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Thread: Comic review: Robots in Disguise ongoing

  1. #101
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Poor Wheeljack, he really has copped it in this series, but if he survived his lot so far, the other "casualties" could be okay too.
    Perhaps not for poor Horri-bull..

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I'm reading this series on my phone via Comixology so on the first read I didn't notice the finer details of that last splash page. I thought Wheeljack was there by choice. That he isn't makes me wonder what Prowl's plan will be since it doesn't look like he can convince another rational Autobot of its merits. Or Prowl is playing along for some reason...
    It seemed like Prowl wanted to convert an Autobot to his side, currently with Wheeljack because he noted Wheeljack's lack of belief in Bumblebee's rule, but also perhaps previously with Chromedome just before the Lost Light took off?
    (Did he just needed Chromedome for moral support or would his ultimate plans have gone more smoothly with the aid of a Mnemosurgeon?).
    Or perhaps the Lost Light's mass exodus of Autobots could have been one of the contributing events that led to Prowl's decision. Another could be his increasing Factionalism towards Nails?

    Prowl also mentioned having troops stationed at strategic locations, however if Bluestreak, Jetfire and Warpath were really under the care of Prowl, I don't think he would have allowed Needlenose to go that far - why not ordered them away or asked them to surrender? There was also Decepticon casualties in that raid which may dent his new alliance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    The Dirge/Swindle/Arcee stuff has me beat too. This is the first time with this series where the cliffhanger really does make me impatient for the next issue.
    Prowl going through all that effort to produce Decepticons that would unravel his moral ambiguity is perplexing. The Constructicons and Bombshell's deaths were faked, however the ones on Arcee's hit list still remain missing at least (there's an even more secretive room than the Black Room?). Prowl sends Arcee to assassinate Ratbat and Shockwave, however Ratbat was not in the Black Room?

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    If Arcee is going behind Prowl's back, has he planned for it? having Cons going out in the mob protected by (poor, used) Blurr is not the safest or most guaranteed delivery method.
    I'm inclined against it, that event seemed more coincidental. If Prowl knew that Dirge/Swindle were hiding with Blurr all along, wouldn't he have notified the Decepticons to grab them at an earlier time rather than wait until Arcee arrives and complicate things?

    Arcee just seems to be getting too overly powerful and clever. If they were going to make tech specs for her in this series, she'd probably get mostly 9's and 10's.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Finally, I read somewhere that Prowl might be under Con influence (Bombshell?) or that he is manipulating the Cons after changes to them made in the black room, ala Kup.
    Transformers under Bombshell's/Mindwipe's influence are usually in a daze and seem only able to barely execute simple motor skills? If he was under Con influence, then what would the Cons gain from attempting to convert Wheeljack and then beating him to a pulp after disagreeing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ploughmans Lunch View Post
    Very superficial question, but...

    With three of the four main Decepticons (Shockwave, Soundwave and Starscream) adoping WFC/FOC Robot and Alt modes... Do you think they'll draw Megatron as per his black, WFC toy?

    I think one of the covers has him as his Ongoing earth form so I guess not. But would've been nice.
    Good chance? The Combaticons also took on FOC alt modes Makes me want to the overpriced Takara versisons..

    変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
    戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    Chadstone, Vic


    I think Megatron will pickup a new WFC/FOC type body when he's repaired. It was only on second look that I noticed Rumble and Frenzy had their Generations tank modes now.

    Unlike MTMTE, I haven't been rereading this series so I feel I need to now to catch up. I feel like I've not been paying enough attention, but it seems that this issues revelations have caught out those that were too.

    I think it would be a weak out to say Prowl was under Bombshell's influence. I think there's a plan that Prowl has been working on and hopefully we'll get an outline of in the next issue.

    I've been trying to think through where it might be going. I assume that he wants Dirge to spill the beans and reveal that the Autobots have been "killing" Decepticons, and the NAILS already frightened by the Decepticon rioters will swiftly elect Metalhawk. The Autobots have lost their strongest warriors, plus another 400 or so of their number on the destroyed Lost Light. Maybe this will be the last straw and the remainding Bots will take off. Leaving the planet and the NAILS at the sudden mercy of Megatron and his elite warriors. (Ratbat was surplus to requirements and a necessary sacrifice to get Starscream on side... although exactly what Starscream's role needs to be is unclear.)

