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Thread: New series of Generations toys coming this year?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Won't someone think of the Trailbreakers?

    And Skids and Hoist?

    I don't have much faith in Hasbro's ability to deliver collector orientated toys in their main lines anymore, but I'll reserve judgment till I see me of course.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Yeah, my wallet is getting tortured by Has/tak and now it's starting to take blows from pokemon and lego.
    I have the weird vision of RTS/United Rumble having it's head changed and guns taken off to become exo-suit Daniel/spike. That would be kinda cool, but it gives me shivers.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Won't someone think of the Trailbreakers?

    And Skids and Hoist?
    And Gears, my favourite Mini-Bot (one of my first ever TFs) is also long overdue a new toy. I stick to my belief that Generations Swerve should have been Gears.

    Trailbreaker/cutter has got a new toy (and that Legend toy got redone as G1 Hoist) and G1 Skids got a new Alternator toy years ago. (But all three are also high on my list as most wanted deluxe generations toys).

  4. #14
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    New Generations would give me a reason to collect again.
    New Acquisitions:
    TR Astrotrain, Skullsmasher, & Hardhead
    Scouting For:
    G1 Boxes & Cardbacks
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  5. #15
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    I would be incredibly keen for more Generations, especially since I probably won't buy a lot of Beast Hunters stuff. Just to add though; I hope the line isn't filled with characters that have already been done. Even though that Prime art looks great, I'd much rather throw cash at the IDWverse ideas some of you are throwing around

  6. #16
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Well the last time we got a classics line they managed to wring 2 BW-inspired figures. We could hope that this could be the beginnings of a 30th Anniversary Classics line that has homages from every line.

    Give me some more Beasts! Proper ones, not this Beast Hunters rubbish.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Hasbro really should be releasing more classic G1 characters for Generations...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    23rd Apr 2009


    Why does it always have to be G1? Because it became first? Please. There plenty of Beast Wars and G2 characters I'd rather see than some more Autobot cars from 1984 - 86, and you know that's what they'll do.

    Late run characters, G1.5 or G2 characters would be very awesome, though. something different, satisfies the G1 requests (even though in the end people say "oh its not the original, it has different colours, why no original weapons, bawk bawk" generally anyway.:P) and gives lesser known members of the Lost Light crew and it's enemies franchise a chance to shine.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Gouki View Post
    Why does it always have to be G1? Because it became first? Please. There plenty of Beast Wars and G2 characters I'd rather see than some more Autobot cars from 1984 - 86, and you know that's what they'll do.

    Late run characters, G1.5 or G2 characters would be very awesome, though. something different, satisfies the G1 requests (even though in the end people say "oh its not the original, it has different colours, why no original weapons, bawk bawk" generally anyway.:P) and gives lesser known members of the Lost Light crew and it's enemies franchise a chance to shine.
    It is mainly G1 characters, so we can appreciate those characters, only with better engineering and in many Classicsverse toys case, show or comic accuracy.
    Toys from lines such as Beast Wars had much better engineering and were not as much bricks.

    G2, AFAIK, is not as popular or iconic as G1 and Hastak would prefer to take the more popular option.
    Like I have said, G1 style figures in the classics/generations line are there to be more advanced (in toy engineering) than their bricky G1 counterparts.

    Sure, more G2 or BW would be nice, but it simply wouldn't be a practical and efficient approach to the line, as younger kids (target audience) can easily recognise characters in G1 form, as they look much more like the latest characters in lines such as Prime or Bayformers.
    If you would like more G2, just stick to that line and get them, as they don't seem to be as popular when compared to G1, as G1 (84-86 at least) had a comic and tv series to back it up.
    However, lines such as Rid have proven this to not always be correct, as that line sold extremely well, way before a cartoon was ever produced to follow.

    Also, many of the Classics/generations toys have been made to represent a character's form in appropriate fiction, such as FOC or the classics seeker mold being faithful to the cartoon, RATHER THAN the original toy.

    Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that most classicsverse figures tend to be based on their counterpart in fiction, such as the G1 cartoon or comic series, rather than the original toy release.
    I can see what you're saying and many characters in lines such as BW and G2 deserve their own classicsverse figure, but it would not be faithful to anything. Maybe a redeco of it's g1 counterpart to represent G2 would be good, but I don't think Hasbro would go out of their way to produce a character that isn't as popular as others, which are in their G1-style.

    A better idea would be IDW-based Generations figures, or dreamwave or something, as the toy would be faithful to their appearance in the comic, rather than their toy.

    Sorry for the LONG explanation but I'm not very good at speeches. Good day.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    23rd Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bidoofdude View Post
    It is mainly G1 characters, so we can appreciate those characters, only with better engineering and in many Classicsverse toys case, show or comic accuracy.
    I absolutely love how my Perceptor and Kup look exactly like they did in the comics and cartoon. Oh, wait they didn't. Instead, Hasbro opted for toys that look familiar (at first) with modern engineering. I've never heard that the Classics toys were specifically modelled on the cartoon or comic. Because they weren't.

