Hi, the following items are in stock.

▶️ Zeta Toys ZA-03 ZA03 Armageddon Blitzkrieg - Transformers Masterpiece MP Bruticus Onslaught

♦️Price: AUD 162

▶️ MechFansToys Mech Fans Toys MFT MF-34 MF34 Huge Dragon - Transformers Legends Scale Omega Supreme

♦️Price: AUD 63

▶️ Gigapower GP HQ02R HQ-02R Grassor Chrome - Transfromers Masterpiece MP Slag

♦️Price: AUD 152

♦️Shipping cost guide
Australia - AUD 16 / AUD 36

* Currency option on top left corner of website
* Prices excludes shipping from Singapore