    So what's in that for Prowl? What greater purpose is he working on the side of the Decepticons for? We know he left Cybertron for a neutral life once. Maybe he can't function without war? He knows the Lost Light is not destroyed. He's sure Bumblebee will try to regroup and the war will start again.

    Or perhaps he thinks the NAILS need to experience being on the opposing Decepticon army. Maybe he's just really p'ed off with the neutrals (flip the table over p'ed off) and wants them to "pick a slagging side already!"? Perhaps it's too black and white for him. You have to be one or the other, and if he has to become a Decepticon to force the neutrals to become Autobots, that's a price he'll pay?

  3. #103
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    1st Jan 2008


    Maybe it's because I didn't follow the series closely, but I was surprised at Prowl's allegiance at the end.

    And kinda surprised at how Arcee turned out.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Wow nice issue, didn't see that coming either, I thought the Blackroom would be like Prowl's Decepticon manned sweatshop or something.

    I wonder what his and Megatrons gameplan is? It would be kinda cool if Prowl actually has turned corrupt. And I suspect Ironhide and his pals might have to return from the wasteland to save the day.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    Perhaps not for poor Horri-bull..

    Prowl going through all that effort to produce Decepticons that would unravel his moral ambiguity is perplexing. The Constructicons and Bombshell's deaths were faked, however the ones on Arcee's hit list still remain missing at least (there's an even more secretive room than the Black Room?). Prowl sends Arcee to assassinate Ratbat and Shockwave, however Ratbat was not in the Black Room?
    Well techincaly Bumblbee killed Horri-bull not Prowl, but anyway.....

    My only gripe about this issue and it's cool reveal is my eternal gripe about all IDW writing, and that's that Geewuners can't die, ever! Because once again everyone's favorite (read overused and underdeveloped) Geewun characters are revealed to be (shock!) alive. While Horri-Bull, Triggerhapy, Blot and Staxx are all most likely dead. Chances are Bluestreak, Skydive and Warpath will be back soon too. I thought the writer was being pretty ballsy when Prowl seemingly offed the Constrcuticons, and Bombshell, and Arcee be-headed Ravage. But now there all back, sigh!

    Thus consequently I am not at all worried about the fate of Wheeljack, Starscream, Ironhide etc now, but I do feel tension for any scenes involving Needlenose or Metalhawk they could die at any issue now.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    There was also Decepticon casualties in that raid which may dent his new alliance.
    Yeah, but they were all Genericons and actual G2 Decepticons no one cares about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    Arcee just seems to be getting too overly powerful and clever. If they were going to make tech specs for her in this series, she'd probably get mostly 9's and 10's.
    Yeah she is getting a tad ridiculous, maybe she will aquire a lasso and invisible plane soon.

  5. #105
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    14th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Wow nice issue, didn't see that coming either, I thought the Blackroom would be like Prowl's Decepticon manned sweatshop or something.

    I wonder what his and Megatrons gameplan is? It would be kinda cool if Prowl actually has turned corrupt. And I suspect Ironhide and his pals might have to return from the wasteland to save the day.
    I'd welcome an evil Prowl, Autobot turncoats (currently none?) appeal more to me than Decepticons turning good (Dirge and especially Swindle, who's more interesting existing as an arms or illicit goods dealer, although I did like Snare/Thundercracker).

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Well techincaly Bumblbee killed Horri-bull not Prowl, but anyway.....
    I was referring to that point about non-Prowl related Decepticon deaths when i_amtrunks mentioned other casualties possibly coming back

