View Full Version : Australian Transformers Connections

30th October 2010, 07:46 PM
Inspired by Scattershot's John Farnham Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=9252) thread, let's try to list all the Aussie connections with Transformers that we can think of or find!

Just off the top of my head:

+ Outback is meant to have an Australian accent and indeed was originally the mascot for OzFormers' printed newsletter! (back in the days when not everyone had internet access at home :p) :D
+ BW Snarl, Tasmania Kid and Bound Rogue all transform into what's meant to be Tasmanian Devils.
+ Star Upper transforms into a boxing kangaroo
+ There's a koala Transformer who appears briefly in Beast Wars Neo. He (or she) never transformed and there's virtually nothing known about him or her. But he (or she) exists. :p
+ Canadian voice actor Scott McNeil (Rattrap, Dinobot, Silverbolt, Waspinator) was born in Australia. Brisbane if I'm not mistaken.
+ Bruticus and Defensor fought against each other in Canberra in The Headmasters episode "The Final Showdown On Earth, Part 1"
+ In the Masterforce episode "Escape!! The Underwater Volcano Explodes", the Headmaster Juniors have to rescue people in Sydney, and the Godmasters battle King Poseidon off the coast.
+ In Binaltech Nemesis Prime once tried to construct his own Matrix by extracting the minds of the inhabitants of an unnamed Australian city.
+ In the Transformers Energon comics, energy was mined at a site in WA.
+ In the live action movie Maggie is an Australian character - played by Australian actress Rachael Taylor, who also met fans at the TF movie premiere at Fox Studios in Sydney. :)
+ Isabel Lucas is an Australian actress
+ Shane McCarthy is an Australian TF comic writer and created Drift - the funky new Autobot that everybody loves long time. ;)
+ The G2 watches were only available in Australia.
+ Alex Kubalsky - the only non-Japanese toy designer at TakaraTOMY, is an Australian.
+ A lot of the special features on the Madman Beast Wars DVDs, like the cast and crew interviews, were produced exclusively by Madman and are only available on their DVDs.
+ The Sabretron 2004 convention exclusive toys are all based on an Australian theme. Firstly the Autobot Chainmasters themselves are meant to be permanently based in Australia under orders from Optimus Prime to defend the Australian continent. Secondly, the characters have some aspect of their personality which is related to Australia (e.g. Breaker loves the surf, Spectre has an affinity for the Aboriginal Dreaming etc.). Thirdly, each toy features an intentionally Australian themed colour scheme (i.e. Breaker is red, white and blue (colours of the AU flag); Spectre is green and yellow (AU sport colours); Minesweeper is red, black and yellow (colours of the Aboriginal flag); and Mudraker is the same colours as Outback, only "reversed").
+ Jordan Raskopoulos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdbN_BNjsew) once cosplayed as Optimus Prime at a Xmas party. He later wore the same costume for his "Transform Your Union!" campaign for Sydney Uni SRC. During this campaign he went around campus in his Optimus Prime costume handing out fliers. ;)

...that's all I can think of for now. :)

30th October 2010, 10:41 PM
Hey... I live in Australia and I collect Transformers! Does that count :D

Sky Shadow
30th October 2010, 11:30 PM
+ Bruticus and Defensor fought against each other in Canberra in The Headmasters episode "The Final Showdown On Earth, Part 1"

I've never made it that far through Headmasters, but now I must watch that episode.

+ In the opening credits of the Japanese version of Animated, Ironhide is in Sydney.
+ In the Cybertron TV series, Jetfire has an Australian accent... for some reason. For a similarly indiscernible reason, Power Bots Sideswipe has something that resembles an Aussie accent. As does Master Disaster from Animated.
+ Botcon Fallback speaks in Australianisms, (because he's meant to be Outback.)
+ Cover artist Trevor Hutchison is the only good thing from Australia to have any connection at all to IDW. Although Nick Roche has been to Australia.

(That's all I can think of so far.)

