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Thread: Comic review: Robots in Disguise ongoing

  1. #111
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    the big reveal feels like a big cop out when it could have been a dramatic character development.
    I see what you did there...

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Only one death looks "permanent" to me and it's the one most easily undone.
    Upon a second (and third read) I would agree. Only one of Roberts favourites may have actually died, and I bet there is a work around for it. He already has survived pretty big injuries. All the others may take some time to recover once the cavalry arrives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    And Sky High was one of my childhood Pretenders. Wish he and his MTMTE(bio book) personality had made it to the Lost Light instead.
    Just nice to see non 1985 cast members get a line here and there. He seemed to escape unscathed so far.

    After subsequent readings I really need more information regarding Arcee. This may one of those storylines that we look back on in a year or two and either see it as a setup for whats to come, or a weak link in the overarching direction. It already feels too compacted and "dumpy" on re-reads. In a way thats good as it gets it out of the way, hopefully for more information on the "hows and whys" once the big brawl is done.\

    Related note, where is Brawl?
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  2. #112
    Join Date
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    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Just nice to see non 1985 cast members get a line here and there. He seemed to escape unscathed so far.
    No, he's crushed on page 21 but at least he got some dialogue, which may be a first for the character actually.

  3. #113
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    i liked the last page, but i felt like the rest of the issue was a little bit of a cop out.....

    kind of feel like they could of covered the last 6 issues in half that...

    (meanwhile i really enjoyed Gaurdians of the Galaxy #0.1)

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  4. #114
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    So would you say that Meg's new plan for the future of the cons is his twisted version of "till all are one"?
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  5. #115
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    Chadstone, Vic


    Yes, this idea of "Til All Are One" being a physical and not just a metaphysical concept/potential for the Transformers race is an interesting idea, and makes Deceptigod less silly.

    Some more thoughts and some spoilers

    I dislike the Decepticons, as a group, going in to "Let me tell you the details of our evil plan". I really dislike that Prowl was just under Decepticon control. It's boring and predictable. It was much more interesting for an Autobot to be manipulating things to a point where working with the Decepticons became a logical action.

    Forcing his body into the new Devastator also doesn't make much sense. They explained that Devastator was a successful gestalt because the Constructicons share a "unity of purpose". Prowl doesn't have a "mind for Devastation" .

    I figure Wheeljack has some sort of backup body/mind or emergency plan to move vital parts around, especially after surviving that chest wound. I can't see it sticking. I can there are going for that dire (all going to hell, how will the heroes ever prevail) type of moment, but I think killing off or removing most of the main cast all at once is just over playing it.

    I wondered where Blurr disappeared to? I guess he got separated from the others or ran for help? Maybe a part of a panel got cut off on Comixology's guided view? (It's happened before with this series)

  6. #116
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    I think the idea was that Prowl was still under Bombshell's control and that is why the gestalt of Devestator still worked. I'm not sure if Devestator is under his own control or under the control of Bombshell.

    If he is under the control of Bombshell then could there be a powerplay made?

    I figure that we will have Prowl somehow overcome the Cerebro shell and subdue/control Devy later on. No way Superion and the Dinobots and Ol' Ih-n-hide can defewat the Decepticon army.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  7. #117
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    Exactly how much control Bombshell had on Prowl isn't clear, and since that was the whole twist, that's a problem. I guess Prowl's body was all they wanted and they assume his defeated broken mind would just be overwhelmed by the Devastator gestalt. Prowl though was looking forward to becoming part of it but was there ever a real "evil Prowl" personality?

    During the "here's our evil plan", Prowl and Bombshell talk as if they are different bots. ("Prowl relied on fear." "Correct Bombshell") which suggests Prowl is autonomous, but it appears that actually Bombshell's just keeping up the illusion?

    If Bombshell was completely controlling Prowl, that might be why he's struggling with talking properly himself but I think that's established IDW trait of the Insecticon. At one point Bombshell and Prowl take times saying the same sentence. Later Prowl says "my every action is Bombshell's" and Bombshell adds "voice, mannerisms, intelletect". Prowl than says "Would you like to say goodbye to Prowl?" which suggests its Bombshell's voice coming through the body.

    The way Prowl's body then collapses and Prowl's real voice comes out made me think that the control was over. Bombshell's control wasn't needed anymore (but I suspect he might still have a backdoor).

    I still think it would have been a much more interesting story if it was revealed in this issue that many of his actions had been because Prowl wanted to take control of a gestalt. Because frankly it doesn't make that much sense for the Decepticons to use an Autobot here rather than another Decepticon. And why not make Prowl a replacement leg instead of swapping Hook about? It all strikes me as trying to make a big twist/shock for marketing rather than what makes sense for the story.

  8. #118
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    Although I would have preferred Prowl to actually be with the Decepticons, the Bombshell thing at least makes sense as a plot device even if it somewhat ruins last issue's Black Room twist. The Devastator thing was just awful. If Arcee is actually working for the Decepticons then last issue's caption boxes don't make any sense. It's like there are twists for twists' sake even if it contradicts logic. That said, the new last page 'twist' means next issue should at least be interesting.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    7th Nov 2011


    I share a lot of Paulbot's thoughts.

    Overall, I'm very disappointed with this issue. The whole story ark was fresh, going in a new direction, 'bots seeming to actually die and then - bam! - let's reset the status quo on all levels.
    -Prowl wasn't being devious.
    -Everyone that died was just pretending.
    -Ironhide and the Dinobots... does anyone else think that story line just ended in the middle?
    -Even Megatron is back in a copy of his old body (Just in time for his Stealth Bomber Generations toy...).

    It just seems like no matter what story is being told, at the end of the arc everything will reset right back.
    Nobody thought the entire Deception cast was killed when the Decepticon pen exploded, but seriously? This is akin to using the 'it was all a dream' cop-out.

    And as we saw in MTMTE *spoiler*> Having your head blown off does not preclude a full recovery, a la Rung. If the writers keep going the way they are Wheeljack will be just fine.

    I don't mean to be a big whinger, I was really enjoying RID and I just feel disappointed at this development erasure.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Yeah I agree this issue despite the excitement felt a bit forced. The Decepticons explanation seemed more like a series re-cap, and it was rather cliche the way they all pat themselves on the back and explain their convoluted plan for no reason. Plus the whole bit with the Arielbots seemed pretty stupid. Megatron used them as a test case and then just assumed they were all dead? Talk about your comic book villain mistakes. I'll have to re-read the issue again but the whole Decepticon revelation just didn't ring true for me.

    As for the final page, called that a while back.

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