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Thread: Comic reviews: IDW More Than Meets The Eye ongoing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic

    Default Comic reviews: IDW More Than Meets The Eye ongoing

    (Please post comments or even a fully comprehensive review - these are just brief details)

    Comic review - Transformers More Than Meets The Eye
    Creators - James Roberts (writer), Nick Roche, Alex Milne (artists)
    Publisher - IDW
    Retail Price - AU$4.50 (approx) per issue (US$3.99)
    Page count per issue - 22 pages
    Series length - Ongoing
    Released - January 2012 to
    Collected edition - Volume 1 (due for release 26 Jun 2012)
    Last edited by Paulbot; 25th January 2012 at 12:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Issue 1 lives up to the promise of the preview. It's amazing how many interesting elements and unique takes they manage to squeeze into one issue. It's an interesting mix of characters. It's funny. I thought it was interesting to see them end with hints from the future within the story itself. This is the best #1 from IDW since LSOTW #1. Highly recommended.

    Shame that people may be put off by the art though but I grew up with US Marvel Comics and dodgy art never stops me enjoying a great story. Personally I think the art in this issue is great. I like the style and the characters are very emotive. It feels more Animated-style than anything else.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Hrm, interesting but I'm not biting.

    I've bought enough versions of IDW stuff in HC and single issue in the past and there's enough crap that's come out from them in recent tiems I refuse to buy at cover price. I'll wait for the price to drop on the IDW app (which is powered by Comixology now btw).

    Art style didn't look too bad. At times gnarling but I can live with it. Not like the G2 comics which were some of the low points in TF art imo.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Been thinking about the last scene more. Would like to know if people think Prowl got that message before the ship left or after. My first thought was after but it's more interesting to think it was before (and in character for Prowl too).

    I'll wait for the price to drop on the IDW app (which is powered by Comixology now btw).
    Been taking a month to drop to $1.99 based on the Chaos issues (hopefully they don't follow Marvel's route and keep comics, like Fear Itself and the X-Relaunch) at cover price indefinitely). I bought via the app today because the preview was good enough. Unsure if I'll buy or wait a month for RID.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Issue 1 lives up to the promise of the preview. It's amazing how many interesting elements and unique takes they manage to squeeze into one issue. It's an interesting mix of characters. It's funny. I thought it was interesting to see them end with hints from the future within the story itself. This is the best #1 from IDW since LSOTW #1. Highly recommended.
    You said it, this first issue sure has delivered the goods. I'm already attached to several of the characters, if anything happens to Rewind I don't know what I'll do, haha. Speaking of the small fry, I wonder what those disks are he purchased before climbing aboard the ship?

    Tailgate definitely brought home the lols didn't he? Every scene with him was pure gold! And then in contrast you've got the rather disturbed Whirl who's equally engaging but for totally different reasons. It's just terrific stuff!

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Shame that people may be put off by the art though but I grew up with US Marvel Comics and dodgy art never stops me enjoying a great story. Personally I think the art in this issue is great. I like the style and the characters are very emotive. It feels more Animated-style than anything else.
    Yeah I hope the seemingly acquired taste of the art doesn't stop people from reading this series. Having said that, I love the style! What's more, with the digital copy you get all 5 comic covers one of which is in the exact same style as the Wreckers TPB cover style. Sooooo cool! The only character whose art I didn't like was Cyclonus, his face just isn't very well drawn imo.
    The design for Whirl is truly fantastic however, he looks really insect-like which adds to his creepiness.

    Re: Prowl I think he receives the message before they leave, mainly because of his comments in the last cell of page 7. Not too sure though!

  6. #6
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    1st Jan 2008


    I enjoyed the story, I thought it was well written. The humour peppered throughout the pages helped move things along for me.

    Not a fan of the art style - but it's not "bad" art, just different to how I prefer it. I've definitely seen worse art from IDW.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Wow, that was an interesting issue.

    Loved the mix of characters and I reallyenjoy the Roberts take on Prowl who has been one of the IDW standouts in recent months (much like Ratchet was in the Furmanverse) and hope that the creative team for RiD continue down the same path.

    The hints of the "don'ts" are intriguing, they were nice and vague and sent by an unknown. I am in agreeance that Prowl received the datatrack before blast off and told no-one from spite.

    Something that Roberts has done exceptionally well in his issues (and that Roche's art compliments well) is give character to the bots ands cons in his stories even if they only have a handful of lines. Rewind and Tailpipe are new characters to all and sundry (in this universe) and we already have a decent insight to their character, same goes for Whirl and Cyclonus who should make for a great combo team. And love to see Red Alert get some screen time, he and Magnus should be fun to read.

    Very good start to the series, beautifully done covers (I went for Ratchet, but wouldve been happy with any, bar the Drift one) that really caught the eye with the silver title and excellent paper and print quality. If the level of quality can be retained this will be a better run than anything IDW has done (bar LSotW).
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  8. #8
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    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    A delight from first page to last.

    Without doubt the best first issue of a Transformers comic since 1993, if not ever. Every character so far has a distinct personality (and they're almost all lunatics, so thank Primus they have a psychiatrist on board.) I care about Magnus and Cyclonus for the first time since the eighties - they're fantastic. And Roberts made me actually not hate Drift. I hope this series never ends.

    I don't understand the complaints about the art - Roche does a much better job on art than any issue of a Transformers ongoing in years. And I can actually understand what's going on. The art in Chaos was... chaos.

    Prowl is also back in fine form as the most manipulative and ruthless Transformer we've ever seen. I hope the writer of the other ongoing... whoever he is... manages to keep up Prowl's Machiavellian machinations. Unlike Mike Costa's abysmal Spotlight: Prowl. And speaking of that failure-of-a-previous-writer who lamented that he himself didn't know what he was doing - Costa: read More Than Meets The Eye #1. That's how you write Transformers with motivations and character.

    "It's authentic. Check out the rubsign."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I have read the first issue and I am impressed so far.

    Yeah, the art is stylized and that can take some getting used to but unlike the previous year long streak of horrid art, you can tell exactly what is going on. Each Panel is used efficiently and flows much better than the confusing mess they had before. It is almost as if you are reading an older comic which focuses more on what is needed to carry the story forward rather than what would look fancy. This makes the story a much better read and much more inmersive.

    It pretty much reads in the same style as Last Stand of the Wreckers, the story flows logically and efficiently. There is no wasted space and the character banters are enjoyable rather than cringe inducing as it was before. There is also a lot of care and understanding of the characters as it once again feels as if you are dealing with the original G1 characters rather than some poorly made facsimile as previously - It truly captures the spirit of how Transformers should be and the writers also throw in the odd obscure easter egg to keep hardcore fans happy.

    Did anyone notice the Japanese Micromaster Launcher with Tailgate? That was cool.

    This was a well thought out first issue which introduces several of the characters well enough to establish their personalities and mindsets but doesn't give away everything about them wanting you to know more which is fantastic.

    This first issue is much better than any single issue that I have read since Last Stand of the Wreckers even if Drift is in it

    I can't wait for the next!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    I think Roche and Roberts complement each other incredibly well, and I'm personally gutted that Roche won't be doing the art of MTMTE for much longer.

    The writing will obviously be as good as ever but a large part of what makes MTMTE#1 and LSOTW is the amazing synergy of art and dialogue. With Roche gone will we love the characters as much? Will the humour have as much impact?

    This first issue is such a masterpiece, they can't break up this team!

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