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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #451
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    It goes to show that every other sci-fi genre takes cues from Transformers though. Grimlock in TF4 was waaaay to big to be the approximate size of a T-Rex and the T-Rex in last nights Dr Who episode was freakin huge!
    They did handwave the T-Rex being too big though in the episode.

    It's cool that ABC have started showing the episodes "live" in the morning and that they are going to keep doing it apparently. Great to wake up on Sunday and watch a new episode on the recorder right away.

  2. #452
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    29th Dec 2007


    Nice to see a Doctor who isn't tumblr bait again. Looking forward to the Disney channel companion buggering off, hope we get someone like Donna again.

  3. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    Nice to see a Doctor who isn't tumblr bait again. Looking forward to the Disney channel companion buggering off, hope we get someone like Donna again.
    Ugh! My wife and I couldn't stand Donna! Though I totally see your point about having a more challenging counterpart for the Doc. Personally bring back Companions like Leela or Peri Brown I say

  4. #454
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    (the way that he allowed Clara to believe that he was abandoning her was interesting).
    "the Doctor always lies"

  5. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    It's cool that ABC have started showing the episodes "live" in the morning and that they are going to keep doing it apparently. Great to wake up on Sunday and watch a new episode on the recorder right away.

    It was great having something to wait up 'til but also the fact that from 6:30am onward, the Ep/s are available for streaming (100% Free) via ABC iView - ALL DAY!

    This was an alright episode, I feel new Doctors always need more than a single episode in order to really make the role theirs, and I think Capaldi is doing well (I liked that they played up his Scottish-ness, still not Ginger though ) but I also approve of any Ep with Strax & Vastra - They're great characters.

  6. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    but I also approve of any Ep with Strax & Vastra - They're great characters.
    Freakin LOVE Strax! He's had some of the best funny one-liners in the last few seasons to my mind

  7. #457
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    I'm getting a little over Strax and Vastra myself, they're good characters but one of the best things about Dr Who is the constant changing of locations and side characters, these characters and their time period are popping up a little too regularly for my liking.
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  8. #458
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    Hmm, they don't seem to pop up any more often than Rose's family, Martha's family, or Donna's family did in previous series. And how often has The Doctor visited 2000-2015 London in the New Who?

    Clara doesn't have a well established supporting cast back home, so these guys kind of fill that role. And in this episode they fill the same kind of role as Rose's family did in The Christmas Invasion to help the companion deal with the Doctor's refegeneration.

  9. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Hmm, they don't seem to pop up any more often than Rose's family, Martha's family, or Donna's family did in previous series. And how often has The Doctor visited 2000-2015 London in the New Who?

    Clara doesn't have a well established supporting cast back home, so these guys kind of fill that role. And in this episode they fill the same kind of role as Rose's family did in The Christmas Invasion to help the companion deal with the Doctor's refegeneration.
    I guess that's fair enough, it just felt to me that they were there a lot in the last season.
    And it feels a bit different when they return to someones home in modern times, it's their home base and the Companion wants to visit, to spend time and say hello. Clara does have a family in modern England doesn't she? I thought she did.

    A few seasons ago I would have said that a Giant T-Rex in the Thames would have had the entire population out of joint for years but there have been a few occasions of that now, unlike a lot of the earlier Seasons (of the modern incarnation) where most events, even though large in scale were mostly covert or self contained and wouldn't have necessarily entered the general populaces consciousness.

    there are a few examples now of that not being the case, the steam punk cybermen, the massive Dalek invasion, the Little Fat critters (that I can't think of the name of off the top of my head), even the episode Angels take manhatten went a bit overboard to a situation that's un-hideable.

    I've always found the relative quiet of the doctors adventures to be one of the big selling points. Him, his Companion and a small group of others, are aware of a serious problem, dastardly deed that potentially nearly wipes out Humanity, or all of creation but save for that small group, most of the world goes about it's day to day existence none the wiser. A massive T-Rex coughing up a phone booth in central London has to be something that sticks in the public mind for a while.

    wow, that tangented off in a different direction

    well, that's my Dr Who rant for the month.

    I'm looking forward to seeing where this doctor takes us. Hopefully the actors personality comes through a fair bit, my mate read an article where Capaldi said he'd enjoy going into comic shops and standing next to people reading Dr Who, after he knew he had the part and no-one knew his face, enjoying the irony that they were doctor who fans standing next to the Doctor and not even realising it.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  10. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I've always found the relative quiet of the doctors adventures to be one of the big selling points. Him, his Companion and a small group of others, are aware of a serious problem, dastardly deed that potentially nearly wipes out Humanity, or all of creation but save for that small group, most of the world goes about it's day to day existence none the wiser. A massive T-Rex coughing up a phone booth in central London has to be something that sticks in the public mind for a while.
    ^Totally agree. But I think it's partly to do with available special effects technology. Old Who was more limited in what they could do w/ visual effects and thus had to write stories that were relatively less reliant. It meant making the Doctor more of a problem solving sleuth and, as you said, thwarting plots before they got out of hand. But to me, New Who feels more inclined to make the Doctor more of an action hero and allow these epic problems to spiral out, as it allows them to show off contemporary digital effects technology.

    I also really miss having Doctor Who series which don't have some underlying plot thread spanning through it, as well as every companion having their fates being inexplicably intertwined with the Doctor. I'd like to see them go back to a series of stand alone stories and just 'regular' companions being people who tag along w/ the Doctor, and sure, end up saving the universe, but not necessarily pre-destined to be with the Doctor. The pre-destiny thing was cool the first ... two times at the most. But seeing it become a stock and standard trait makes it feel less special/unique.

    "And when everyone's super... hehehe... noone will be."
    - Syndrome (The Incredibles)

    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I'm looking forward to seeing where this doctor takes us. Hopefully the actors personality comes through a fair bit,
    I'm hoping that the show will lean more towards the Old Who style in terms of making the Doctor more of a pre-emptive problem solver rather than a reactive action hero. In the meantime I guess it's good that the stunt doubles are getting a lot of work.

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