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Thread: MOTUC Man-e-faces Video Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008

    Default MOTUC Man-e-faces Video Review

    Pixel Dan just posted his review of MOTUC Man-e-faces!!

    Really looking forward to this one!
    Seems the skin tone is more flesh coloured than we were expecting based on the poll results, but lucky for me i voted flesh toned anyway!
    I imagine it's so they can have a more differentiated orange tone version in a 2 pack down the line, but must be frustrating for those who voted the other way.

    Interesting to see some fan ideas about the secret accessory... that remains a secret even after the video review:
    Personally i think the white eyes look better so i'm hoping this is correct - plus Beast Man and Skeletor alternatives would be cool to have/nice homage!

    And finally, good to see correct shoulders - with proof!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    August ey? Hmmm, looks interesting indeedy.

    Pixel Dan gets a little too excited sometimes though. I mean raving about how Man-e-faces keeps his face changing gimmick... Well he would just be One-e-face without it wouldn't he?

    Are those beastman.skeletor faces in ur pick mock ups Kurdt? Caz they weren't the ones in the review.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Yeah the other heads in the pic above are some mockup/guesses from a member in regards to man-e-faces' secret accessory.

    Pixel Dan is a character alright... arguably better than the usual TF reviewers though in terms of format and clarity of speaking!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    That MOTUC Man-E-Faces does look very good. It is even a better update sculpt and color wise than his 200X toy. I am impressed and will be buying him.

    However I must say that I am beginning to grow disenchanted with the MOTUC line - Although the figures were always very vintage instpired, originally they threw some innovative or modern features to keep it interesting, specially with the extra 200X heads which I really enjoyed. Now there appears to be a push to make the figures as vintage looking as possible without any progressive design updates no matter how outdated their original sculpts may be (Eg Clawful, Leech) and this is making me loose interest in several releases.

    With the added constant lies from Toyguru and his push to make MOTUC 'his personal toy line' with his crapstacular 'bad fanfic' bios and ridiculous design decisions - it is just pushing me away. I will probably end up getting just the odd figure like Man-E-Faces here instead of properly collecting them unless there is a change of direction to something more progressive or at least back to how things were in the earlier stages of the line.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    I think you always mentioning Clawful finally got to me kup, i decided i wont be getting him this month... you ruined it for me!!

    I think they face tough times with the majority of the popular characters already out. Personally, I'm not too fussed with whatever toyguru says or does; i still like the aesthetic that's coming out.

    That said, i don't see myself buying many more simply because i've got most of the big characters i want (& shelf is nearing capacity!).
    My common sense is also kicking in; they're essentially all the same figure, so the excitement of getting a 'new' one isn't as strong as before.

    For instance, when i get a new one i find myself looking over the articulation with interest .. but in reality it's just to see how X characters' armor has hindered it, versus a simple unobstructed figure like He-man, so i don't know why i bother!

    Something all new like Swiftwind later this year might get my interest up again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post

    Something all new like Swiftwind later this year might get my interest up again.
    I am hoping the same too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    See what I mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyguru
    Also, to address the issue with international fans, once again, I need to point out that Mattel is a US based company. We simply can not make all of our products available for fans in every country and territory. This is the same with US fans who buy Japanese toys.

    The international market is similar to fans of lines like JLU and Retro Action. There are a small number of very loud fans online, but in the end, the total number of international fans tend to not be large enough to justify the huge amout of logistics needed to make product available worldwide. Every market has different requirments in terms of safety and logistics and we simply can not make every toy for every market, esepcially when the total number of international fans is relatively small (despite being very loud on the forums!) ;-)

    We do our best to make as much product available to as many markets as possible, but in the end, as I said, we are a US based company and for now that is just the way it is. We will always try to do our best to accomodate as many world wide fans as we can, but international fans are louder then they are numerious and this is a big reason why not all of our product is available world wide.

    The guy is a total ass with the PR skills of a skunk. This sort of repeating crap eventually adds up and wears you down as a fan.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Interesting situation I see here really. From just the few MOTUC figures that I have, I am sort of excited about the design, but articulation wise, I skip it as they are generally the same.

    I thought it odd, that despite how awesome Clawful and Whiplash looked in the 200X line, they pretty much ignored it, and just made a new head. I don;t think Clawful comes with a 200X head or not, but I have no interest in the goofy figure they busted out for those two when the 200X ones look so badass and much much better.

    Once all the main characters are done, where do they progress to? I wouldn't mind a He-Man, Skeletor and Man At Arms, and another Scareglow or two, but I suspect He-Man has probably been run off so much he's tired.

    Is She-Ra 2.0 going to be She-ra Classics?

    And that response about the international sales = weak.

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