View Poll Results: How did you rate this episode?

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  • 5 - Outstanding

    6 37.50%
  • 4 - Great

    5 31.25%
  • 3 - Good

    3 18.75%
  • 2 - Ok

    2 12.50%
  • 1 - Crap

    0 0%
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Thread: Episode Review - 110 Transformers Prime - Deus Ex Machina

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2009


    Dosen't ring with the same depth and excitement that beast wars did, nor does it have Animated's flare. I agree with what seems to be the general consensus that it pretty much lacks any real plot arch and is really just a series of somewhat lacklustre episodes strung together by title alone.

    Having said that, I like the two new con's. KnockOut and Breakdown are some nice additions to the cast. Maybe it will improve across the season, certainly seems like its headed that way.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    I think I've figured out why I dislike Transformers Prime - Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. Aside from the Star Trek movie, everything they touch turns to shit. For this very reason I have high hopes for DOTM.

    I guess you can conclude what I thought of this episode without me going into further detail.
    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Generally speaking, I agree with you. Their writing is usually very flat and uninspired. They seem to lack creative vision or drive and appear to just write what they think would please the audience or their masters.

    As a result, Transformers Prime has largely fallen flat for me as technically it's not bad but it is pretty 'meh' as in nothing special. Kind of like somebody who is just there to do his job, get paid and go home, that's it.

    Despite what they say, they also seem to have a very passing understanding of Transformers kind of like when you meet somebody and they say 'Yeah I used to love Transformers when I was a kid, do you remember the tape guy?' This to me explains why Orci's Prime completely lacks personality and is just a classic quote vending machine who speaks slowly as if he is reading a speech.

    Overall, I enjoyed this episode but I am under no illusion that this will be the norm as like many things that Orci and Kurtzman do, it's always hit & miss with the latter being more common.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I agree with this. Orci and Kurtzman are like text book "Gee Wunners" whose knowledge of Transformers is limited and superficial at best. You watch the movie DVD interviews with them, and they pretty much admit this as they say that their experience of Transformers before the movie was watching the G1 cartoon on Saturday mornings. *sigh*
    Interesting points you make, I think they are actually pretty good, there is a lot of detail in their work that requires in my mind that you pay attention to what is going on. Like you say Star Trek was very good, hopefully the second one will be as good. Has anyone been watching Hawaii 5-0, they are series producers on that much like they are on Transformers Prime. I have really been enjoying it.
    I think the first Transformers was generally very good, ROTF suffered greatly from the writers strike with Bay taking their treatment and running with it while they were off. Then when they came back they had to work around what he had written and shot without any "professional" writers around.

    anyway, that's my two cents, I am supremely jealous of those two, they are writing blockbuster stories for their childhood heroes and they are getting paid for it. Dream job, if you can call that a job.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I think the first Transformers was generally very good, ROTF suffered greatly from the writers strike with Bay taking their treatment and running with it while they were off. Then when they came back they had to work around what he had written and shot without any "professional" writers around.
    Yeah, I'd agree with that. Michael Bay didn't mess around with the first movie script as much as he did with ROTF. He needs to just stick to directing and let the writers do their job.

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