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    My only gripe about this issue and it's cool reveal is my eternal gripe about all IDW writing, and that's that Geewuners can't die, ever! Because once again everyone's favorite (read overused and underdeveloped) Geewun characters are revealed to be (shock!) alive. While Horri-Bull, Triggerhapy, Blot and Staxx are all most likely dead. Chances are Bluestreak, Skydive and Warpath will be back soon too. I thought the writer was being pretty ballsy when Prowl seemingly offed the Constrcuticons, and Bombshell, and Arcee be-headed Ravage. But now there all back, sigh!
    Did you mean Jetfire instead of Skydive? Yeah that was a real shock, like LSOTW sudden deaths. Jetfire's really had a turn for the worst in IDW, starting our as Scientist/Captain/leader of a squad of Technobots, to sub leader(?) of Garrus 9 working alongside Fort Max when Monstructor escaped, and here as Bumblebee/Prowl's choice of prison warden - quite the career change! Also, his injuries did not seem as fatal as Bluestreak shot to the face or Warpath's innards exploding from the inside. Maybe he'll live another day to dwell on future career decisions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Thus consequently I am not at all worried about the fate of Wheeljack, Starscream, Ironhide etc now, but I do feel tension for any scenes involving Needlenose or Metalhawk they could die at any issue now.
    Just unfounded speculation, but I really am not that worried about Wheeljack dying; as a scientist, he seems like an important current and future plot device to keep around - seeing how the Perceptor/Brainstorm/Highbrow are gone, the Technobots are no longer featured, and Jetfire's gone through demotion after demotion.

    変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
    戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!

  6. #106
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    Just unfounded speculation, but I really am not that worried about Wheeljack dying; as a scientist, he seems like an important current and future plot device to keep around - seeing how the Perceptor/Brainstorm/Highbrow are gone, the Technobots are no longer featured, and Jetfire's gone through demotion after demotion.
    That's what he gets for being a theorist and not. Practical or weapons based scientist in this time of war!

    Prowl has not turned con. His IDW history is too anti con. He is playing a game that will end badly. He might make some emotional calls (since his spotlight issue is canon) but for the most part he only works towards an autobot victory. I'd be disappointed if Megatron is the character who thwarts his plans. Megatron is smart and certainly resourceful, but it should be a Soundwave or Shockwave who incapacites/circumvents Prowls schemes.

    Should make for intriguing reading to see how Barber rolls out the next half dozen issues. He is no mug with the writing, I'll never forget his work on tying the movie canon together.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  7. #107
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    Did you mean Jetfire instead of Skydive? Yeah that was a real shock, like LSOTW sudden deaths. Jetfire's really had a turn for the worst in IDW, starting our as Scientist/Captain/leader of a squad of Technobots, to sub leader(?) of Garrus 9 working alongside Fort Max when Monstructor escaped, and here as Bumblebee/Prowl's choice of prison warden - quite the career change! Also, his injuries did not seem as fatal as Bluestreak shot to the face or Warpath's innards exploding from the inside. Maybe he'll live another day to dwell on future career decisions?
    Opps yeah, I meant Jetfire. He'll be back, if only so he can be demoted to auto-janitor. Skydive is already dead, the Decepticon one anyway, I don't think we will be seeing him again given that most of his Predator comrades in arms have been wiped out over the years.

  8. #108
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    Is it weird that I'm more excited about the new RiD issue instead of the delayed MTMTE? It's been a slow burn so far, but I want to see how everything plays out - what Prowl's game is, what's happened to the Aerialbots and the Dinobots, what Megatron has got in store for the fledgling Cybertron, whether the neutrals will rise up in force against Megatron, who will lead Cybertron once the night is over, and where will Starscream decide to stand I all this?

  9. #109
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    Lots of death in this one, unexpected, and at the same time a little sad with what the payoff was, but glad also in a way. This was a page turner, let me tell you. The slow payoff has certainly arrived. I still feel RiD is the inferior book due to what felt like padding throughout the majority of the middle issues, but the way barber can tie the nonsense we were dealt with CHAOS with the Deceptigod, the ongoing body of work (Spotlight Megatron was well timed), AHM and even the Furmanverse stuff.

    Lots of questionsanswered, but more raised concerning the future, we may finally get some ideas of what else happened to Ironhide and the Dinobots.

    With some of the deaths we had, one has to wonder if it is permadeath, I can't see them being undone easily.

    Arcee is also still an X factor, I know there are many readers who think her overpowereed (even with later revelations) but what she does in the background here makes me think her fate is Prowl's...

    Poor Prowl.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Just some quick thoughts: I didn't like this. The info dump was poorly handled, the most interesting parts of the book have been pushed aside for a darkest hour setup, and the big reveal feels like a big cop out when it could have been a dramatic character development.

    Only one death looks "permanent" to me and it's the one most easily undone.

    And Sky High was one of my childhood Pretenders. Wish he and his MTMTE(bio book) personality had made it to the Lost Light instead.

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