View Poll Results: TF3 : DotM - worth watching?

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  • excellent, must see

    50 43.86%
  • good, see if you can

    35 30.70%
  • average

    22 19.30%
  • disappointing, avoid it

    7 6.14%
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Thread: Movie Review - Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon (spoilers)

  1. #171
    Join Date
    28th Mar 2008
    Sunshine Coast, QLD


    Well now thats all in G1 Cartoon tradition now isnt it :-P

  2. #172
    Join Date
    22nd Jun 2011
    Campbelltown, NSW


    I agree, its not the first time and it wont be the last.

    I'm more impressed with whoever got the footage online

  3. #173
    Join Date
    29th Jan 2009


    does anyone actually know what Megatron was doing during the whole chicago battle?? I mean, one minute he's all "Decepticons, defend the pillars" then an hr later after, he's found bumming around like he was taking a nap

    First time i saw it, i thought i missed a part where he fell off the building and got knocked out, or perhaps Sentinel knocked him out temporarily when he tore off some of Meg's head earlier, but the 2nd time i watched it, Megatron is alive and well after Sentinel "reminded" him he's working 'with' megatron, not 'for' him (this is when megs goes- defend the pillars).

    I was heavily dissapointed that Prime and Megatron didn't get a proper showdown- i mean, 3rd and final Transformer movie, and the ONLY interaction Prime and Megatron get are "let's find out" -AXE!!!!
    5 BATS!! That is the number of the day!!!

    Check my deviantart

  4. #174
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    well i have seen the island 3 times and i didnt notice and now i know i couldnt care any less

  5. #175
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    And that ending - So abrupt! Prime has one arm, kills Megs, The End. No victory dance or anything.

    So does that mean the Great War is over then?

    The Autobots can go back to whatever is left of Cybertron and fight whoever is left there now that the Decepticons are leaderless?

    Stuff just don't make sense.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #176
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    How come Sentinel Prime speaks English as soon as he's activated? He's never been on Earth before... unless Ratchet or someone uploaded Earth's languages into his noggin' prior to Optimus Prime reviving him with the Matrix. But you'd think that'd be a later priority. Ah well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Yes I rolled my eyes when we were introduced to Carly via her bottom, but I also laughed at him choosing this for the first scene post title.
    And if you are gonna do close up shots like that, then tell the actress to freakin' shave her legs properly! And her arms too... damn!

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    (But Arcee, Jolt, Skids and Mudflap either dead or previously left the planet between movies?).
    Jolt was killed by Shockwave in events prior to the movie. Elita-1 was also killed by Shockers, but Arcee and Chromia survived -- no idea what happened to them. Skids and Mudflap are apparently in the movie. According to TFwiki you can see them briefly in one scene or something... but I don't blame you if you missed them. I've seen the movie twice and I didn't notice them both times! I only know about it because I read about it on TFwiki looking for an explanation about their fates.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    It didn't bother me that some of the expected G1 name homages didn't play out. This isn't G1. Shockwave got to be a big heavy with a big weapon and was still a challenging threat to take down despite not resembling the G1 character any more than superficially.
    I can get over the fact that this isn't G1 and that DotM Shockwave isn't G1 Shockwave... fine. He doesn't need to be all logical and emotionless -- although the prequel comics established that he is. But fine, for the film he doesn't have to be. But he really didn't get developed into any kind of character at all, did he?? He was kinda like, "That evil worm-keeper." He didn't even transform. (-_-) I don't mind DotM Shockwave having an entirely different character from his G1 namesake... what bothers me more is a lack of character in general.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I wanted this film to give some explanation as to why anything that leaves Cybertron seems to end up on Earth (the AllSpark, Megatron, the Primes and the Ark? We got half an answer (I assume the Allspark was drawn to the Matrix as the other half of the puzzle) but what an answer!
    lol, tru dat! The Cube coming to Earth may be explained by the Matrix... but yeah... the Ark?! Especially considering that it was hurtling aimlessly through space! What luck!.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I'm trying to think of lowlights and mostly there's only really geeky thoughts coming to mind (like why do Decepticons need fighter craft when they can transform into fighter craft).
    This doesn't make sense to me either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Wheeljack/Q's head was pretty silly,
    It bugged me heaps when I first saw it - but on second viewing I came to accept it. I don't like it, but I don't hate it as much as I initially did. Aside from the obvious Einstein reference, I can see its vague resemblance to G1 Wheeljack - but maybe it's because I read the comic adaptation after watching the film for the first time, and the comic art kinda draws it in a way that makes him look a bit more Wheeljackish. :/

