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Thread: Making sense of Beast Wars and beyond

  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    I personally enjoyed both Beast Wars and Beast Machines but like most people I was dissappointed with the end of Beast Machines as it left the story line no where to go unfortunately.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by kup
    The changes made to some of the BW characters also causes a big shock but if you don't see passed it, it can make you feel bitter.
    Actually I find some (not all) of the character changes more difficult to accept than some of the other changes made... character change is a good thing and important for driving a story... but it needs to be done logically. The problem with some of the character development in Beast Machines is that they took an illogical departure from Beast Wars. Some didn't, and were done well, but others just didn't make sense.

    When we develop a character in a story there needs to be a logical progression. e.g. Anakin Skywalker...
    1. Innocent well-meaning boy who is born in a world of incredible injustice and yearns to somehow bring justice and free his mother.
    2. Becomes an impatient but still well-meaning heroic Jedi apprentice. Finds difficulty separating emotional desires from his sense of duty - death of his mother leaves him feeling incredibly impotent and gives him his first taste of the Dark Side (a taste that he dislikes). His battles with Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku (he is a Jedi Knight by this stage) during the Clone Wars also gives him more tastes (but he still dislikes it).
    3. His emotional desires change to overwhelming greed, allowing the Dark Side of the Force to consume him and becoming Darth Vader.

    Beast Wars always had a logical character developmental process - in the transition to Beast Machines, whilst some characters continued to logically develop, others didn't... and in some cases, their characters became entirely contrary to their BW selves, which isn't a bad thing but needs to be logically explained but sadly wasn't.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Well put Gok!

    And Sam, one quiet and wet Weekend is all you'll need to catch up on Beast Wars, and another for Beast Machines!

    Of all finished mediums, Beast Wars is second in terms of story, and characters/character development only to Marvel G2 Comics.

    I hope you have some $$$ stashed away somewhere, the Beast Wars shows were/are very good toy ads!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    I hope I don't get shunned by the community for what I am about to say

    I got caught up reading STL's journey into beast wars so much that I went and bought the 1st season. I liked it at the start. It was fresh and different to what I had watched before. I just started disc 3 and I'm starting to find it a chore to watch. Character wise there are some good characters but some that absolutely annoy me to no end (I'm secretly hoping Ratttrap becomes a Pred so I can feel justified hating him). I also am starting to dislike the animation. The characters just glide across the ground and the scenery looks nice initially but once things start getting blown apart it looks pretty poor IMHO.

    I'm not trying to cause a storm in a teacup with these comments I'm just voicing my opinion. That being said I'll probably end up buying the whole series eventually although my purchasing of the Energon series (I found it off they guy that put animated on you tube) is of a higher priority to me then season 2 of Beast Wars

  5. #15
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Only shunned by some!

    I talked STL into watching Beast Wars series and while he's enjoyed watching every episode, in my mind there's a quite a lot that's not very good in the first series. I wanted to give STL a list of key episodes to watch for the major plot developments and if you're interested I'll give you that list. That way you can watch the best episodes and the ones important to the story and skip over the filler and maybe enjoy it more?

    Series two has fewer filler episodes, the animation does gets better (but granted it's still 10 years old computer animation) but if you disliked Rattrap now you're probably not going to like him anymore. Personally I can't see how you'd prefer the whining of Ironhide and Kicker in Energon over Rattrap.... but then I stick up for Wheelie and think Animated is good so who am I to judge?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Who's Bartrim? d:

    The animation has dated somewhat, but for me the characters and storyarc are what make the show enjoyable. BTW I love Rattrap's character.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  7. #17
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    Who's Bartrim? d:

    BTW I love Rattrap's character.
    Ouch Dirge. I don't get what people like about him. I find him so annoying I just want to hit him...hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Only shunned by some!

    I talked STL into watching Beast Wars series and while he's enjoyed watching every episode, in my mind there's a quite a lot that's not very good in the first series. I wanted to give STL a list of key episodes to watch for the major plot developments and if you're interested I'll give you that list. That way you can watch the best episodes and the ones important to the story and skip over the filler and maybe enjoy it more?

    Series two has fewer filler episodes, the animation does gets better (but granted it's still 10 years old computer animation) but if you disliked Rattrap now you're probably not going to like him anymore. Personally I can't see how you'd prefer the whining of Ironhide and Kicker in Energon over Rattrap.... but then I stick up for Wheelie and think Animated is good so who am I to judge?
    Believe me I loathe Kicker and Ironhide. It's just I prefer some of the other characters in Energon over the Beast Wars characters (Check my Avatar for example). Not saying I hate all the Beast Wars characters. I like Megatron, Rhinox and I even like Cheetor. Apart from Rattrap I think Scorponok is a dead set tool. He would fit in well at the place I work Tarantulas is just creepy and I'm getting sick of Dinobot. Yes I get it! You are only a Maximal because you hate Megatron you don't have any of the other Maximal beliefs, please move on. Apart from that none of the other characters do much for me yet.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Rattrap may grow on you if you like smart alec's.. otherwise you're always going to hate him.

    The animation has not aged well, even season 3 which is far and away superior to season 1 (shows the advancements made in only 4 years), but believe me for the time, and most certainly for the budget and time constraints Beast Wars is one sexy looking show.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  9. #19
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Let's face it everyone has different tastes which means Beast Wars isn't for everyone. Beast wars is my favourite series and I don't think this will change in the near future, certainly not with TF animation being released, I dislike this cartoon but other people on this board have said they like it, each to thier own. Watch the series and make up your own mind, it will either appeal to your tates or it's not for you, enjoy it for what it did which was the revival of Transformers to a larger audience once again.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Yeah Beast Wars isn't for everyone and Bartrim has expressed his own oppinions withoutbeing hostile or trying to put down those who do so its cool.

    I personally hate all the Energon characters but that's my opinion.

    So no storm in a tea cup here.
    Medical Marijuana Patient
    Last edited by kup; 22nd March 2011 at 02:30 PM.

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