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Thread: TR Horri-Bull, Fangry and Squeezeplay WIP thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011

    Default TR Horri-Bull, Fangry and Squeezeplay WIP thread

    I was commissioned to create Horri-Bull, Fangry and Squeezplay from TR Skullsmasher, Wolfwire and Twinferno respectively. This thread will be a WIP thread for the ongoing creation of them. I expect it will take a couple of months, and I will update the thread when I can until they are done.

    I went back and forth with the commissioner about ideas, and concepts, switching out weapons and using official Titan masters for the heads (there are ones for Horri-Bull and Fangry, and I believe Crashbash is supposed to be Squeezeplay - can anyone confirm this?). I had a great idea for Squeezeplay and took the following "fan-mode" picture to illustrate a potential alt mode proof-of-concept:

    I would of course remove the tail sections and add a monster head, but you get the general idea. The idea was nixed though, so Squeezeplay will be almost a straight repaint only, without Twinferno's wings, which would be donated to Fangry.

    I really wanted Horri-Bull to look like a bull and not an alligator with horns, so I used my new-found resin casting abilities (lol whatever) to make a mock up of the head and rear legs to try and get another look going for Horri-Bull. I wasn't able to successfully cast the back legs - the shapes and forms were too convoluted to cast with my meagre skills, but the original G1 had pretty stumpy back legs so I'm happy to leave it at that. The front legs can be raised up slightly so his chest isn't flat to the ground in alt mode, like so:

    The resin cast head was useful. To get the bull-not-gator look, I wanted to shorten the snout, I did so by marking out (in pink) the section I wanted to remove from the middle and cutting it in 2 with a Dremel.

    I also did a rough cast (very very rough) of the horns from Fansproject Cubrar (not-Slag) to stick on the sides of the new head. I snuck the snout end to the head section with yellow plasticine. Remember, this is just to see if what was in my head would actually work in practice. The first pic is with only one horn on so you can see the profile of the head, the rest are with both horns, which I reckon look bad-ass, perfect for a monstrous 'Con.

    ...and then I had a brainwave. Why not flip the snout end upside down, to give him an underbite?

    Even better, IMO. The commissioner agreed, and we're off to the races.

    To accommodate Twinferno's gun for Horri-Bull's gun and double tail, I need to make a few small alterations to the robot legs/gator butt:

    And I also needed to carve off Twinferno's dragon head horns:

    If you're interested to see what the 3 base figures look like disassembled (as much as I was able save for a couple of one way pins that I couldn't confidently shift), here are all the pieces:

    I did have a small breakage issue with Wolfwire's back, but it is not a vital piece so it won't effect the toy in either mode or in transformation at all, or be particularly noticeable unless you are looking for it, so I'm not fussed.

    For the sake of it, here's Wolfwire's wolf head disassembled. I'm including it as it is not a side of TF toys one often sees, and I can say from experience of taking them apart, it has seriously deepened my appreciation for the work that has gone into creating the toys in the first place.

    Next step is finishing and modding the pieces as I need to, and then cleaning/prepping before sanding, priming, & painting. Further updates as I do more.

    M-Bot's Customs logo by M-bot2011

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
    I believe Crashbash is supposed to be Squeezeplay - can anyone confirm this?
    I can confirm, he was renamed to Crashbash for copyright reasons but it's the same character.
    Looking forward to how these go, it's interesting to see what people can come up with for the heads that have been released without bodies

  3. #3
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    great use of casting! look forward to the next update

  4. #4
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Keen to see the end result

  5. #5
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    Did a decent amount of work on Horri-Bull this weekend.

    Firstly, I finished off the head build, some trimming, shaving and filing here and there.

    Gave it a primer coat before painting, which showed up a few flaws that I will now need to correct before laying down the first coats of colour.

    But overall, pretty happy with the way it's coming out. Managed to ditch the crocodile/alligator look quite well I think.

    I also wanted to try and fabricate some new shoulder pieces, especially the ball joints so I can eliminate paint rub. I used my new-found casting abilities, as well as some resin pigments I picked up, so now I can cast in colour. I was aiming for blue, but I didn't put enough pigment in the first one, so it came out light blue. The second and third cast came out great, just perfect.

    All I need to do now is drill a hole in the pieces and they are ready for assembly - no paint required!