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    and there's probably a few other plot holes in there that are slowly coming to me as I think about it (why did the Primes go out to the desert and why did Sentinel come back alone ahead of Optimus) and more might come to me as I rewatch it.
    I'd assumed that Optimus was giving Sentinel a bit of a tour of his new home. Not sure why/how they got separated after that though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Enough with the Spock references. On the TV, several Spock quotes ripped off throughout. Yes, it's Leonard Nimoy, but we've had him before and we resisted the temptation to rip off his previous work.
    I didn't mind it, but some of my friends who came with me on my second viewing did feel it was over the top - particularly one friend of mine who's a Trek fan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    No character introductions. I've avoided reading or watching anything DOTM related for months, and I had no idea who the new characters were.
    It's a lot like the G1 cartoon in that regard -- characters just show up with little or no explanation of how they got there! (e.g. Perceptor, Beachcomber, Tracks, Dirge, Ramjet... the list goes on and on)

    The new characters did all have their names introduced in the film and it was explained that they were a new batch of Autobot refugees who arrived aboard the Xanthium - the spaceship that the Autobots used to travel to the moon to retrieve Sentinel and leave Earth, and destroyed by Starscream.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    What is Shockwave's octopus-drill thing? Is it based on anything?!

    I'm kidding. Seems to be a new creation for the movieverse. Although the Vehicons had those "moles" in Beast Machines... still not quite the same thing though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Space Bridge? We saw that in the last movie and it was just some gimmick of travel. But now Sentinel Prime invented it and it's huge? Pft.
    Yeah but Jetfire's space bridge allows him to teleport himself and individuals within his proximity - and presumably there may be a limit to his range. IIRC Jetfire didn't teleport to Earth. Sentinel's Space Bridge can transport something as massive as Cybertron across galaxies.

    They probably shouldn't have called Jetfire's teleportation a "space bridge", or knowing that it was called a Space Bridge, they probably should've avoided calling Sentinel Prime's space bridge a "Space Bridge" -- call it Transwarp Drive or something. But that would imply that Michael Bay pays attention.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Chances of a 4th movie? 0%. They've killed all the Decepticon Leaders. Megs, Screamer, Soundwave, Shockwave... What are they gonna do? Bring Megatron back to life... AGAIN... but this time call him Galvatron?!
    Aw come on, there are SO many more characters from the G1 universe that they can draw from other than early G1, which is where most of the major players in the movieverse have come from. It'd be good to see a new Decepticon leader step up to the plate, e.g.:
    + Scorponok -- okay, they shouldn't use the same name; they could call him "Zarak."
    + Overlord
    + Deathsaurus
    + Galvatron - he doesn't have to be the same being as Megatron. The original toy bio establishes him as a separate Decepticon, and in the IDWverse he's a separate being too.
    + Bludgeon -- he's already on Earth. While Bludgeon was defeated in Rising Storm, he wasn't definitively killed.
    + Thunderwing
    + RATBAT!

    Starscream's gone, but what about Thundercracker, Skywarp, Ramjet, Thrust, Dirge etc??

    It's absolutely possible for someone to make a sequel to DotM without rebooting continuity so long as they don't box themselves into "Gee Wun." We've already had three movies predominantly inspired by Gee Wun... what about the rest of G1?

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno
    According to the 1st movie, Megatron was out buying space groceries and looking for the Allspark cube thing, but got screwed up by Earth gravitational field and crashed on Earth and fell asleep.

    Thats how we understood it from the 1st movie, correct?

    But now, he was actually meeting Sentinal Prime here to talk tactics, but Sentinal crashed on the Moon and he crashed on Earth, but that just happens to be where the Allspark was hiding?

    Come on.
    The pact between Sentinel and Megatron would have been made back on Cybertron long before the Cube was ejected into space and Megatron made his sojourn. As to WHY the Ark hurtled aimlessly to space and happened to smack into Earth's Moon... yeah... biggest fluke ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    And what the hell is MechTech?!

