View Full Version : What Line is Hunt for the Decepticons?

21st May 2010, 08:13 PM
Is it ROTF? Is it its own thing? The packaging is inconclusive. Has there been official word?

21st May 2010, 08:16 PM
Pretty sure its just Movie stuff, but they could slide other repaints in there as well.

21st May 2010, 09:03 PM
Basically, the movie line is just dropping the 'ROTF' sub-title, and is either in yellow packaging (the mainline of Deluxes, Voyagers, Leaders, Scouts, Legends), and red packaging (the gimmick lines of Activators, Powerbots, etc).

The yellow packaging toys have a 6-7 month promotion, called 'Hunt for the Decepticons', just to keep kids interested between movies. The packaging has a sticker added to the outside, but isn't really the sub-title of these toys, as it will be dropped when the promotion ends in January. (we'd get new packaging and sub-title with the 3rd movie a few months later anyway)

These figures are still within the Movie Universe, but is just called 'Transformers' (which makes it annoyingly difficult to refer to). As such, people will call this line 'HFTD', 'Movie line', 'Yellow-packed', 'Transformers', 'Transformers mainline', or some other derivitive. It just doesn't have a difinitive sub-title for easy reference.

Considering there are two other major sublines released at the same time (Generations and PCC), you'd think Hasbro would make it easier for retailers and collectors to give the mainline some sort of sub-title, instead of just calling them 'Transformers'.

21st May 2010, 09:17 PM
The wiki, at the moment, doesn't consider what we call the Transformers (2010) toyline to be exclusively movie-based. But it's hard to judge because there are so few new molds in there at the moment, and all of them, including the ROTF characters, have Hasbro's Autobot and Decepticon logos, NOT the live-action movie faction symbols (which are SLIGHTLY different).

The new TF 2010 molds seem to be a halfway point between the movies (the backwards legs) and Classics (bulkier looking, less kibble, less detail), which I suspect is a calculated move by Hasbro so the transition from this short-lived yellow box line to Transformers: Prime is smooth.

22nd May 2010, 01:53 PM
The new TF 2010 molds seem to be a halfway point between the movies (the backwards legs) and Classics (bulkier looking, less kibble, less detail), which I suspect is a calculated move by Hasbro so the transition from this short-lived yellow box line to Transformers: Prime is smooth.

I am also in agreement with this theory. There is strong evidence that TF: Prime will be a hybrid of Movie aesthetics and traditional Transformers style (G1).

In other words, TF: Prime may have toys that would be very similar to the latter waves of ROTF (eg Dirge) and yellow box toys which 'merge' both G1 and Movie into one (Seaspray).