View Full Version : IDW TFs comics panel at SDCC

24th July 2010, 10:53 PM
Since they mentioned a few extra things that weren't in their BotCon presentation, I figured I'd post up a link to details for anyone who still follows their comics.


-Image of Ongoing cover. HOT ROD IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE (this was one of the bullet points on the slide) and Starscream (with a Matrix a la TFTM Galvatron bling!) on the cover choking the crap out of him. Going to Decepticons, lotta crap going down.
-Images of Transformers: Sector Seven covers. Focuses on the Simmons family history.
-Image of one of the Wreckers covers. I kind of didn't pay attention here, oops.
-Drift 3 including Lockdown and to reveal 'secrets of the third faction'.
-No more Spotlights planned until they fill a few holes in canon/tie things together
-Schmidt mentioned that they're going to try to keep a more steady art style for ongoing
-Also mentioned Punch/Counterpunch 4-issue miniseries - no date planned, no information on artist/writer given, just that they're working on it.
-13 has "No comment"; however, Mike Costa mentioned he 'might' have an email with the subject between him and Simon Furman. Andy's note was "We haven't forgotten them, we haven't forgotten Simon"