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Thread: Movie Critics Thread

  1. #311
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Speaking of movies based on something else, I agree with Trunks, The Wolverine was really enjoyable. One scene had me literally on the edge of my seat which doesn't happen very often and giddy with joy. One other scene seemed to have an out of place slur that I'm trying to decide if it was actually offensive or not. I don't know Sydney that well but one street scene, near the hotel, sure looked like Sydney to me. Much better than the Wolverine Origins film.
    It was the Parramatta scenes that stood out the most for me, seeing the Sydney Buses set down area!

    The f-bomb that was dropped surprised me too, it works with Wolverine saying it, but why then as opposed to the dozen for more times he could have also said it? Surprised it still got an "M" with that in it. It is a violent sounding film, and there is lots of gore implied but never sighted. Would not be difficult to recut this film to an MA or R for violence!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  2. #312
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    It wasn't the F word that bothered me actually. I'm still trying to decide if I'm being overly sensitive but it really took me out of the moment.

    The bloodless claws were alright. I don't think we need to see the gore, we can hear when those claws are working through the henchmen and imagine it (which is always better than dodgy cgi).

    Also did you see 3d or 2d? I saw 3d because I had a free ticket but I don't think it added anything special.

  3. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    It wasn't the F word that bothered me actually. I'm still trying to decide if I'm being overly sensitive but it really took me out of the moment.
    The reason for me it stood out and as you say took you out of the moment. Almost like some of the script was missing. Yes its part of the Wolverine character to express himself this way, it just came out of nowhere!

    I was looking forward to the Wolverine sequel. I enjoyed it mostly for the setting. But I found it confusing. All of the dream scenes with Jean grey were unnecessary and could of been cut in my opinion. The bullet train fight scene was cool.

    Also stay for the scene after the credits.

  4. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Defcon View Post
    Also stay for the scene after the credits.
    It was good that this bonus scene was after the main credits too, not having to wait until the end of the credits. That's how it should always be (and some films have done this lately: Pacific Rim and Avengers). I believe you should always stay until the main credits have been shown. Once the crawling text is on, then it's time to go, but the main credits are part of the film IMO. spoiler I knew it was coming but not what it was going to be. A mention of Trask Industries okay. Then Magneto showed up and I laughed out loud with joy because I was so excited. Really looking forward to Days of Future Past now. /spoiler

    Okay, the line that bothered me in The Wolverine was near the end where Logan says to another character "you twisted mutant bitch". I couldn't believe that a mutant would use the word "mutant" in a derogatory insulting way to another mutant. Is it okay that both the speaker and target were mutants? I don't think so. I tried to see this another way, say that character was played by, I don't know, let's say Beyonce. Would the filmmakers have got away with the hero saying "you twisted b**** bitch"? I don't think so. Would it be different again if Logan was also played by a black actor? Should it?

    Is it better that he used the word that is more descriptive "mutant" and not something more (in world) offensive like "mutie" or "genejoke"? I found it hard to decide exactly where I stand on this. It does feel very wrong for a person who's lived a long time as part of a persecuted minority group to throw the word around as an insult. I'm a bit more senstitive to this as one of the reasons I've loved the X-Men for the last twenty years is because of the gay metaphor. But as I've thought about it more, I realise if I wanted to really offend another gay person, I possibly would use an anti-gay slur, because I know it would hurt them (but I'd feel bad about it afterwards).
    Last edited by Paulbot; 31st July 2013 at 11:57 PM.

  5. #315
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    Saw P. Rim again in 2d this time. Needed more typhoon and chernol alpha.

    The Wolverine. Great movie, enjoyed it. I saw the after credit scene at the airport. Were there any others?

  6. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by Defcon View Post
    The reason for me it stood out and as you say took you out of the moment. Almost like some of the script was missing. Yes its part of the Wolverine character to express himself this way, it just came out of nowhere!

    I was looking forward to the Wolverine sequel. I enjoyed it mostly for the setting. But I found it confusing. All of the dream scenes with Jean grey were unnecessary and could of been cut in my opinion. The bullet train fight scene was cool.

    Also stay for the scene after the credits.
    Do you think Jean or the Phoenix is still alive? And that it was trying to make Wolverine kill himself? Or just metaphor for the movie. What is this dark force that is coming........big red robots??

  7. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Do you think Jean or the Phoenix is still alive? And that it was trying to make Wolverine kill himself? Or just metaphor for the movie. What is this dark force that is coming........big red robots??
    He was just dreaming, but it could be said that Jean was in the white hot room, just like the comics.

    And the next X-Men film, Days of Future Past, will include some big robots.

  8. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Okay, the line that bothered me in The Wolverine was near the end where Logan says to another character "you twisted mutant bitch". I couldn't believe that a mutant would use the word "mutant" in a derogatory insulting way to another mutant. Is it okay that both the speaker and target were mutants? I don't think so. I tried to see this another way, say that character was played by, I don't know, let's say Beyonce. Would the filmmakers have got away with the hero saying "you twisted b**** bitch"? I don't think so. Would it be different again if Logan was also played by a black actor? Should it?
    Seeing the movie tomorrow, but this is just another great example of FOX's poor treatment of their Marvel property, and their failed undertsanding of the source material.

    I can't believe a line like that made it into the final script, really disappointing!

    It'll be a great day when and if the X-Men film properties make it back to Marvel Studios/Disney.
    Last edited by XMan; 2nd August 2013 at 04:39 PM.

  9. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Okay, the line that bothered me in The Wolverine was near the end where Logan says to another character "you twisted mutant bitch". I couldn't believe that a mutant would use the word "mutant" in a derogatory insulting way to another mutant. Is it okay that both the speaker and target were mutants? I don't think so. I tried to see this another way, say that character was played by, I don't know, let's say Beyonce. Would the filmmakers have got away with the hero saying "you twisted b**** bitch"? I don't think so. Would it be different again if Logan was also played by a black actor? Should it?
    Yes, it would. Normally, it is different when the discriminative term is applicable to both. Don't know why.

  10. #320
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    Watched wolverine, really enjoyed the character development, but I too felt the last part of the movie was lacking and low on quality.

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