View Full Version : TF Animated Ep14 - Nature Calls

23rd March 2008, 06:43 AM
One of the weaker episodes unfortunately.

The unlikley combination of Bumblebee/Sari and Prowl are sent into the woods to investigate a Cybertronial signal picked up by Teletran One.

There are a few amusing moments in the first act, however this episode is almost completely disposable with the exception of the last few scenes. There are a few mild homages to G1 at the beginning.

23rd March 2008, 10:24 AM
um... yeah... aside from the last few seconds, the rest of the episode was pret-ty forgettable.

Bumblebee's brattiness really annoyed me and ultimately there was no character building achieved in this episode. There was definitely an environmental message in the episode; summarised by Sari's closing statement - but the characters didn't seem to make any actual development. Neither Sari nor Bumblebee really learnt to appreciate nature or to do without technology. When Sari was having trouble starting the furnace with her key I thought that the writers were pushing toward another resolution that didn't involve the key (something that I praised in the last episode). I was hoping that Sari would find an alternative resolution to the plot complication... but alas she just got mad, smacked her key around and it worked. *sigh*

Overall rating:
http://images.wikia.com/transformers/images/3/37/Hotshotraizeyes.jpg "WhY mY ShOuLdErS hUrT?"

23rd March 2008, 04:18 PM
I'm sick of these non-Decepticon episodes.

At best, I give it a 4/10.

Not good enough.

23rd March 2008, 11:05 PM
Yeah, about all there is to recommend this episode are the G1 nods to the Consturcticons and Sparkplug at the very beginning.

G1 nods are fun, especially to we oldies, but you can't run an episode on them.

23rd March 2008, 11:10 PM
watched it on the tube
thought initially it was about becoming constructicons
however, oni loved the last part which leads on to the next one!!! am EXCITED.....

23rd March 2008, 11:58 PM
I hate pointless G1 nods that have absolutely no reason for being there in the world aside from being just that, a nod to fans. They serve no purpose to the story so I find that underwhelming.

I hated such nods in Beast Machines and I am hating them here for the most part.

Gutsman Heavy
24th March 2008, 12:12 AM
I love the pointless G1 nods. But this episode was weak, barely disguised filler. Now that Megs body is found things should heat up, so as crap as it is this episode served some small purpose.

24th March 2008, 01:11 PM
Going on from what Sofaman said, G1 nods are nice goodies for older fans, but they're just Easter Eggs and you simply cannot run episodes on them. And to be fair, the writers have never tried to run any eps based on such G1 nods. Sparkplug and the Constructicon-esque mining machines were only briefly seen in the beginning of the ep, so the reference was brief and it didn't overwhelm the episode.

however, oni loved the last part which leads on to the next one!!! am EXCITED.....
...you watched this ep with an oni? That's scary! :p

But yeah, the last few seconds of the episode is the only part that's worth watching.

Basically this story has a nice prologue (G1 homage) and good epilogue, but the rest of it is just crap.

I'm sick of these non-Decepticon episodes.
Non-Decepticon villains are okay if they're written well. Decepticon villains can suck too if they're poorly written.

G1 had some neat non-TF villains such as Death's Head, the Mecannibals and everyone's favourite hottie... Josie Beller



You gotta respect a human supervillain who's able to take on UNICRON. :)


24th March 2008, 02:28 PM
I liked the space barnacles better than the spores. :p

When Sari was having trouble starting the furnace with her key I thought that the writers were pushing toward another resolution that didn't involve the key (something that I praised in the last episode). I was hoping that Sari would find an alternative resolution to the plot complication... but alas she just got mad, smacked her key around and it worked. *sigh*

I guess you missed it then.

And bumblebee, while still a brat, was more tolerable this time around. :)
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24th March 2008, 03:57 PM
yea i liked this ep i liked bumble bees antics, thought it was funny when he was on the mine cart track

24th March 2008, 09:14 PM
i really liked it for the fact it was enjoyable and had good humour. i like how its more to do with the unique personalities of transformers. we see that this episode links with upcoming episodes. Hopefully when Megatron comes into the scene he doesnt ruin the fun factor of the series.

24th March 2008, 09:56 PM
Bumblebee had one or two good one-liners... that was about it. Personality wise, as I said before, there was no character development in this series - they came off as being more like terribly clichéd caricatures rather than characters. *sigh*

This series is still failing to engage me at an adult level. (-_-)

25th March 2008, 10:41 AM
Bumblebee was tolerable for a change, while Prowl remains the best written and voice acted character in the entire show (well maybe except for Fanzone :p).


I was expecting Constructicons to be the big bad this episode, but I guess since they are "attached" to Megatron's body we may see them in an upcoming episode.

Next 2 episodes will see the return of Megatron, who I am guessing will be vastly weakened, otherwise the series would end with the obliteration of the Autobots. After that the Cybertronian Autobots should arrive, so it seems the series will be ramping up in intensity towards the end of season 1.

25th March 2008, 06:07 PM

u just have to check the episode guide to find out that the constructicons'episode is coming.;)

25th March 2008, 07:38 PM
Guys, please be aware that discussing future episode plots and character appearances in threads such as this will give unwanted (for some) spoilers.

Either change the colour of the text (to white) with a spoiler note above it, or place a spoiler note with ample white space, or both.

Give others the chance to be surprised by developments, if they wish. You're free to read ahead and know what happens before the series airs, but try to ensure that you're not ruining the experience for others.

I have no interest in Animated myself (and don't care what I find out, I have no plans to watch the series), so I'm not sure just how much of a spoiler the above details _are_, but a user expressed frustration to me at the lack of spoiler tags.

Spoiler edits to above posts (:

25th March 2008, 08:39 PM
Do this instead.

Damn, turn it on Griffin. :)
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25th March 2008, 08:50 PM
MV75, I don't mind how people do it, as long as they ensure that others have the chance to avoid them (:

25th March 2008, 08:54 PM
it didnt really spoil anything

26th March 2008, 10:40 AM
Sorry, I had no intention to spoil.

I have not read the future episode synopsis, was purely guessing from what was shown in the opening minute of the episode, and the way Animated likes to thrown in obvious nods to G1.

26th March 2008, 07:44 PM
No dramas, i_amtrunks. I'm erring on the side of caution. Noone is in trouble (:

29th March 2008, 12:46 AM
It wasn't that bad an episode. it wasn't that much of a great one either. Another shrug by me. Does Optimus' voice sound a bit different to everyone? Or is it just my imagination or sick desire to hear the voice of BW Megatron?