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Thread: BigBadToyStore (BBTS) (America) feedback

  1. #141
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Back when I used BBTS their CS was top notch and they shipped orders within a day. How things have gone downhill for them.

    It's getting to the point where there are very few TF retailers I will use anymore.
    My POL I've said to be shipped has been 'processing' for 5 days now

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Oh, there's far worse out there...

    But... I've been waiting 2.5 years for an order to be filled.
    HLJ were at least kind enough to inform me that the item in question had been discontinued by the manufacturer. BBTS on the other hand keep pushing the date out month after month...

    They did that to me with a The Tick statuette. Had it on order for 2 years before they said they wouldn't get it in.

    Honestly, between the GST, the low Aussie dollar and their often crap service I'd stop using them. But it often seems that out where I am it's the only way I'm going to get some figures. And at least they have never actually ripped me off or charged me for an item I've never received.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Lol I just realized it'll be 3 years in May.
    Something tells me I ain't getting it.

  3. #143
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Lol I just realized it'll be 3 years in May.
    Something tells me I ain't getting it.
    Well, at least it's BBTS you're dealing with not PC.

  4. #144
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Tried to convince me, at the 10 day mark of waiting for my express package, that the reason I had not received any tracking updates was that the updates halt when making their way through Aussie customs and my item would be there. However I got an update at the 12 day mark saying that the item had finally left the US. So it wasn't even in our country yet

    I know that the CS department for an online toy store isnt going to comprise the greatest of minds, but they could at least occasionally get something right.

    The annoying thing is, I put the order in in plenty of time for it to reach me for Xmas. Yet it took BBTS 3 days to even process and post the order (HLJ does within the hour) and then their '9 to 12 business days' amounted to squat as it took 11 days for it even to leave their shores. So much for the value of paying for the top level of express international postage
    Friggin same thing has happened again! Says on their site 9 to 12 business days from their business to your house. And I've only just got the update after 15 days that it is finally leaving US shores. I'd email them and complain but considering what happened last time:

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Oh I replied to their email telling them all the info they told me was completely incorrect. I got another email back from them, with zero acknowledgement that they had got it wrong, and in fact telling me that mailing times were only estimates (and directing me to a very obscure page of theirs I'm sure noone has ever read) and I should have known that.

    In fact they finished it off with 'If you want items by Christmas you should have ordered them to be mailed in November'
    ...I know I'll get the same runaround. Asked for my POL to be shipped a full fortnight before school holidays started here in NSW and I'll probably get my package a week after they have finished

    Doesn't help it takes them 5 days to put together a small POL Honestly, I used to sing this companies praises and I've been using them for a decade, yet now it seems all I do is bitch about them. My kingdom for TF's to be distributed properly here, or at least for there to be a reliable Aussie TF online store. Then I'd happily never use BBTS again.

  5. #145
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    7th Feb 2013


    I'm almost done with them too, my buying has decreased dramatically. With the exception of figures like the Generation Selects, I don't see myself ordering from them like I used to.

  6. #146
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    I asked for my POL to be shipped Wednesday last week. They shipped it at 2:39 am today (Saturday), which is actually Black Friday in America.

    Good to see my order shipped, but I feel sorry for the poor bastard that had to ship it to me instead of being with friends and family on a public holiday.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Yeah, so I'm over BBTS now. They were good to me for a long time with not one single issue, but in the last year or so I've noticed that things take longer and longer to ship out (still waiting for a POL to ship out that I paid for last Tuesday). I'm also sick of not getting any notice for items before they're in stock, they used to be really good with letting you know 10 days prior but now I usually just wake up to a notification that I've been charged for an item, which is fine except I'm never sure of when is a good time to ship out a POL. Recently I shipped one out only to get a notification that I'd been charged for more preorders the next day. Had I known I would have waited an extra day to ship everything together.
    I know this all sounds like first world problems, but they've dropped their standards from where they used to be, so I doubt I'll be ordering from them anymore. A couple of years ago I would have happily recommended them and told people that they are pricey but you get an exceptional service for your money. Now I can no longer say that the price is justified (I'm sure to some people it never was).
    Looking to buy lucky draw Armada Prime and Diaclone Marlboor Wheeljack.

  8. #148
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Either BBTS is under collecting GST or they are unable to fill out a customs declaration form correctly. Apparently, on my $60ish USD order I paid $1 GST. ?*??

    I hope the ATO doesn't come knocking on my door saying I owe them GST.

  9. #149
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    Either BBTS is under collecting GST or they are unable to fill out a customs declaration form correctly. Apparently, on my $60ish USD order I paid $1 GST. ?*??

    I hope the ATO doesn't come knocking on my door saying I owe them GST.
    ATO can only touch BBTS, it is none of your concerned if you paid only $1. They cant collect from you either, only from BBTS.

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