I was wondering if anyone had any memorable experiences to share regarding encounters with TF fans they don't know?
Note: The experience can be good, bad, or neither - just whatever comes to mind. I clicked a radio button by accident and the thread title has a sad face icon that is misleading.
Back when Cybertron Optimus Prime had just come out, I went to a Sydney Toys 'R' Us store one day and looked through their TF stock.
I noticed another guy checking out the TFs as well. On one upper shelf, I saw that some Alternators were on sale, so I said to the guy "Hey, the prices for those alternators are not bad if you haven't got them and are interested."
He gave me one of those "You-don't-know-anything-noob" looks, and said "I only collect Binaltech."
I said "OK", but mentally I was like "Gee, no offence intended!" :0