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Thread: Europa 2016 - Place your bets!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Missed out the pre game but at least I didn't miss out on the big event this year!

    200 on Blurr to win.
    100 on the Trifecta of Blurr, Chromia and Dragstrip
    100 on the Trifecta of Chromia, Blurr and Streetwise
    Collection Count (w/ a 12.42% upsize): 3053
    New Family Members: DA-15 Jetwing Prime, DOTM Leader Ironhide, Perfect Effect Reflector, DOTM Shockwave & Skyhammer, eHobby United 3-packs
    Current Desires: Japanese BW Optimal Optimus
    The Holy Grail: Ultmetal Optimus Prime

    Visit the Wonderful World of: The Iacon City Hub-Capital Collection

  2. #12
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    20 on a Blurr / Chromia Quinella

    10 on Blurr to win
    10 on Chromia to win

    5 on Drift to place
    5 on Dirt Boss to place

  3. #13
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    30 on first 4
    Blurr, Chromia, Dragstrip, streetwise

    30 on Dragstrip to place

    30 on Trifecta
    Blurr, Dragstrip, Chromia

    75 on Blurr to win\

    go hard or Go Home!
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Almost forgot!!

    20 on a Trifecta - Chromia, Blurr, Streetwise
    20 on Chromia to win
    10 on Dirt Boss to place
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  5. #15
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    $25 on Trifecta of Chromia, Wheelie, and Drift

    $75 on Wheelie win!

    $25 on First 4 of Drift, Blurr, Drag Strip, and Streetwise

    $25 on Quinella of Dirt Boss, and Drift

    I'm going for the spray and pray approach.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  6. #16
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008

    Default IT'S OVER!

    The Europa 2016

    Ace Caller: Welcome everyone to the Europa 2016 cross country race! It's a festive atmosphere here today in Central City, at least 300,000 people have gathered around the street circuit to witness the start of this iconic annual event. My name is Ace Caller and lessons learnt from previous years means that I finally have no co-commentator today!
    BW Megatron: Yeees, for today you find yourself with a PRO-commentator. I am Lord Megatron, your commentating superior.
    Ace Caller: Uh what, you need to remove yourself from this box sir. Otherwise I will need to call security
    BW Megatron: But I have a press pass
    Ace Caller: Let me see that. Hmm looks legit but I gotta call management to confirm, I wasn't informed of this
    BW Megatron: Please, do call your precious management, I implore you, but I believe you will find that all my papers are in order.
    Ace Caller (on phone): Is that right? 20th anniversary of whatnow? Well you told ME last week that I would be--- He transforms into a ... OK, alright, I'll roll with it, YES, YES, bye, BYE
    BW Megatron: Shall we proceed?
    Ace Caller: *sigh* YES, lord Megatron. While I was on the phone with management it looks like the racers took their place at the starting line. Lights RED, lights YELLOW, lights GREEN and they're off!

    LEG 1: Central City
    Ace Caller: CARNAGE OFF THE STARTING LINE, DIRT BOSS rolls over Drift, Drag Strip, Streetwise and Blurr. Blurr, Streetwise and Drag Strip, cop the worst of it getting buffeted by multiple debris fields.
    BW Megatron: This is most entertaining! Here I was thinking this was going to be some boring charity event on wheels
    Ace Caller: Drift manages to regain some precious ground with some sweet drifting, the carnage doesn't bother Chromia or Wheelie either who uses the pandemonium to gain some ground. Chromia does a cheeky slip under Dirt Boss' wheels to take the lead.
    Ace Caller: At the end of leg 1 it is Chromia first, Dirt Boss second, Wheelie and Drift equal third with Streetwise, Drag Strip and Blurr filling out the rest of the order
    BW Megatron: and feeling very sore indeed I imagine

    LEG 2: Paprika Plain
    Ace Caller: Paprika Plain is a mainstay of the Europa race. Races have been won and lost on this track. Will this year be different?
    BW Megatron: Chromia, Blurr, Drag Strip an Wheelie appear to be struggling on this terrain, why even that daft punk Scorponok could crawl faster than them right now
    Ace Caller: Meanwhile Streetwise and Drift appear to have been incensed by their defeat by Dirt Boss last leg with both racers overtaking the Decepticon. Thankfully Dirt Boss has done no overtaking this leg, sparing these beautiful red plains from the litter of wreckage.
    BW Megatron: Yes, a real shame
    Ace Caller: At the end of this leg Drift leads, followed by Chromia and Streetwise head to head then Dirt Boss, Wheelie with Drag Strip and Blurr straggling way behind

    LEG 3: Carbomya City
    Ace Caller: Carbomya City opens it's gates yet again this year to the Europa 2016 race. What will the twisty streets yield?
    BW Megatron: I hear this place is built on the wealth of energon, I shall add it to the list of places we Predacons must conquer and exploit.
    Ace Caller: I'm pretty sure the United States has beaten you to it Megatron
    BW Megatron: Lord Megatron, and these states will crumble before the might of Cybertron.
    Ace Caller: Yes yes, it seems like the dust and maze of streets is thwarting most racers except for Streetwise and Drift who are very much in their element. Streetwise performs better and snags the lead. The standings are Streetwise first, followed by Drift, then Chromia and Dirtboss equal third, then Wheelie with Blurr and Drag Strip, our iconic racers, tied for last. What is going on with these two???
    BW Megatron: Just proves that aerodynamics are just no match for pure animal instinct, and VTOL thrusters of course.
    Ace Caller: Right...
    BW Megatron: Trust me you don't want to meet my right hand
    Ace Caller: That is just wrong on so many terrifying levels
    BW Megatron: So many TERRORIZING levels. Yeeees

    LEG 4: Galata Valley
    Ace Caller: The racers enter the Galata Valley, the change in environment wakes something up in Drag Strip, Wheelie and Chromia and all three racers gain valuable ground with Chromia slipping ahead of Drift to steal the lead. Could this be a turning point in the race?
    BW Megatron: Urg fembots, today they're winning races for you, tomorrow they're off gallavanting with some white knight chimera. TYPICAL
    Ace Caller: I'd take a white knight chimera over a purple dinosaur
    BW Megatron: What was that Ace?
    Ace Caller: *cough* Streetwise is not loving this terrain at all and loses 2 places. It's Chromia first, Drift second, Streetwise and Dirt Boss equal third, Wheelie fourth, Drag Strip fifth and Blurr in the rear.

    LEG 5: Continental Expressway
    Ace Caller: This is the first time the Europa has been run on the brand new continental expressway. I have a feeling the racers are going to appreciate something flat under their wheels after the last two legs.
    BW Megatron: You know, if you all knew how to travel on two legs you wouldn't need an overengineered length of concrete slab to get places.
    Ace Caller: Now thats not fair, your feet are quite large Megatron
    BW Megatron: LORD Megatron if you don't want to experience them first foot.
    Ace Caller: Sorry LORD Megatron!
    BW Megatron: Now now, less cowering and more commentating my junior co-host. I believe something interesting is about to transpire. Yes.
    Ace Caller: Dirt Boss creeps up on both Wheelie and Streetwise, Wheelie manages to evade but Streetwise gets ground under the wheels of the merciless monster truck! Blurr's hyperfire engine finally delivers only to have him speed face first into Streetwise's debris. The mess also hampers progress for Drag Strip. Chromia and Drift manage to keep their lead and avoid the mayhem.
    BW Megatron: Yeees, now this what I call a race. Go Dirt Bosser go!
    Ace Caller: Chromia leads, Drift bites at her heels, followed by Wheelie, Dirt Boss, Streetwise and Blurr and Drag Strip in the rear.

    LEG 6: Lake Bartels
    Ace Caller: The racers turn off at the offramp for Lake Bartels. A serene place now woken by the roar of engines and rattling of tyres.
    BW Megatron: A serene place indeed. A place of ambush and TERROR.
    Ace Caller: Blurr's hyperfire engine works at maximum power once again. Try ambushing that.
    BW Megatron: That is fast indeed. I need to get my hands on that engine.
    Ace Caller: Thats two legs in a row now that the engine is powering at aximum capacity, if it continues to perform at this level it might get fried.
    BW Megatron: Such power. Yes. It shall be mine.
    Ace Caller: Despite being able to use their special abilities, Streetwise and Dirt Boss are really struggling this leg. Chromia is still fighting to keep her lead over Drift, followed by Wheelie, Dirt Boss, Streetwise, Blurr hot on his trail and poor Drag Strip far behind in the rear.

    LEG 7: Chase Airfields
    Ace Caller: We are now at Chase Airfields, hundreds of acres of flat grippy tarmac and the closest thing this race has to a drag strip.
    BW Megatron: Well except for that handsome young Decepticon named Drag Strip. He kind of reminds me of Quickstrike on wheels.
    Ace Caller: Well Drag Strip may have an opportunity to do some quick striking of his own given that Dirt Boss and Wheelie have just stalled!
    BW Megatron: An opportunity indeed, for more TERROR
    Ace Caller: A prophetic statement indeed, a slow Dirt Boss means that Streetwise falls victim to the road demon's grindhouse wheels again! Debris from the attack hurts poor Blurr who was just about to make a move on Dirt Boss as well as the perennially unfortunate Drag Strip who is having a horror race. As the racers exit the airfield gates it's Chromia clearly in the lead, followed by Drift, Wheelie, Dirt Boss, Blurr and Streetwise jointly in 5th with Drag Strip in last place.
    BW Megatron: I hope nobody is looking to land on this field anytime soon. Muhahahahaha.

    LEG 8: Crown City
    Ace Caller: Crown City is the final leg of this Europa 2016 race. The race can really only be won by Drift or Chromia at this stage. Will Chromia be able to hold off Drift's racing expertise in this city course? Or will Drift hardness the divine wind to clench victory?
    BW Megatron: I wonder if this city is one of those Titan Masters that everyone seems to be raging about. Perhaps after this race I shall lead an expedition, or rather, I shall send some of my incompetent minions on an expedition to unlock the power of this City.
    Ace Caller: Chromia races strongly. Wheelie falters somewhat in this new environment. Blurr stalls which finally puts Drag Strip within DRS range for the overtake! Likewise, Streetwise sees blood in Dirt Boss' tail lights and overtakes with police precision. Drift is loving the streets of Crown City and quickly closes the gap with Chromia. WHAT AN EXCITING LEG. WE'VE NEVER SEEN SO MANY OVERTAKES IN A SINGLE LEG. WILL CHROMIA HOLD OFF DRIFT TO BECOME THE FIRST WINNER OF THE EUROPA RACE ON TWO WHEELS? As we come around the final bend... it's Chromia! Chromia is in front. Chromia leads the race by at least one car length. Drift is hot on her heels but can't seem to muster enough power to overtake. Chromia wins the Europa 2016 race!

    The results are:

    Summary of Results

    1st: Chromia
    2nd: Drift (+2)
    3rd: Wheelie & Streetwise (+10)
    4th: Dirt Boss (+11)
    5th: Drag Strip (+13)
    6th: Blurr (+15)

    Well thats it for the Europa 2016 folks! The payouts are as below:

    Congratulations to Seraphim Prime and Borgeman who have made modest profits of 15 credits and 30 credits respectively. This race has been a huge upset for Blurr who has never once placed last in all previous time trials. I'm sure the punters who backed him are upset too, will he dare show his face again next year after such an embarrassing result?

    BW Megatron: An enjoyable test of speed and skill indeed
    Ace Caller: Well Lord Megatron, I know it's not saying much but you've been a surprisingly good co-commentator
    BW Megatron: PRO-commentator young Ace. Likewise, it's been a real treat. Anyway, now that the citizens of earth have given me free entry into this city I shall now proceed to tear it apart in the search for energon and ancient power.
    Ace Caller: Taxi!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Woo! Profits. I thought Chromias ability was a stronger than probably perceived, and was over the odds on a win, blurr rolling up to 8 was a bit of a smokescreen (nothing like a sneak tf pun!)
    A shame Dirt boss just missed the placings, he was a potential sleeper hit if he had the right legs at the right time.

    Thanks lint!
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  8. #18
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008



    I think the thing that was underestimated was Dirt Boss' special ability, which affected everyone right at the start, and then Blurr could never get out from behind him so was sadly hampered for most of the race.

    Thanks once again Lint for a wonderfully entertaining race!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Well, it looks like the real winner this time is the house

    Again, a very enjoyable event thank you Lint and congrats to the few winners.

    Interesting that Dirtboss didn't appear to have any real effect on drivers in the time trials but when he got in front at the start he managed to really cause some problems.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    Thanks Lint!

    Very enjoyable, and curses on no pay outs!
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

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