View Poll Results: TF3 : DotM - worth watching?

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  • excellent, must see

    50 43.86%
  • good, see if you can

    35 30.70%
  • average

    22 19.30%
  • disappointing, avoid it

    7 6.14%
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Thread: Movie Review - Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon (spoilers)

  1. #51
    Join Date
    26th Jun 2011


    oh...i was stoked to see James Remar as the voice of Sideswipe...i didnt know that!
    So cool

  2. #52
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    zOMG, Prime's trailer is so freakin' cool! I love the way it opens up to form a combat deck like original G1 Prime's trailer! Although the way it opens up is probably would make it jolly hard to recreate as a toy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    I also assumed he smashed Lincoln because it was symbolic as he was the great emancipator and Megs wanted slaves, Mbay and the writer couldn't be that smart though, could they? but yeah that was a good image.
    I thought it was intentional. <shrug>

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed
    I thought I saw that but I can't confirm, on the other hand they never transformed so maybe they were the twins twins? What's more perplexing is I clearly recall them saying after that there are 9 Autobots left, which leaves no room for the Twins (not to mention Arcee and Jolt).
    Jolt and Elita-One (as well as Galloway) were killed by Shockwave in the prequel comics. Still doesn't account for Arcee or Chromia though. Unless they stopped counting them after Elita-One was killed, cos ya know... they no longer had a complete set. They would still count as 2 under the Universal Counting Method though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tropisetron View Post
    Just a small addition:

    Love the fact that they used the Gen1 transforming sound for some of the robot-vehicle vice versa transformation. I recalled clearly the scene bumblebee transformed nearing the end of movie with it.
    Yeah, that's been around since the first Transformers movie -- a lot of the movie Transformers have some variation of the G1 transforming sound when they transform, but it's not always noticeable... depends on how much they've changed it and layered other transforming sounds on top of it.

    I think in one of the DVD special features someone claimed that all of the transforming sounds in the movies have the G1 sound incorporated... dunno if that's really true -- could be, but perhaps beyond recognition in some cases <shrug>

    Quote Originally Posted by christalcase View Post
    Ironhide's death caused by Sentinel Prime's betrayal came to me as a shock and big surprise, didn't really see that one coming.
    +1. I was picking my jaw up off the floor!

    Quote Originally Posted by christalcase View Post
    My biggest gripe by far is Starscream's death, come on, death by two humans?!?! That feels so demeaning of the character who's been in an important role in the first two movies. Even Shockwave, who was an epic disappointment (that guy basically didn't do anything), got the honour of being killed by Optimus Prime.
    I don't see what's necessarily wrong with a Transformer being killed by humans. It's happened before... Blackout was killed by humans. Now you might argue that the humans who killed Blackout had a Sabot round launcher and F22s, but Sam was using Cybertronian tech made for humans (courtesy of Quejack). Even in G1 you had Decepticons like Icepick who was taken out by a booby-trap set by human guerrilla resistance fighters in New York.

    Quote Originally Posted by christalcase
    Also didn't like the alien spaceships, it doesn't feel very Transformers to me, it feels like another generic alien invasion technique (for lack of a better term). Shockwave's worm thing (Driller) was lame,
    I don't mind the alien looking ships -- the Transformers are aliens after all! The Driller was pretty cool, but I would have preferred a big-arse Transformer... like another gestalt! Or have Shockwave transform and blow stuff up like he did in G1! Shagga-fragga-DOTM-Shockwave-fragga-shagga-ActionMaster!

    ...and... why are the Decepticons piloting fighters? Shouldn't they just transform into them?! (o_O) I can understand having large starships for long interstellar voyages like the Ark, Nemesis, Xanthium etc., but for short range combat... come on, they should just transform.

    Quote Originally Posted by christalcase
    the Stealth Force modes were lame (to me anyway, the transition to the big screen wasn't as great as I expected)
    This isn't entirely new -- the Autobots were able to deploy weapons in their vehicle modes since the first movie. Look at "Cannon Bumblebee" (i.e. Bumblebee deploying rocket launchers when attacking Brawlastator in TF1). Stealth Force feels like an upgrade of what they initially had anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by christalcase View Post
    and Sam should have died a dozen times already with all the situations he's been in (especially when the Orbital Spaceship thing crashed with him on top).
    What about Carly?! Is she one lucky gal or what!?!?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by christalcase View Post
    Oh, and we didn't get to see Optimus put on his Jetpack transforming from the trailer, I was looking forward to a scene like that and would have loved it but it wasn't to be... The ending was very abrupt too, so quick that I was like, "Huh?! It's finished!?".
    Yeah, there's actually no evidence in the film that the jetwing is even the trailer itself. It doesn't have any alt mode kibble like on Ultimate Optimus Prime. It seems that the Jetwing is actually a separate piece and not the trailer itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Megatron on the other hand did deserve more, specially when he had such a cool new look and scared Elephants.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed
    I think it was Bay just trying to tie it all up as a "screw you" to whichever poor director picks up the mantle next.
    At least he didn't transform Cybertron into a technorganic garden.