    I also did some mods to Twinferno's gun, which will be the double barrelled gun/tail for Horri-Bull, which involved filing down the twin handles and casting a new peg/handel for the centre. I cut a corresponding grove into Horri-Bull's robot legs/bull hind quarters to slot the gun in there, like the G1 toy.

    Lastly, I also filled in the toes/claws on the rear legs, to better match the G1 model.

    Then, the rest of the pieces were primed.

    Should be ready to start laying down some colour in the next week or so.

    M-Bot's Customs logo by M-bot2011

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    7th Apr 2010


    Like like like like like
    WANTED BOTS: G1: Horri-bull, Snarler, Mainframe, Chop Shop, Ransack CHUG: Spin Out, Cordon, Brotropolis Rescue MASTERPIECE: Acid Storm
    ENERGON: Six Shot

  7. #7
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2012
    St Clair


    Really looking forward to seeing these progress, I smell some awesome customs
    Dapto Dog for 2017

  8. #8
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    lovin it, you've done well with the head

  9. #9
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Looking good!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    'Bout time I did an update!

    First coat of paint laid down on Terri-Bull, including a fluoro pink that is pretty bold. The blue and the grey are custom mixed lacquers by SMS.

    Partial reassembly. I couldn't fully reassemble due to issues with the shoulder pieces that I cast in resin (I'll go into more detail later). You can see the gun/tail here too, which I created using Twinferno's gun (he wasn't going to be using it as Squeezeplay), with some styrene "wings" to better mimic the G1 toy.

    At this point, I also attempt the movements necessary for transformation to see where the rub points are. There are quite a few.

    I sand these pieces down and repaint them later, then reassemble and retest for clearances.

    More of the gun/tail. I cast a new central peg with a flat plate out of resin and attached it to the underside so he can hold it as a gun properly when in robot mode, and carved out a peg hole in the rear of the alt-mode butt for it to sit in. It's a smidge clunky looking, but no worse than the G1 toy was.

    On to Squeezeplay! After a bit of back-and-forward with the commissioner of these pieces, we decided on this configuration from the Twinferno mould:

    We decided that it wasn't possible to do a slavish copy of the original, but it was just going to be a representation of the character, with some liberties taken. I carved off Twinferno's horns dragon and de-winged him. I also cast a head (in purple) from an RID Quillfire to act as the monster/alt-mode head. It will stick on the back of the titan master legs, and he can rotate his head around for monster mode and robot mode.

    Here's the first coat of paint down. Very few rub points to be concerned about as the robot and monster modes are very similar configurations.

    Here's the work so far on Fangry, from the Wolfwire mould. I was initially going to use the wings from Twinferno, but I got a cheap TR Mindwipe, took the wings off, carved them down some with the dremel, and created a new peg (cast in black resin) that will attach to his back in alt-mode and his arm in robot mode.

    Here's the first coat of paint. I dulled down the hot pink a little from the one I used on Horri-Bull, as it will be a far prominent colour on Fangry.

    There were a couple of pieces that have ball joints, and I wasn't confident that I was going to get good results through just painting. Instead, I tried dying the pieces black using Rit DyeMore synthetic dye. Basically heating a mixture of dye and water to just short of boiling point and soaking the pieces for 15-20 minutes. Came up a treat!

    It doesn't perfectly cover the blue pieces, but I can now paint all but the ball piece of the ball joint and it will look great, without creating rub points! I also dyed 2 of the alt mode feet.

    I had to completely re-do the body, as I chose not to prime the pieces first, and the slightly different plastics were incompatible with the pink paint, and the paint flaked right off. Once I'd primed and repainted, they came out fine.

    Reassembly, using the official Fangry titan master:

    When I reassembled the alt-mode head, I initially didn't paint the inner soft plastic pieces (with the exception of the eyes, which are green), as they were already pink. But, then I discovered that the pink paint I was using does something absolutely awesome under a black light...

    Same on Horri-Bull:

    Added a whole new dimension I was not expecting. I went back and painted the inserts in Fangry's alt mode head and OMG...

    Seriously, it looks like I've put LEDs in there. Which I haven't. And all done completely by accident.

    Anyway, headed towards the home stretch with these guys. More final updates soon!

    M-Bot's Customs logo by M-bot2011

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