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Thread: Comic reviews: IDW More Than Meets The Eye ongoing

  1. #71
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I really do like how Rung is a model builder/collector... nearly as cool as Shortround (who collects transforming robot toys ).

    The thing that really bugs me about non-toy characters is that I don't have toys of them to play out!! The most I can do is approximate them with similar looking toys if possible... which sometimes it's not (looking at you, Botanica!). What toy would you guys recommend as an approximation of Rung? e.g. I use MW Hubcap as an approximation of Emirate Xaaron.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I was impatient and went to the comic store to buy issue 7 in physical copy instead of digitally tomorrow morning.

    I'm yet to be let down by this series. Again the preview pages don't give away the plot. I've got a grin on my face because I enjoyed this so much.

    The DJD look scary and all, but the reject Decepticons made my day. I so hope the survivors come on board the Lost Light. They'd fit right in, with their quirks, along the Autobot crew. I've always like Misfire's look and finally he's got something to do. The series has been lacking Decepticons, but finally we get a good team of counterparts, and a team to be reckoned with. And not a Geewun 'Con among them.

    Bring on issue 8!

  3. #73
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Issue #7 is brilliant.

    Lots of new characters and locales, the script and art continues to be amazing. The DJD are going to be a volatile threat. The new characters are so well written, you like them straight away, the banter is hilarious and enlightening. The word count for this issue must be more than all of Costa's run combined!

    Issue #8 looks like it'll be great, can't wait to read what happens.

    Also love that even though the focus is mostly on all the newbies, they still take a few pages to keep us up to date with the bots we know, love and will probably watch die!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #74
    Join Date
    1st Jan 2008


    I find this series has a humourous quirkiness that keeps me interested, each issue is a pleasant read.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I found this issue a bit slower than the previous few. it was still good though. I feel like I know where this is going though, so I'm hoping there going to do something different.

    loved the humor again though, very Joss Whedonish, they even stole Evil Willows line.

    Spoilers bit:

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post

    The DJD look scary and all, but the reject Decepticons made my day. I so hope the survivors come on board the Lost Light. They'd fit right in, with their quirks, along the Autobot crew. I've always like Misfire's look and finally he's got something to do. The series has been lacking Decepticons, but finally we get a good team of counterparts, and a team to be reckoned with. And not a Geewun 'Con among them.

    Bring on issue 8!
    Yes about that I liked the reject Decepticons too, however I don't want to get to attached to them, as I expect them all to be slaughtered within 2 issues probably by Grimlock (well maybe not Missfire). This a great series but the one thing that bothers me is with all IDW's stories is the immortality of the Geewun bots and the way almost any other bot post Headmasters may as well be called Red Chassis. When I can guess who is going to live and who is going to die I get bored, surprise me again MTMTE, you can do it!!!!!!!

  6. #76
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    i liked this issue, i read it twice..


    i like how crankcase has a head wound, i wonder if this is a carry over injury from stormbringer.. not sure if we have seen him since.

    and i do like Flywheels and Misfire...... we really doo need some decepticon storys to balance it all out, it just all latley seems to be autobots in both titles....

    who do you think the DJD is after is it as obvious as Fulcrum is the intended target he lived like the discussion between Vos and Tarn, or it could be Crankcase he survived nebulos and maybe deserted... or maybe Krok....

    either way i look forward to the next issue of this more then any other book i am reading.. (i am bored to death with AvX and the 300 crossovers you need to read to understand what is happening.)

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  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    I find this series has a humourous quirkiness that keeps me interested, each issue is a pleasant read.

    I'm also enjoying these misfit Decepticons; much moreso than the Decepticon Justice Division. I'm still not a fan of throwing in all these non-toy characters... it just takes some of the magic of Transformers away when there isn't a toy available to play along with. That's one thing that I enjoy about Transformers because it lets you "live" the adventures with the toys. How often do we sit in front of the TV or sit in front of open comic books and play along with the stories? Or after reading an issue or watching an ep, going off to recreate that adventure with your toys? I know that we've had non-toy characters since G1 and it's hardly a new concept... but I guess that during the 80s I was more accepting because they needed to flesh out characters more, especially in the early days when the Decepticons were outnumbered 3:1 (so they had to do crazy things like give us multi-coloured Seekers and other such generic 'Cons to fill the ranks). Also Hasbro often dictated which toys they could insert/remove from stories, so writers would need to insert characters that they could remove when they wanted to without worrying about what Hasbro thought. But now... IDW has access to 11 years worth of G1/G2 toys at their disposal, and since these comics aren't being used by Hasbro to sell toys, they're not as restricted in who they want to introduce or remove.

    So yeah, consequently I'm enjoying the Decepticon misfits more... 'cept for Fulcrum. I don't dislike him per se... but he simply doesn't engage me as much. Watching the DJD torture and kill Sky^Black Shadow was pretty kewl... if they did the same thing to Fulcrum I just wouldn't care as much. I'd be like, "Ppffttt... I don't even have a toy of this guy. Hurry up and kill him please." It was the same during G1... watching Prowl, Ratchet, Ironhide, Starscream and Optimus Prime getting killed was upsetting... if they killed Arcee, I really wouldn't have cared.

    + Rigel IV -- home planet of Kodoss and Kang in the Simpsons! Lol! (and by an amazing coincidence the Rigellian language is identical to Modern English )
    + A fleet of Warworlds?! Phwoar!

  8. #78
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    ...something that bugs me about MTMTE is how the Transformers refer to themselves as "people" and occasionally "men." (-_-)

  9. #79
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    We know. You mention it a lot. But they are speaking Neocybex and use a word that translates to English as people to refer to themselves.

    As for "men", blame Jihaxus. Ever since Arcee was created, most of the Transformers became "men" in difference to her.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    ...something that bugs me about MTMTE is how the Transformers refer to themselves as "people" and occasionally "men." (-_-)
    People does not necessarily mean 'Human' or organic. They are sentient and intelligent so 'People' does apply.

    I will however agree with being annoyed when they use the term 'Men' to address each other.

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