including sport cards), music records, comic books and other non-toy collectables, but these vendors have slowly disappeared. The same people who run the Fair now run a separate Music Collectables Fair. Their official site is here (http://www.collectables.zip.com.au/) (note: Despite the fact that they still display Case Fresh's logo on their site, Case Fresh has not been a vendor at the Fair for several years now)

There has always been a Music Fair been run, usually the weekend after the Collectors Fair. And has it really been that long since Case Fresh stopped doing it?

10th January 2010, 02:26 PM
The only non retail toys im collecting are Beast Wars so i maninly use ebay and other sites.
Retail for ROTF and Movie figs.

Tabias Prime
10th January 2010, 03:29 PM
Stories like this (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=6555) make me feel relieved that I buy most of my Transformers from the shops. You don't get these kinds of issues when shopping in a store and you can inspect the toy first hand yourself. If the toy happens to be defective then you can easily return it to the store for an exchange or refund. You also don't need to wait for shipping or worry about the toy being damaged or lost in transit because the toy is right there in your hands to take home.

IMO shops offer greater comfort and security compared to purchasing online. Having said that, purchasing online can sometimes be easier when you're getting something that you've been unable to find in local stores. Toy hunting can be a massive pain in the bum (and a big waste of time and fuel) when you drive great distances to look for a toy in hopes of finding it (which can also be really emotionally draining and downright frustrating to the point that you want to put your hand through a wall!). Both shopping online and in stores offer pros and cons, but in the majority of cases I prefer buying in stores. I suspect that I'm probably the only person here who doesn't have an eBay account. :p

I agree with GoktimusPrime in regards to going to the shops, generally its instant gratification for me, it there in my hands and i don't have to wait weeks to get it to my doorstep.I'm lucky where i live within a 15min drive there are 3 major shopping centers so with any luck i general get what im looking for or if my wifes out at one of them she will have a look for me because she knows what im looking for.

Ebay do's have some advantages.theres thing you just cant buy here in Australia that you can get from ebay and generally at a good price...

10th January 2010, 03:51 PM
I was referring to those that have continued to buy through retail outlets without the need to resort to online for back-collecting thus demonstrating they have been able to keep pace with the hobby and potentially have been doing this since day one e.g. Goki.

I myself only got back into collecting Transformers about 7 years ago which means, for me anyway, places like Ebay are my main source as I am now playing 'catch-up'.

Sorry if I didn't make sense before :)

I'm in a similar boat to Gok, but I understand you now. :)

13th January 2010, 01:52 AM
I used to have a sizeable G1 collection that was bought from retail, before my mum gave them all away (http://heroicdecepticon.blogspot.com/2002/08/1984-to-1991-origin-story.html) in early 1990.

Most of my series 1 to 3 TFs were obtained at the Clarke Quay flea markets in Singapore (happens every Sunday) during 1999 to 2002. Not to be fooled by the name, the 'flea market' was actually an awesome vintage toy market that happens every Sunday - imagine Parra Fair, but times 5 in size and with 10 times as much G1. Even the owners of Robo-Robo and eBay seller Anglo used to sell there. (this has evolved into the China Square Central Sunday markets, but that pales in comparison to Clarke Quay)

Obviously, I was doing a lot of trading with the people I met there too.

Very soon, eBay became my main source of G1 TFs because it was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain, from shops and fellow collectors, G1 figures in the condition (box, toy, paperworks) I aspire them to be.

I also try to fill gaps in my collection when I go back to Singapore, travel to HK or in recent case in point, to Japan.

Recently, I filled a good number of gaps by hammering eBay mercilessly (http://heroicdecepticon.blogspot.com/2009/12/chapter-viii-1988-once-more.html), from jgon's G1 MIB sale and from my trip to Tokyo.

22nd April 2012, 02:18 AM
Could not find another relevant thread on the forums that compares shopping locally and online so I'm using this one.

When I first started colleting TFs only three years ago I was very active with shopping locally and perhaps the odd ebay purchase now and then. But now, after developing a trust with online toy sites and acquiring a cc I really only shop online. Every now and then I do go to a flea market hoping to find an old tf gem at a bargain price but I do kind of miss going out to stores frequently to look for new toys and to be dissapointed at most times. Sometimes though I'd be lucky enough to spot brand new toys. Ah well, guess I had more time back then when I didn't have a full-time job :o

22nd April 2012, 02:27 AM
The local scene is garbage, it's online or bust.

22nd April 2012, 02:32 AM

22nd April 2012, 02:33 AM
.. I do kind of miss going out to stores frequently to look for new toys ...

I still like to go to the shops and look. I still get a bit of a thrill from seeing new TF toys in store even though there's been few of those in the past few months. The only things I've purchased in store in ages though were the TF:Prime legion toys when Target had 20% off (since you can't get Legion toys much cheaper by buying online).

22nd April 2012, 07:32 AM
The poll has no retail option like kmart as there is where i buy most of my transformer

22nd April 2012, 09:58 AM
5FDP said that this thread was aimed at vintage collectors, as the obvious answer for people interested in current toys would be local toy shops. But of course, quite a few of us did buy our vintage toys from retail stores! Interestingly enough, nearly a quarter of poll respondents have chosen "other." Considering that this thread/poll is over 2 years old now, perhaps it's time for a new one (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=13459).

25th April 2012, 08:58 PM
For me:

Ebay and other Online websites.
Buying/Trading via the forums and fan meetups.
Brick 'n' Mortar AU retail stores.

29th April 2012, 05:29 PM
Robot Kingdom