    Toys from lines such as Beast Wars had much better engineering and were not as much bricks.
    Oh yeah, so we totally don't need any new figures because of that? I guess that there shouldn't be any further Grimlock toys ever, once FOC comes out then. Probably shouldn't have been one after Classics or even MP then.

    Beast Wars had some fantastic toys and engineering, but there are definitely some updates I'd like to see and we are going to be approaching the time in the next five years where the majority of fans grew up with Beast Wars rather than G1. well maybe not majority, but it is going to skew in the favour of the Beasts.

    G2, AFAIK, is not as popular or iconic as G1 and Hastak would prefer to take the more popular option.
    At general retail it doesn't really matter. The kids will by the cooler looking ones. But I suppose you do raise a good point. Thunderwing, Octane and Drift are insanely iconic.

    Like I have said, G1 style figures in the classics/generations line are there to be more advanced (in toy engineering) than their bricky G1 counterparts.
    No. The classics figures are there to present old characters in modern stylings. To children. If the bricky G1 counterparts sold off the shelves today, they would be what was getting released. The more varied characters Hasbro sell, the more characters they take risks on.

    Sure, more G2 or BW would be nice, but it simply wouldn't be a practical and efficient approach to the line, as younger kids (target audience) can easily recognise characters in G1 form, as they look much more like the latest characters in lines such as Prime or Bayformers.
    Okay. With Prime and the Bay movies (seriously saying Bayformers just makes you look like an idiot--and that's directed at everyone who uses it), they're not recognising the characters you grew up with in new forms, you are. They're recognising the characters that they grew up with. They just happen to reuse the names. It's kind of like how to many people Robin is Dick, and to many (with better taste :P) Robin is Tim.

    If you would like more G2, just stick to that line and get them, as they don't seem to be as popular when compared to G1, as G1 (84-86 at least) had a comic and tv series to back it up.
    Womp womp. G1 didn't end in 86, you can argue all you want but it didn't. And so if I don't fall in line with 'G1 is the best ever at everything', I should just buy the old bricky toys and accept that? Oh please. If you like G1 so much you should just stick to that line. See how reductive that reasoning is? G2 is a rich field for Hasbro to plow. Just like BW. And there's more than enough room for all the lines; because it's not about your childhood characters. It's about making characters for the childhoods of today; and only using G1 is restricting that, when really, they've already scraped the barrel for easily recogniseable, iconic G1 characters without breaking the (silly) no Voyager rule or risking a massive loss. I mean, yeah I would love a Chromedome or a Trailbreaker or a Skids myself, but would you really call them iconic?

    (Though that said, if Bruticus and Ruination do well, I have a feeling we will see a Devastator and Defensor in the future).

    However, lines such as Rid have proven this to not always be correct, as that line sold extremely well, way before a cartoon was ever produced to follow.
    Yes, and outside of the Movie, Animated and Prime, the Transformers lines have lacked fiction and that hasn't stopped them from being successful.

    Also, many of the Classics/generations toys have been made to represent a character's form in appropriate fiction, such as FOC or the classics seeker mold being faithful to the cartoon, RATHER THAN the original toy.
    No they haven't. There was the Universe toys which had Cheetor, Dinobot and Hot Shot as "blah blah series" figures, but outside of FOC (which was just poor marketing to release the figures well after the game had left the publics conscious), they have just been old characters distilled into a modern engineered toy.

    Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that most classicsverse figures tend to be based on their counterpart in fiction, such as the G1 cartoon or comic series, rather than the original toy release.
    Remember the time in the cartoon Megatron turned into a Nerf gun? Bumblebee used the Wavecrasher? Grimlock was tiny? No neither do I. The classics figures are Aligned before there was even an Aligned continuity. They weren't based on one specific fictional appearance. They took everything and melted it down into a modern figure that would look catch the eyes of kids.

    I can see what you're saying and many characters in lines such as BW and G2 deserve their own classicsverse figure, but it would not be faithful to anything. Maybe a redeco of it's g1 counterpart to represent G2 would be good, but I don't think Hasbro would go out of their way to produce a character that isn't as popular as others, which are in their G1-style.
    How would it not be faithful to anything? So by your logic Cybertron, for example was an abject failure because it wasn't just G1 figures? So, looking at the list of Classics released you would really say Jetfire is iconic? Really? So lots of people other than Transformer fans would recognise him easily? Same for Ramjet? The minicon packs? Or (moving on to Universe) Onslaught or Acid Storm or Blades or Heavy Load? Think hard now.

    A better idea would be IDW-based Generations figures, or dreamwave or something, as the toy would be faithful to their appearance in the comic, rather than their toy.
    'Dreamwave' and 'better idea' are unmixy. Also, no they wouldn't be a better idea. You either have them loking boxy, awful and designs ten years old or you have them all based on comic appearances that change every single time there is a reboot (or in the case of certain artists, every time someone else takes over from them).

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