I love these figures, they are the cornerstone of my collection and I have an entire room dedicated to display them. I bought my two subs and I am even contemplating a third but this line has been managed so poorly that it isn't funny any more.

A few months ago I would have called myself a matty apologist but looking at the big picture I can see just how much TG has bungled his way through this far.

DCUC and MOTUC were held afloat by their respective fandoms and the sculptors/designers. The only thing that Scott can get credit for is bullshitting his way past upper management to show he is the mastermind of the success of the brand. I look at it no differently as the way he has bullshitted the fandom who have supported this line.

There is no, he is a fan first and foremost. That is a load of crap. He is an employee of Mattel first and foremost and one with a huge superiority complex.

Earlier this year, he stated that he is pushing for a natural progression of the mythos which would now focus on the King He-Man era, the same era that features his Gary Stu character. The man has a God complex. For every good he has done he has done just as much bad.

:End Rant: