View Full Version : Toy Review - Animated Rodimus Minor

19th August 2010, 01:42 PM
Toy Review - Rodimus Minor

Series - Animated
Sub-line - N/A
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - N/A
Released here - No (released globally August 2010)
Approximate Retail Price - US$13 (US TRU excl)
Approximate Size - 14cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Futuristic race car
Main Features/Gimmicks - Firing twin-missile launcher
Main Colours - Maroon, orange, grey, gold, blue.
Main Accessories - Energy-bow/missile launcher 2 missiles.


19th August 2010, 03:31 PM
Great figure, looks awesome in both modes. Paint apps are comprehensive and of good quality. Assembly is spot on, poseability is decent and if you transform him right he passes the 'roll test'.

He still suffers from what I call 'typical animated-line problems' (loose joints, poor foot traction, general flimsiness and balance issues) but considerably less-so than other animated toys I've handled. The biggest problem is that the bow doesn't secure into the top of the car very well but that may just be my figure.

I think the orange on the figure is a little too loud but thats a personal thing :p

20th August 2010, 07:26 AM
This is a fantastic figure that makes me miss Animated even more...

The only problem I have with Rodimus is he has no heal spurs...
but that's my only complaint.

20th August 2010, 02:25 PM
Looks great. I love the color. Will be getting this when i goto the States.

20th August 2010, 06:21 PM
Fantastic figure! I tried Griffin's over the weekend was a bit disappointed as it seemed the chest had a tab that didn't click into place and it just flopped there. I opened my own yesterday and quickly realized the windscreen clicks in the back of it holding it very firmly in place, which is common with the rest of the figure. Everything clicks in quite nicely.

Both forms are great! The articulation is excellent. The transformation is fun, and the weapon is pretty neat! Looks great next to Arcee too.

20th August 2010, 07:14 PM
I agree with what everyone else says, my only complaint being that the hands on mine (and one other that I've toyed with at a fan meet) are very loose. Not quite at the flopping with gravity stage but about 97% of the way there.

20th August 2010, 07:19 PM
It's a real shame that it won't be released locally. I reckon they would sell quite well.

Rodimus is getting short-changed with his release much in the same way he was killed off in the first 5 mins of season 3. I feel sorry for him :(

The Scream Man
20th August 2010, 10:04 PM
I rate this in the top 3 of the animated line. Poses well, cool weapon (Though lame alt mode storage) looks awesome in either mode and a simple yet cool transform. LOVE the figure, so glad I got him!

22nd August 2010, 08:23 PM
Great homage to Hot Rod, another nifty Animated transformation that's easy, smooth and not what I initially expect, but I am a little disappointed in the beefcake pose, the Rodimus face on a Hot Rod body, and that the silly weapon that just gets in the way IMHO.

I vote "only if cheap" meaning "regular deluxe price". If you're paying $30+ for this... it's too much.

22nd August 2010, 10:24 PM
Fortunately it has 5mm fist holes and can hold a variety of TF weaponry - the amount of joints in the arms means that you can have it in a bona fide holding rifle scope up to eye to aim at something pose. Love it.

Tetsuwan Convoy
23rd August 2010, 03:47 AM
Great toy. Kind of of found a way to hold his bow in robot mode

And here's s link to my Sons of cybertron version (http://tetstoys.blogspot.com/2010/08/takara-tomy-animated-sons-of-cybertron.html)review.

1st September 2010, 12:53 AM
This makes me sad that the toyline is nearing its end. This is one of thebest examples of Animated figures. Small alt mode with a really large robot mode. Clever transformation and great articulation. With all the stylish curves and oodles of personality and charm the artistic design of the characters the designers have brought out.

I doubt there will be another Transformer line as charming as Animated. I want more!

1st September 2010, 11:57 AM
I thought it was a waste having such a great toy produced for a character that had such a short amount of screen time. This toy deserved whole episodes devoted to it...

1st September 2010, 12:22 PM
I thought it was a waste having such a great toy produced for a character that had such a short amount of screen time. This toy deserved whole episodes devoted to it...

If it's a waste then I'll take the toy off your hands:p

1st September 2010, 01:43 PM
I thought it was a waste having such a great toy produced for a character that had such a short amount of screen time. This toy deserved whole episodes devoted to it...

Naw, it's only flaw was that it was not released while Animated was still on TV. I'm still hoping for that "cosmic rust!" repaint :p

1st September 2010, 01:46 PM
I thought it was a waste having such a great toy produced for a character that had such a short amount of screen time. This toy deserved whole episodes devoted to it...

Maybe He'll get some decent exposure in IDW's animated "Season 4" comic.

That's still coming right? ....RIGHT!?

The Scream Man
1st September 2010, 03:16 PM
Theres going to be an animated season 4 comic?!?!??!

hells yes!!!! insta buy!

1st September 2010, 05:33 PM
I don't understand why Hasbro just didn't include Rodimus, Arcee, Ironhide,
Blackout (He's small enough) and "young" Ratchet in the Generations line...

I thought it was a waste having such a great toy produced for a character that had such a short amount of screen time.
I agree...but I'm guessing we would have seen a lot more of Rodimus
had there been a 4th season.

God I miss Animated...and how about a Season 3 dvd release Hasbro?
I'm waiting! (as are many other fans I'm sure)

2nd September 2010, 09:16 PM
I just recieved the Takara version of Animated Roddy. I'm dissapointed as there are two paint chips and a small scratch on the toy. On the upside the very wine burgundy paintjob looks great (but might not be for everyone) and the joints are very tight so he can hold those awesome poses without doing the splits.

But given the dissapointing quality problems and the fact that you have to revisit the hell that are twistyties, if you already have the Hasbro one this is probably not worth it.

30th September 2010, 09:04 AM
I received this yesterday and I was concerned that the hype I had surrounding this toy that I would be dissapointed. I was wrong. I love this toy. I have to rate it as number1 on my purchases of the year.

30th September 2010, 09:30 AM
I bought the Hasbro version from Icy awhile ago. Awesome toy. Just wish they made a toy for the constructicons too:(:(. They got more screentime and were somehow essential to some of the story episodes yet no toy. Rody shows up in cameo , gets rusty and got a toy:(. ah well at least we got one. ... Omega supreme ... sigh.. I miss animated.

Does anyone know if Hasbro is still gonna release Voyager Thundercracker? There was one in the works, but knowing Hasbro....:rolleyes: