Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
Dune. Great visuals, good acting, so what is wrong with it? Its overly long and story is bland. Many other stories of this theme have been told before and you see what is going to happen in the movie before it happens. If it was released a few years ago, might have been better story wise as it would be fresher. It says part one, will we ever see a part two? Would like to see what happens. Overall great movie that is just a lil long and a bit bored in its narritive.

If you go see the movie, monitor the speed of the movie, when a sand worm raises up in front of a son and mother after running across the sand, to me it appeared that the film hit something similar to 2x play. It sped up for a few scenes.
Dune was always going to be a 2 parter. Just like the books, and the earlier 80s movie(not sure if there was an 80s part 2 tbh). The earlier movie was popular as it came out at the right time, was scifi-y enough as well as being not terrible. Plus at the time was a high point of scifi/fantasy movies.

I enjoyed the first book, but it is somewhat predictable. Obviously the protag boy is the messiah, there is no doubt about that. Haven't watched the new one yet. Or the old one for that matter. Will get around to seeing them both eventually.