31st October 2010, 12:30 AM
Megan Fox did a TF-related radio appearance on Australia's own Hamish and Andy program. Isabel Lucas may have been on too at some stage but it probably wasn't for Transformers.

31st October 2010, 06:48 AM
+ Cover artist Trevor Hutchison is the only good thing from Australia to have any connection at all to IDW. Although Nick Roche has been to Australia.


Josh van Reyk is an Australian writer who co-wrote spotlight Jazz.
He's also involved in the running of TF Mosaic, some of which was published.

31st October 2010, 09:27 AM
Although Nick Roche has been to Australia.
That reminds me, Eric Siebenaler lived and worked in Australia for a year.

Megan Fox did a TF-related radio appearance on Australia's own Hamish and Andy program.
Megan Fox also attended the TF movie premiere and press conference in Sydney. As did Michael Bay (and Rachael Taylor as aforementioned).

Some piccies...

Megan Fox at Fox Studios Sydney http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Movie%20Premiere/th_tfm08.jpg

Rachael Taylor @ Fox Studios http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Movie%20Premiere/th_tfm13.jpg

Michael Bay in Sydey http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Movie%20Premiere/th_tfm14.jpg

Deni Hines was also at the Fox Studios premiere (as well as other Australian celebs) http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Movie%20Premiere/th_tfm11.jpg

Eric Siebenaler @ Broadway, Sydney http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/th_eric_laserbeak.jpg

Eric Siebenaler @ the Parramatta Collectables Fair http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Transfan%20Meets/Parramatta%20Meet%20November%202008/th_parrameet_nov08_04.jpg

Jordan Raskopoulos in his Optimus Prime costume http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/th_jordan.jpg

Seraphim Prime
31st October 2010, 06:17 PM
Both Rachel Taylor and Isabelle Lucas are Aussies.

31st October 2010, 06:59 PM
+ Cover artist Trevor Hutchison is the only good thing from Australia to have any connection at all to IDW. Although Nick Roche has been to Australia.


Josh van Reyk and Shane McCarthy come from Australia

31st October 2010, 10:27 PM
This one's a bit of a stretch...

In 2001-2002 a Japanese TF fan known as Tiger Convoy (or 怪軍三等兵 on Japanese boards) came to live in Sydney for a year on a working holiday. During this time he actively interacted with local fans, attending meets in Sydney and Melbourne. Since returning to Japan he continued to contribute to Australian Transfandom by illustrating the convention exclusive posters for OzFormers @ SupaNova 2003 as well as illustrating the cover art and 1/3 of the actual artwork for the convention exclusive comic book "On Devil's Ground." He also did the character designs for the comic, which was set in War Within continuity including a War Within Cliffjumper (at the time the comic was being written, WWi Cliffjumper hadn't appeared yet, hence why our model differed from DW's), WWi Roadrage, WWi Crosscut as well as the design variations (e.g. different faces) for Tiger Tracks, Deepcover and Clampdown (cos otherwise they'd all look too similar in a black and white comic!). Since returning to Japan he also got a job at Takara, but alas not working on their Transformers division, but rather for Microman - who are of course a close cousin of Transformers. :) He stopped working for Takara shortly before their merger with TOMY though.


Tiger Convoy (bottom left) @ a fan meet in Sydney http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Transfan%20Meets/th_sydmeet.jpg

Tiger Convoy (back middle) @ a meet in Melbourne http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Transfan%20Meets/th_melbmeet.jpg ...look at all those pegwarming Beast Machines toys at CBD Myer!

That girl running in the foreground is one of the Microman toys that Tiger Convoy had a hand in designing http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Famous%20Covers/th_cover_027.jpg (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Transformers/Famous%20Covers/cover_027.jpg)

18th November 2010, 05:40 AM
On a complete tangent, whenever I hear "Tiger Convoy", I imagine a heavily remolded version of Super Ginrai where the trailer turns into a giant anthropomorphic tiger-dude (with a truck-chest, obviously). It'd probably have stripes on the sides in trailer mode, too.

Still. Half-transformerised were-tiger. Weird.