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Thread: Comic review: Robots in Disguise ongoing

  1. #171
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    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney



    23/Dark Cybertron 3 was an eye opener. Won't go into detail yet as it only just came out, but the twists have come already. Nothing from some characters/ events are seen here, and other characters have a much smaller panel count than I was expecting.

    Lots to discuss....

    Art for the Cybertron based stuff is truly awful. Raiz did better on the Lost Light.

    Bumblebee needs to go die in a hole somewhere and they better start drawing Prowl with a decent sized red crest again.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  2. #172
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    Chadstone, Vic


    I know there's several writers on the cover, and I assume Roberts is writing the Lost Light scenes... because those are the scenes I'm enjoying the most. I'm even coming around to Raiz's art. But then we go back to Cybertron and it's not really gripping me. There's hints of a crossover that DC did a few years ago (and that Marvel did a version of too) but will wait and see.

  3. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I know there's several writers on the cover, and I assume Roberts is writing the Lost Light scenes... because those are the scenes I'm enjoying the most. I'm even coming around to Raiz's art. But then we go back to Cybertron and it's not really gripping me. There's hints of a crossover that DC did a few years ago (and that Marvel did a version of too) but will wait and see.
    Yes, the RiD sections are noticeably weaker, and some stuff regarding Starscream, Metalhawk, Scoop and Rattrap do not make sense (yet, I hope they clear it up soon).

    I didn't like having no Dead Universe scenes either. I'm getting a feeling that there will be 10issues of setup, one big battle and then a big info dump issue to fill in all the gaps.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #174
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    Hmmm, I'm not having the same reaction as some of you guys. Seems to be making sense in general to me, all but Soundwave and the cons attacking bee. Love the colours on the Dead wave splash page!
    Twit and insta @lukeabarnett

  5. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by bassbot View Post
    Hmmm, I'm not having the same reaction as some of you guys. Seems to be making sense in general to me, all but Soundwave and the cons attacking bee. Love the colours on the Dead wave splash page!
    I figured the cons wanted to attack the Titan but the Bots were in the way.

    I want to know how Metalhawk was revived. Does the death beam (which really hit some bots harder than others!) revive him? How did he know where Megatron was/ to disable the forcefield? He knew Starscream killed him, and talked in some panels like he was himself brought back to life, but it appears Shockwave controls him. Sure it'll all be remedied and explained at some point.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  6. #176
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    There's an ore that brings the dead back to life, so maybe the wave can kill but revive already dead bots like Metal hawk and that other guy at the end. You know the one. Good guys bought back from the dead and turned evil makes me think Blackest Night and Necrosha X.

    Other questions come up too: Did Starscream flee or get pushed away? Was Rattrap meant to come across so evil? You have a Metrotitan and use it as a bomb? I want to reread but my copy is at my office. Very short wait for the next chapter though.

  7. #177
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    The latest issue (#24, chapter 5) is a much more standalone RID issue than I expected. More like what I was talking about the other day in wanting the books to focus on their own characters.

    I really like Michael Gill's pencils. His pages are the best "on Cybertron" art I've seen in a while, but I could see that his sketchy thin-line style might not be too all tastes. It kind of reminds me of someone else, or maybe some work of his elsewhere (like a Movie comic or something, but he doesn't have a TFwiki page yet). The two page spread about halfway I think is really nice. The colourist has done a great job too. It's not as bright and primary coloured as recent RID/Cybertron scenes.

  8. #178
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    Agreed on the art Paulbot, it is much stronger in this issue, but still far from perfect.

    Having no Lost Light after heir big reveal felt like a bit of a cop-out, I hope we see no Cybertron boredom from the next MtMtE issue to even it out. There was a lot of panels with Nightbeat doing some retelling of MtMTE events that felt all too much like filler that wasted precious space. Worst of all it only gave us one or two mostly insignificant tidbits. Later reveals regarding his force field were far mor interesting. I also liked the final reveal regarding Nightbeat, a good twist that I was hoping for but not expecting.

    I find myself not really caring about the Cybertron based characters. We know Ironhide survives and the rest of them (One of my favourites, Prowl included) have been written so poorly or as complete incompetents since the split that I find it hard to care if they survive or not. Bumblebee continues to do nothing to help anyone. Metalhawk has turned into a bare bones bad guy for the sake of it, he was a large part of the reason Starscream came to power, yet wants to blame everyone else, perhaps a stand-in for the teenagers of today who always want to blame others for their mistakes?

    In terms of moving things along, Nova is stuck in the DU, Galvatron is not, Megatron was owned in a way that hopefully renders him useless and obsolete for the rest of the event. I would have preferred him to not have been revived, kept in stasis while his space bridge was utilised. Skywarp winking out of existence intrigues me, as does Shockwave finally taking command of the Titan. I'd like some more details on what he has planned, it feels like too much is to happen over the next 7 issues considering very little has happened these last 5.

    No Starscream, no Lost Light, no Metroplex, no Ammonites. All the interesting parts bar Nightbeat skipped, making this a weaker instalment but very necessary to move things into place for the second half.

    Art was better, Livio was Livio, a few panels were brilliant, others terrible. Gill tried hard but his details were mostly mediocre and event the big splash pages do not look as good as they could, the perspective and angles are all wrong and rind me of Dreamwave more than anything.

    Here's hoping #6 ignores dull Cyberton, gives us some memorable quotes, facts and moves the story along more than a tithe.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  9. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Here's hoping #6 ignores dull Cyberton, gives us some memorable quotes, facts and moves the story along more than a tithe.
    looking at the iBooks preview that doesnt look to be the case, however i kind of like that swoop and SLAG moment in the preview

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  10. #180
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    Holy toledoes batman! Stuff actually moved forward this issue and the characters were filled in on the going owns we've known about for quite a while.

    If we could've not been subjected to the Crosscut ad it would've been better but it didn't really cut into the story anyway. The Lost Light stuff was once again the highlight, as it has been all series. The final panels inside Metroplex were eye openers and I am finally interested to see where this is all going.

    In the Dead Universe stuff moved forward too, Pax, Rod and Cyc all got moved out of the box and de-brainwashed Nightbeat (possibly) with a dull riddle that could be interesting over the next few issues and could be the starting point for Roddy to jump ship post event. Hoping Hardhead dissolving means he is returning the the real universe in a reverse of the Sweeps from Chaos.

    And to top it all off the Cybertron stuff worked well, Bumblebees actions were unexpected and don't really tie in with what we have seen, I cannot say that I think Soundwave, Prowl or any other bot or on would have gone with it. Even though it made no logical sense, I liked it! Also nice to see Galvatron back doing stuff. Art was a bit weird, floating cons and all.
    Also I have no idea what is going on with Starscream. Scoop knows more than we do and I'm getting sick of it. How is starscream the destroyer and how has he sold the future fort he sake of the past? What evidence have we seen/heard other than the black spot. Getting tired of everyone yelling at Starscream and not much else happening. Also obvious Rattrap was never meant to be in the event, only had so many panels to be his comic for the toy.

    If the last 6 issues ramp up like this one, it may save this event. I am doubtful still but is issue finally made a turn for the better for the series.
    Last edited by i_amtrunks; 23rd January 2014 at 08:29 PM.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

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