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Thread: anyone is happily/unhappily on NBN?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Well hit my first snag in getting my nbn service. Called Aussie Broadband to see if it was possible yet to preorder the nbn through them.

    As it turns out nbnco has put me on a temporary POI and very few companies are going to spend the money to connect their backhaul to any temporary POI since it will be going away in the near future and that money is basically flushed down the drain.

    Fortunately Telstra is connected to the POI so I can get the nbn, but on the congested Telstra network.

    At least Aussie BB was honest about the situation. Also they said that since I'm going to be on FTTN my area should be turned on in April when nbnco says it will be. Apparently nbnco have been keeping their dates for FTTN connections, but other connection methods are behind. *cough HFC cough*

  2. #32
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Well hit my first snag in getting my nbn service. Called Aussie Broadband to see if it was possible yet to preorder the nbn through them.

    As it turns out nbnco has put me on a temporary POI and very few companies are going to spend the money to connect their backhaul to any temporary POI since it will be going away in the near future and that money is basically flushed down the drain.

    Fortunately Telstra is connected to the POI so I can get the nbn, but on the congested Telstra network.

    At least Aussie BB was honest about the situation. Also they said that since I'm going to be on FTTN my area should be turned on in April when nbnco says it will be. Apparently nbnco have been keeping their dates for FTTN connections, but other connection methods are behind. *cough HFC cough*
    Best of luck with it all. NBN can take a looonnnnggg time. I waited 6 months to fix (aka replace a modem) on an existing HFC connection. Keep using your mobile data and playing single player games like Horizon Zero Dawn until it is connected. I learnt NBN is untouchable and no matter what you do, until your wait is atleast 6 mths you are COMPLETELY at their mercy.

    I wanted a Skymesh NBN (in the meantime they were sold and went south) and quicky churned to AussieBB (can't complain) but I have a HFC connection which they are postponing installs indefinitely so i cannot even think about churning.

    Aussie are great* (imo) so PM me (anyone) and we can both get a free month if I refer you.

    * I am a skeptic, maybe Aussie are building such a great reputation so the can sell themselves (like Skymesh) and tank when bought out (like Skymesh).
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  3. #33
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Not getting NBN here for god knows how long, it’s only in the “planning” stage yet we had door to door reps from Telstra trying to flog heir service... I laughed and told them to go away. Nice enough chaps laughed as well. Even their reps know it is ridiculous (plus why would I be dumb enough to sign up with them) with all the negative (and honestly all you hear is negative) about their general service and services let alone the additional problems involved in the NBN.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #34
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Not getting NBN here for god knows how long, it’s only in the “planning” stage yet we had door to door reps from Telstra trying to flog heir service... I laughed and told them to go away. Nice enough chaps laughed as well. Even their reps know it is ridiculous (plus why would I be dumb enough to sign up with them) with all the negative (and honestly all you hear is negative) about their general service and services let alone the additional problems involved in the NBN.
    Yeah Optus here has had a sign out the front of their stores saying the nbn is "available now" in basically every single suburb in Gladstone that it's actually not available in. My Mum was like "just go in and see them they will get you the nbn thing you want". They are clearly trying to sucker people into a contract that don't know any better.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    I think its three years till nbn comes to us lol

  6. #36
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    I got my install appointment for the nbn. Yay!!!. Just two more weeks on Telstra's craptacular ADSL connection that Telstra should have been replaced years ago.

    EDIT: Just called Telstra to find out what my ETF will be for cutting the ADSL and going to Aussie BB. The lady claimed that Telstra owns the nbn and I would only get the best speeds if I stayed with Telstra. I might call the ACCC to let them know about these blatant lies Telstra is telling.
    Last edited by DELTAprime; 11th May 2018 at 04:30 PM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Well I'm on the nbn now. I would be 100% happy, except as it turns out when Telstra built the copper network here in the 70s they didn't use the shortest routes. So while the node is only 150 to 200 meters away if I walk there, it's actually 590m via copper.

    I'm only getting 42mbps down, 13mbps up thanks to Telstra's shitty design.

    I can probably get a full 50/20 service by having a sparky rewire the house, which I intended to do anyway, but that's the best I can get.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Apparently we are getting nbn in oct/dec. Who is best to go to for nbn?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Apparently we are getting nbn in oct/dec. Who is best to go to for nbn?
    Aussie Broadband. Unlike most nbn providers they actually buy enough CVC that you don't get slowdown in peak periods. Also their call centre is in Australia.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Ours street is due by September this year but, the bad news is its hfc.

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