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View Full Version : Win G1 Kickback w/ box and SDCC Exclusive Megatron bust!

31st March 2010, 10:15 PM
Here's what you can win:
+ G1 Kickback with box -- it's an original G1, not a KO or reissue.
+ San Diego Comic Con exclusive Megatron bust

----------------------RULES AND CONDITIONS----------------------

* Answer all the following 10 questions.
* Take the first letter of each answer to spell the secret word.
* PM me with the answer.
* Competition begins at midnight tonight and finishes at 12:00 tomorrow afternoon (EST). So you're also racing against the clock with only 12 hours to decode the secret word! (intense!) Any answers submitted outside of these hours are INVALID.
* The prizes will be posted to any part of Australia free of cost to the winner!



Q1: The Nebulan Spasma is binary bonded to this Decepticon Headmaster Horrorcon.
Q2: According to the G1 cartoon Sandstorm is from this planet.
Q3: Protoform X is also known by this name. Also the name of a G1 Predacon.
Q4: This Decepticon Pretender once climbed the Empire State Building.
Q5: The Decepticon Breast Force merge into this gestalt warrior.
Q6: The true identity of the Robot Master. "Donny...?" (surname)
Q7: Vehicon general. Transforms into a helicopter.
Q8: In Transformers Animated, this Autobot was repurposed as a repair/maintenance vessel.
Q9: Major William...? (surname)
Q10: Ladiesman217. "...Witwicky?" (given name)

Answer: aprilfools (:

31st March 2010, 10:29 PM
I know, I know :D

Is it first in to win?

31st March 2010, 11:15 PM
first to PM the correct answer after midnight will be the winner. ;) The correct answer will be revealed after a winner has been decided. :cool:

Seraphim Prime
31st March 2010, 11:45 PM
Sits by computer with PM written and ready to submit. :D

And I didn't even need to use TFWiki like I do with most of your things. Just a quick cros-reference to my comics/ultimate guide to confirm answers and I was done. :) I was going to suggest a lottery winner, to make it fair...

31st March 2010, 11:50 PM
Remember folks, the correct answer is the secret word which you must spell from taking the first letter of each answer!

1st April 2010, 12:01 AM
PM'ed :)

Should be spot on with the board time.

1st April 2010, 12:08 AM
Okay, 5FDP's answer was correct - the secret word is APRILFOOLS, which is precisely what this entire game was -- an April Fools joke. :D

Sorry... it was all a hoax and there's no real prize to be won. :p

And if the answer didn't give that away, other things that were sussed with this competition includes:
+ The bizarre time restriction (ensuring that the game didn't officially commence until April 1 and concluded before midday, cos you're not allowed to prank after that time)
+ The answer is actually provided in post #1. It's spoiler tagged so you need to highlight the post to see it (it's down the bottom) ;)
+ Despite my claim the G1 Kickback is in the photo a reissue, not at original, which a keen observer might be able to tell from the darker shade of yellow on the chest window!

Till next year! :D

Seraphim Prime
1st April 2010, 12:11 AM
I still say that that last post should be removed so that everyone has time to enter the competition...

1st April 2010, 12:24 AM
LMAO... Do you really think that no one would have picked it up :rolleyes:

To be honest, I worked out my answers when you first posted the so-called 'competition', and then after getting half-way through the secret word I thought "that sonofa..." :mad:

It's all good mate. You almost had me there. I thought I may as well submit the answers since I already typed them up :)

But now you better be on your toes as there is still 11 hrs 35 mins left to extract revenge :cool:

1st April 2010, 03:55 AM
Okay, 5FDP's answer was correct - the secret word is APRILFOOLS, which is precisely what this entire game was -- an April Fools joke. :D

Sorry... it was all a hoax and there's no real prize to be won. :p

I thought april fools jokes were meant to you know, start and end inside april 1st.

but im just mostly disappointed that i missed another comp even if it wasnt a real one :P

1st April 2010, 07:34 AM
I still say that that last post should be removed so that everyone has time to enter the competition...
Yeah, usually I don't reveal that it's a hoax until midday. But I was worried that some people might start thinking it's a real comp and start getting their hopes up. Ah well, cat's out of the bag now. :p

I was thinking about doing another fake news post like I do every other year (I was gonna post a fake sighting for MP Grimlock of Castle Hill or Parramatta TRU), but I thought I'd do something different this year and post a fake competition. :D

I thought april fools jokes were meant to you know, start and end inside april 1st.
Yeah, that's why the rules stipulated that the competition wouldn't start until midnight (beginning of April Fools) and end at midday (end of April Fools).

Anyway, here are the individual answers:

Q1: The Nebulan Spasma is binary bonded to this Decepticon Headmaster Horrorcon.

Q2: According to the G1 cartoon Sandstorm is from this planet.

Q3: Protoform X is also known by this name. Also the name of a G1 Predacon.

Q4: This Decepticon Pretender once climbed the Empire State Building.

Q5: The Decepticon Breast Force merge into this gestalt warrior.

Q6: The true identity of the Robot Master. "Donny...?" (surname)

Q7: Vehicon general. Transforms into a helicopter.

Q8: In Transformers Animated, this Autobot was repurposed as a repair/maintenance vessel.
Omega Supreme

Q9: Major William...? (surname)

Q10: Ladiesman217. "...Witwicky?" (given name)

1st April 2010, 01:25 PM
Nice work there Gok, though it looks like Kick Back Kicked his way through the front of the box lol

1st April 2010, 03:08 PM
I got my G1 Kickback box from Melbourne. IIRC it was from Animezone in Box Hill. Is that place still selling Transformers at exhorbitant prices?

Seraphim Prime
5th April 2010, 10:08 AM
Thought I would just say thanks to Gok for arranging this. It was quite fun to work through all the answers (without TFWiki! :) Maybe I'm spending too much time in TFs...) and I got the same reaction as 5FDP. I was all like $%^*... :)

I thought the effort taken was awesome, so wanted wveryone to be able to get the same reaction, hence my two posts encouraging a lucky draw result, rather than a first-in-best-dressed result, so everyone could have enoyed the trick. :) Awesome work though.