    Quote Originally Posted by FFN View Post
    However, once the film moves to Chicago, it stops being fun. It's just a random collection of explosions and scenes edited in a haphazard manner with little or no continuity (how did Bumblebee know where Sam and Lennox were? How did Bee and the other get captured by Soundwave, Barricade and co a few minutes later?
    These things didn't bother me - I just assumed that they happened off screen while other events were happening. Perhaps there wasn't enough time to put in scenes that explained them, but I didn't personally think it was absolutely necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by FFN
    When did Optimus go back for his jetpack after his trailer was wrecked?
    Yeah, this did stand out to me. But again, I guess it wasn't completely necessary either (cos Prime did say that he wanted to get to his trailer for the fight tech)... I just would've loved to see his trailer open up again, heheheheh.

    Quote Originally Posted by FFN
    Why didn't Shockwave finish Optimus off when he tangled him in the crane cables?)
    I guess it depends where he crashed... I'm gonna have to watch this part more closely when I see the movie again on Saturday.

  3. #53
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Disappointed? Hell no! Much gooder than ROTF (reasons for which I've already mentioned on the DOTM movie review thread) and I felt that it did capture the spirit of the G1 cartoon quite well. Of course, the G1 cartoon always did have fairly shallow stories with bugger all character development (which is why I'm more of a fan of the comics) -- but I guess the cartoon is more popular with the non-fan movie-going public. The movie exceeded my expectations, so I'm happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    isn't there a movie review thread for this already?
    Indeed. And this thread has been posted in the Movie News section. (<_<) <awkward.Squirtle>

  4. #54
    Join Date
    14th Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I don't see what's necessarily wrong with a Transformer being killed by humans. It's happened before... Blackout was killed by humans. Now you might argue that the humans who killed Blackout had a Sabot round launcher and F22s, but Sam was using Cybertronian tech made for humans (courtesy of Quejack). Even in G1 you had Decepticons like Icepick who was taken out by a booby-trap set by human guerrilla resistance fighters in New York.
    There's nothing wrong with a Transformer being killed by humans, it's just that Starscream got killed primarily by one human, Sam, whereas Blackout gets killed by a whole team of humans with a lot of weapons. Blackout put up more of a fight, whereas Starscream's death was so pathetic and he's supposed to be a pretty formidable opponent. Even with Q's weapons, it was painfully easy for Sam to kill Starscream... I just felt ripped off as I always thought he would die under the hands of an Autobot.
    "sometimes the things you see might not be real and the things that are real you might not see"

  5. #55
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Maybe Starscream's overconfidence got the better of him? I'ts still better than Daniel tap dancing on Snapdragons head.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Jolt and Elita-One (as well as Galloway) were killed by Shockwave in the prequel comics. Still doesn't account for Arcee or Chromia though. Unless they stopped counting them after Elita-One was killed, cos ya know... they no longer had a complete set. They would still count as 2 under the Universal Counting Method though.
    Which series? I may actually buy it, there's room for a decent story between the two movie, alas IDW fumble the ball as much as Bay and co does.

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron View Post

    4th movie???I dont think so....reboot??hell yeah.
    Nononono, not a reboot either, forget Transformers the next movie will be Challenge of the Gobots the Cy-Kill Menace.

    On the subject or Primes Trailer, does anyone else think it was built out of jetfire bits?

    Just another note, I really liked the scene where Megs was hiding out with the elephants, rouging it and laying low, the only problem is it didn't make all that much sense with the rest of the movie. I was thinking/ hoping that Shockwave was the new Decep boss and Megs had become a castaway, this would actually have made the plot make more sense, if Shockwave had forged and alliance with Sentinel, and sent the Decep army to the moon, at least that's what would have happened in my personal fanfic.

