you may as well camp Mandrake 24/7. if they don't have it no one will except ebay @_@
Yeah I know but I dont want to pay the exorbitant prices that certain items have. Example is the Misaka Imouto figures that are out and people are buying them on ebay for $160US+. There were three available from $200 to $300US on ebay yesterday and there is no way in hell I would pay for a current/recent issue figurine (unless it was made out of gold or it did things). The most I have paid is $120US for the PSP Queens Blade Cute.
Valkyrie's SDF:
Transformer grails:MIB Minerva(the dream is OVER!!!! ),MIB Kiss Player Atariscream,MIB Kiss Player Sparkabots,Kiss Player Manga.
Received a Figma today, but will let it's true owner announce what it is, in due course
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Hmmm... this pic would seem to pretty much confirm that the holster is a swap-out piece.
Today's arrival
Which brings us to where we are today...
@_________________________________________________ ______@
and another 2 will be in stock tomorrow... ugh XD