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Thread: Modern society sucks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007

    Default Modern society sucks

    Modern society sucks specially when crap like this is made into a cult Icon:

    If the four horsemen arrive now I would just walk up to them and say:

    "YOU'RE LATE!!!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    His debut single, a cover of the Beastie Boys' 1986 hit '(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party!)', is topping mobile ringtone charts and putting him in an illustrious club along with Crazy Frog, Gummi Bear and the Snuggle Bunny.
    Classy yeh. Thankyou shameless commercialism and channel 10 for being the responsible network they are.

    I look forward to more videos on you tube of this guy being beaten up in parks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Western Sydney


    My first thought when I read this was "Big Brother?", and I see I was not far off at all.

    It's sad that someone can get fame and fortune from doing something stupid, and not taking any responsibility for it. I'd feel completely different about Corey Worthington if he had the guts to hang around and cop his punishment on the chin after his "party".
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    I'd feel completely different about Corey Worthington if he was a girl with fake boobs and only went on Big Brother to further her modelling career!
    Otherwise he's just scum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    The irony of him topping the ringtone charts with a cover...

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  6. #6
    MV75's Avatar
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    Yea, I've been stewing over this one for the last few weeks. How dare he butcher such a classic.

    And yes, what have we come to when a society worships and embraces an undisciplined brat?
    Buy herbalaire
    Last edited by MV75; 11th March 2011 at 09:23 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    I'd feel completely different about Corey Worthington if he was a girl with fake boobs and only went on Big Brother to further her modelling career!
    Strangely enough, I think he might actually have more brains than Bridgette.

    Don't get me wrong, I detest the guy and what he's done and his lack of responsibility. But i've followed him in the house and he does have moments where he actually is a decent human being. Helping out with the cooking, showing concern when his fellow HM's are upset. Of course those moments are minor and the majority of the time he's a disrespectful little beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

    Why do a lot of people (and not just teenagers, 20-somethings as well) look up to the guy and respect him? Because he knows how to have a good time and doesn't care what happens to have that good time.

    It's a typical case of "being a rebel". They've been worshipped for generations, the only difference now is it's so much easier for him to gain exposure.

    Sure, "responsible" media outlets could deny him that exposure, but they'd also be denying themselves profit.

    You know what though? He's not worth getting upset over, he's not worth getting pissed off at. Just sit back and take comfort in the knowledge that you, as a person, have probably done more good in a week than he'll do in a year.

    And take comfort in the fact that while he may make all this money, you just know that by the time he's 30 he'll be a washed up has been pumping his weekly labourer allowance into the poker machines at his local pub where no one will remember him or the crap he pulled.

  8. #8
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    Come on boys its time to join me in the IAA [International Anarchist Army]

    all we do is raise hell and teach idiots like this and channel 10 a lesson in morals and social responsibilty

    yeah modern society sucks i wanna go back to the 20's

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Burn View Post
    Strangely enough, I think he might actually have more brains than Bridgette.

    Don't get me wrong, I detest the guy and what he's done and his lack of responsibility. But i've followed him in the house and he does have moments where he actually is a decent human being. Helping out with the cooking, showing concern when his fellow HM's are upset. Of course those moments are minor and the majority of the time he's a disrespectful little beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

    Why do a lot of people (and not just teenagers, 20-somethings as well) look up to the guy and respect him? Because he knows how to have a good time and doesn't care what happens to have that good time.

    It's a typical case of "being a rebel". They've been worshipped for generations, the only difference now is it's so much easier for him to gain exposure.

    Sure, "responsible" media outlets could deny him that exposure, but they'd also be denying themselves profit.

    You know what though? He's not worth getting upset over, he's not worth getting pissed off at. Just sit back and take comfort in the knowledge that you, as a person, have probably done more good in a week than he'll do in a year.

    And take comfort in the fact that while he may make all this money, you just know that by the time he's 30 he'll be a washed up has been pumping his weekly labourer allowance into the poker machines at his local pub where no one will remember him or the crap he pulled.
    I wish I had the above mind set but I don't. Its also not like the old fashion 'Rebel' of old who went against the doctrines of society in his life style. People these days worship morally bankrup people who benefit at the expense of others. People these days are worshiped for gaining 'fame', it doesn't matter how its achieved as long as they appear constantly in the media.

    Basically Infamy has been confused with fame and it doesn't matter how you obtained this 'fame' as long as you get it. We live in a morally bankrupt society.

    The other thing is that this guy is probably going to come out of this with more than enough money for him to buy his own home if he wishes to do so. I know that he would likely waste it all on garbage beforehand but the point is that he will be earning the amount that someone spends 20-30+ years in honest and hard work in just a few months for acting like moron at the expense of others or by doing something which he clearly knows is morally wrong not to proof a point but to get attention.

    I personally don't blame Correy at all, I blame society as this guy would be nothing without its praise and approval and the media would not be giving him so much exposure because there would be no profit in it.
    Last edited by kup; 13th May 2008 at 04:25 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I don't have enough words to express my utter and absolute disdain for the brat. There are more people worthy of fame and regard than this snotty, self-obssessed, conniving, self-serving runt.

    Just the other day, I was somewhat surprised and impressed to find an article about one of the house mates who had been evicted had found himself to be more tolerable. That I felt was good positive to take away from the show. It's the type of message that i'd like to see come from these things which for the most part are an exercise is social decay.

    However, not long later we have this pathetic excuse for a human being being glorified. The sad part of it for me is how many kids out there are actually devouring this lack of substance.

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