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Thread: Movie Critics Thread

  1. #1281
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    I went into Venom not really sure what to expect but it turned out to be a fun enjoyable film. Venom looks great and Hardy did a good job. I think this will be a blu ray purchase.

  2. #1282
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Saw Venom today.

    Man I despise people who talk in movies. I ended up walking out of the theatre to complain to staff and missed a good chunk of the film. What the flying freak is wrong with some people?!?

  3. #1283
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Saw Venom today.

    Man I despise people who talk in movies. I ended up walking out of the theatre to complain to staff and missed a good chunk of the film. What the flying freak is wrong with some people?!?
    Did you get a refund or extea free viewing?

  4. #1284
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Did you get a refund or extea free viewing?
    Got complimentary tickets, but still... I'd much rather just be able to watch a movie uninterrupted. Venom's not nearly a good enough movie for me to rewatch it in cinemas. Not good enough to purchase on DVD either (for me). I'll wait until the DVD release and rent it to see it again, but yeah... super annoyed at people wasting my time and ruining my viewing experience. If people aren't interested in watching the film then I don't understand why they don't just step outside and chat among themselves.

  5. #1285
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Okay, here are things about Venom that I thought didn't make sense:

    Some things that don't make sense...

    + Carlton Draught; believes that humanity's salvation lies in space exploration. Because... reasons? He desperately wants to save people but at the same time is murderous, then at the end he's willing to team up with Riot to help his species conquer Earth and eat all humans. How does this reconcile with his own objectives?

    + Why would Brock's employer send him, a reporter well known for exposing people, to do an interview with Tooheys Blue when the objective is to not expose him and save the company? Send someone else!

    + Why does it take 6 months for Riot to travel from Malaysia to the United States? How did it travel alone in the body of a small unaccompanied child?

    + How are Riot and Venom able to easily hop between hosts when apparently it's super important to find a compatible host or the symbiote and host will die? Venom tells Brock that they're perfectly compatible and that he won't be able to find anyone else to merge with, yet he's able to bond with his ex girlfriend and a DOG without any apparent issues. And there are 7 billion people on the planet. How does Venom know that there's noone just as if not more compatible than Brock?

    + Why does Victoria Bitter want to push straight towards testing human subjects? What's the rush? Doing smaller tests on animals makes more sense and decreases the likelihood of failure which may include killing off the symbiotes.

    + Venom is super-duper hungry... then later he's not?

    + How did Venom know that there were dangerous people about to knock on his door? Spider Sen---, oh wait... Hang on, how come Venom can sense guns but he can't sense drones?

    + Why did Riot kill the launch crew? Who's going to pilot/guide the rocket?

    + Actually, how does Riot even plan on travelling between inhabited worlds? His people are on a ... comet? How were they even planning on getting to Earth? They were brought there by coincidence because Asahi Beer's people found them and collected a small sample which they took back to Earth. What if the comet passes by a world without the technology to detect and collect them? What a waste of food. And after consuming humanity, how were they planning on leaving the planet in search of more food? What happens if they land on a planet where the inhabitants are all incompatible for bonding? Would they perish? Like, what happens if they arrived on Cybertron?

    + Why didn't Brock just SMS or Email his former boss instead breaking in and leaving his phone on the desk?

    + Why didn't Budweiser go looking for the symbiote that his team lost in Malaysia? The killing spree must've made news and might've tipped him off.

    + Why aren't San Francisco police mounting a manhunt for Eddie Brock? He's not exactly anonymous to the police, and he'd be wanted for several charges including resisting arrest, assaulting police and killing at least one officer.

    + Carlton United is running all these highly illegal secret plans, yet he hires a very large staff who have access to these things, and even sacks people with this knowledge. Only two people on Bruce Wayne's staff knew his secret, and the Vulture was smart enough to keep a small crew and killed the person who wanted to opt out.

    + Why weren't Francis Drake's goons better equipped to capture the Venom symbiote? They clearly knew that the creatures were susceptible to high frequency sounds, so why not bring an emitter to stun the creature for capture?

    + When the scientists release the symbiotes they only ever attack the poor selected human hosts but never the scientists. Why? Would make more sense if the containment units were remotely opened. Also... how do the scientists get the symbiotes back in containment? Do they wear clothes/suits that are immune to the symbiotes' ability to bond? If so, why aren't the henchmen wearing this material?

    + The movie doesn't explain why Venom has a craving for chocolates. I know that the comics do, but the movie never does. I also don't understand why Venom craves Tater Tots... do they also contain high amounts of phenethylamine?

    + Anne, a lawyer, was able to very quickly switch on an MRI machine and a working computer to produce sounds over 600 Hertz. What luck.

    + Why do the symbiotes look like Spider-Man?

    + Carlton Banks has the most American sounding British accent I've ever heard.

    NOTE: I'm not saying that you can't enjoy this movie. As I said, I found it fun and entertaining - I enjoyed it. But it doesn't mean that the critics are wrong. You can enjoy something but know that it's not good at the same time (like enjoying a Big Mac. Mmm... Big Maaac....)

  6. #1286
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Small Foot. Nothing ground breaking story wise. A bit like the croads with not questioning things or going outside the limits. Human and yeti find eachother and then work together at the end in peace. Animation is fine, voice work good, just a story we have seen before in different guises. 5/10

  7. #1287
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I saw Venom, and surprisingly enjoyed a good portion of it. I mean it sure is cheesy and almost like a superhero film from the bad old days of 90's superheroes, however it's saving grace is Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock, and his relationship with Tom Hardy as Venom. if only the film had more of that, every other character and plot element was forgettable except for that.

    Not sure if I'd recommend, and yet I wouldn't say don't see it either.

  8. #1288
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    I rewatched the Matrix sequels over last weekend.

    I enjoyed them a lot more now than I did when I was 13. They're not brilliant, the CGI has not aged well at all, and a lot of the action is pointless fluff, but they were fun to watch again after all this time.

    Is the Animatrix streaming anywhere?
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  9. #1289
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    I rewatched the Matrix sequels over last weekend.

    I enjoyed them a lot more now than I did when I was 13. They're not brilliant, the CGI has not aged well at all, and a lot of the action is pointless fluff, but they were fun to watch again after all this time.

    Is the Animatrix streaming anywhere?
    The Matrix trilogy is cyberpunk heaven.
    I recall when the Animatrix first came out I had to travel to the city to watch it because it was only given an arthouse kind of release.

  10. #1290
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Venom. Enjoyable film to see at the cinema. Some of the action was hard to see as its shot at night. Venom didnt seem to threatening and it was subdued by a human. The relationship did feel like a symbiotic one where they needed eachother. The interactions of Brock and venom were good.

    6/10. Not as good as spiderman but still stands on its own feet.

    There were four of them on earth. Venom, Riot, dead.... is the fourth one carnage?

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