    I also liked those weird Cybertronian creatures and spiders that hung out with him, I assumed they were just examples of the Cybertronian ecosystem that migrated to earth with the Deceptions, much like rats and other pests.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    19th Feb 2010


    I just got back from the Gold Class screening and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

    Was a bit disappointed that Ironhide got knocked off.

    Sentinel's defection was a shock - I didnt read anything going into this movie so.

    Was Blackout in this movie? I saw Barricade?

    What really pisses me off was that this movie hasnt even been out for one day and people start a thread picking it to bits. Its not 1984 and G1 anymore, its 2011 - new time and new generation.

    Remakes of movies/old stuff will continue - Just like the upcoming Smurfs and Captain America movie.
    I'm walking away from Transformers. Check out my sales thread

  7. #57
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Ed View Post
    What really pisses me off was that this movie hasnt even been out for one day and people start a thread picking it to bits. Its not 1984 and G1 anymore, its 2011 - new time and new generation.
    The reason people are picking it to bits is because there are many flaws. just because it's 2011 doesn't mean we have to put up with crappy movies.

    Personally I enjoyed it though. Ironhide's death made me sad, Bumblebee living made me sad.

    I am glad Bay is l;eaving the TF movies, as I found myself getting tired of Bay(cli)ches.

    Slow mo chick look.
    Helicopters/military vehicles taking off at sunset/dawn, yet everywhere else its the same day and they arrive at the same time.
    I thought the falling building section went on for too long as well.
    Dino. Wha?
    Einstein. I thought this guy was some sort of Kup fellow = Wha?
    Sentinel comes back from the dead and immediately starts lecturing the humans about what is going on. He knew exactly where everything is up to. Wha?
    The Decepticons that were characters were pretty much despensible, aside from Laserbeak. Sentinel was the main bad guy and Megatron got shafted (again).
    I thought Starscreams death was a bit weak. That grapple to his eyeball must have really hurt (and yet he had an arm ripped off previously and he handled that like a man). Why he didn't just grab the cable... However, I can see him going down to a guy with a boom stick, especially since said boomstick got JAMMED IN HIS FACE!

    The thing I hated the most....

    Ridiculously obvious product placement. The whole world uses Lenovo monitors, cisco modems and I am so glad I now know the specs and price range of that damn Mercedes.

    Good stuff.
    I liked seeing the Strealth force shenanagins. Kind of justifies it a bit IMO.
    Prime's trailer. Weapons reack, flight tech. Shame about no armouring up scene with the flight tech too...
    Brains and Wheelie. enjoyable. No leg humping!
    Laserbeak is pure awesome. He should be next decep leader!!

    As you can see, I found more bad than good, but I still enjoyed it. It's not a great movie (and with Bay at the helm it won't be) but it isn't a terrible movie either.

    I look forward to seeing it again and picking at its flaws like scabs on my arm

  8. #58
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    My main issue was the final battle/set piece. Like with RotF it went on for far too long - by the end of it my senses had been assaulted enough that I didn't really care that it had been resolved, just that it was over.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Yeh, the movie was too long I think. Again.

    Forgot to add some other points as well. I liked the fact that Carley had a purpose in this movie. her contacts helped get Sam a job, whihc allowed him to find out about the moon etc.

    Also I enjoyed the Sam trying to find his palce in the world part. Although his whinging and moaning about being a messenger was kind of weak. After all he was. In ROTF, Optimus asks him to be the liason and Sam tells him to go away as he wants a normal life. Now he wants a special life. Silly Bugger.

    Finally, one thing that struck me as odd, after all that Sam has been through, the only way to conatact the Autobots/Bumblebee is to drive up to the building and start a fight? Surely his previous experiences would make him a target of Megatron's (even if it's just for torturing on a rainy day)so they would give him some way of conacting the Autobots.

    I liked the chains Megs had on, and his shotgun/musket. But why? Where'd his big ass gun go?

    Final point for now, if those scalpel bots were fixing Megatron, why does he play with them and crush them?

    Can't wait for Knuckle Buster Optimus Prime to be in the shops XD

  10. #60
    Join Date
    7th Apr 2010


    saw it this morning, sooooooooooo much better than ROTF, Optimus kicks ass with his trailer, like many here im happy with a lot of nods to the G1 history, a few things stick here n there as odd or downright stupid but hey, thats Hollywood, wouldnt be Transformers if it wasnt a lil outrageous, def gonna see it again on the big screen!

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