    All I've heard about are MechTech toys! I was expecting McDreamy's character to pull a fast one on the Decepticons and give the Autobots some new technology that would help them fight better. Thats what I expected MechTech to be.

    But no.

    Their new weapons weren't even mentioned in the movie, nor where they came from.
    The Transformers had pop out weapons since the first movie. It's not too hard to assume that they've made upgrades for themselves in the meantime, particularly with the arrival of additional Cybertronian technology (e.g. the Xanthium).

    Quote Originally Posted by mannix59 View Post
    Once again my childhood hero (Optimus) was frequently reduced to a cold remorseless murderer "we'll kill them all"? Not exactly the beacon of honor and justice I grew up with.....
    Yeah, people have complained about this since Optimus Prime executed Wheelbot in cold blood back in Shanghai in ROTF. Still funny how the Autobots don't take prisoners, yet the Decepticons do!

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Simple dialogue tweaks could have softened the blow at least, perhaps even justified certain actions (at least from our hero's point of view).
    Yeah, same prob as the Shanghai scene in ROTF. There may have been something better in the original script that got editted out, e.g. in the RotF comic adaptation Optimus Prime says, "I wish there were another way" or something to that effect before killing Wheelbot. i.e. he explicitly expresses regret to what he has to do. I've only read #1 of the DotM comic so far...

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    I've just got to remember this isn't G1.
    Yeah. Movieverse Optimus Prime is actually more like Dai Atlas -- caring and compassionate to his friends, but utterly merciless to his foes.

  7. #177
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Can't half tell that Gok is on holidays now can you?

    The death of named characters in the film still felt emotionless, in terms from reaction from other characters. Ironhides death occurred at the turning point of the film, yet the autobots reacted much the same way to his death as to Jazz's in the first film. I guess it's fair to not care about "Q" since he had only just arrived on the planet and said all of three lines in the film.

    By no means was I expecting a funeral service for the fallen bots, but Prime saying "this is for Ironhide" while mashing Sentinels face into the asphalt would ave been nice (and cliched!)
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  8. #178
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    The Transformers had pop out weapons since the first movie. It's not too hard to assume that they've made upgrades for themselves in the meantime, particularly with the arrival of additional Cybertronian technology (e.g. the Xanthium).
    My point is though - This is the major 'gimmick' of the Movie Toys, yet it's not even mentioned in the movie?!

    I would have loved to have seen an 'Upgrade' scene. All the Autobots getting some pimpin' new gear to slag some 'cons. But no.

    'What, oh this gun? Yeah I've had it for a while.'

    If I was one who actually bought MovieVerse toys, I'd feel jipped. In essence, the toys are no different from ones from the previous 2 movies, but playing on this MechTech idea, and then not delivering on it in the final product? Disgraceful.

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  9. #179
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    My point is though - This is the major 'gimmick' of the Movie Toys, yet it's not even mentioned in the movie?!
    That's cos the movie's not based on the toys, but rather the other way around. HasTak would've placed more focus on MechTech as a running play feature and part of marketing the toy line.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    I would have loved to have seen an 'Upgrade' scene. All the Autobots getting some pimpin' new gear to slag some 'cons. But no.
    But is that a _really_ pivotal part of the story? I mean, in the Star Wars films we see technological progressions, but they're not explicitly shown or explained -- it's just assumed that it happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno
    If I was one who actually bought MovieVerse toys, I'd feel jipped. In essence, the toys are no different from ones from the previous 2 movies, but playing on this MechTech idea, and then not delivering on it in the final product? Disgraceful.
    Again, it's because the movie wasn't made to explicitly market the toys. This is why I generally prefer it when the toys are made first, then later adapted to comics, TV, movies etc. But for the live action films, I can understand why they make it as a film franchise first, then it's up to Hasbro to make toys based on the film.

  10. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Again, it's because the movie wasn't made to explicitly market the toys.
    Are you kidding?! It's a 150 minute toy commercial! It's no different to any other TF media - It's sole purpose is to sell toys!

    And that's a sad realisation I've had to come to terms with of late, in regard to all things TF.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

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