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Thread: Comic review: Robots in Disguise ongoing

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    An interesting enough story. Didn't see the whole Starscream thing coming and Arcee's appearance was also a surprise (she certainly is a homicidal little bunny, isn't she?). So... why is this story called "Robots In Disguise"? They're not on Earth any more and I certainly don't see any of them skulking around in disguise. (o_O)

    Seeing Prowl smack down Skywarp with nightsticks was kewl... although in one panel he's holding one of this nightsticks inverted from how he was holding it in the panel before (visual continuity error much). Anyway, interesting seeing Prowl deal with a teleporter.
    I thought it was so obvious that it was Arcee in the shadows in issue one.

    When characters have such distinct silhouettes like that, hiding them in darkness really does nothing to disguise them.

    I do like to think that Prowl knew Arcee would kill him, and was just asking to clear his own conscience, if asked about it from Bumblebee.

  2. #22
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    So issue #3 felt very slow.

    Wheeljack did some saving, Dirge did some hurting, Screamer did some scheming and Metalhawk continues to be an obnoxious self important jerk.

    Aerialbots were only silent compadre's of Silverbolt who gets a single thought repeated ad infinitum, until off they go to probably be a part of issue #6.

    Everything else really felt like it was treading water, we keep getting reminders of everything that has happened in the past two issues: Arcee is still around being deranged, Prowl is still trying to figure out whos doing what, Bumblebee is still whining and not doing much else all waiting for the small payoff for this issue regarding Screamer. The whole "Wheeljack as narrator" is just misdirection and another character who can see that this all cannot be good for the Cybertronians, considering their planet is trying to kill them, the Cons are still being cons and the NAILS are a bunch of idiots wasting their time.

    Art is okay, but character go from showing extreme damage and wear and tear in closer shots to being nice and more or less pristine in mid and longer range shots. Prowl is the biggest victim, he looks like he should be falling apart up close but fine every other panel.

    I feel like I am being over critical of this issue, compared to what we have dealt with since AHM it is a good slow cooking plot driven series, but compared to the sister title, its just plodding along with indulgent dialogue and over-reliance on repeating the past issues plot points again and again.
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  3. #23
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    I agree with Trunks - issue #3 is still not bad - certainly readable from beginning which is better than the entirety of the previous ongoing. But it's just unfortunate that it will always be judged against IDW's MTMTE.

    There was an entire one-page splash that - sure - was pretty, but otherwise did little except perhaps be a 'homage' to a Dreamwave pin-up of Arcee usually misattributed to Pat Lee (it was by Rob Armstrong) that had itself been ripped off of Japanese G1 art.

    Dirge and Starscream are surprisingly likeable this issue. And yes, we know it's only a matter of time before the Decepticons are going to evil-out on everyone - Transformers at peace can never work for long. And as such, the thing that struck me most about this issue was - perhaps a bit tangential, but...

    ...between the end of the Great War and Beast Machines, life really must be $#!* for the IDW Predacons, when two out of the three bigwigs in charge are Prowl and Silverbolt!

  4. #24
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    ...kinda sad when the most interesting Autobot in the entire issue is the red shirt. Also, nobody transforms after page 1... why is this series called Robots In Disguise?? Even in the scene after the second explosion... surely some of them might transform into construction/salvage vehicles/equipment of some sort. Gah. Hardly any transforms anymore in this series... MTMTE too (in the last issue the only transformation we saw was from Whirl - and only briefly). As far as political intrigue cos - with the whole Starscream thing - it's interesting enough... but otherwise not the most action-packed issue around.

    I got Cover A... and I'm having trouble reading the Autobot text. Some of the letters aren't written correctly... the letter "D" is consistently written upside down and some letters I just don't recognise. From what I can read it seems to be a random assortment of letters that don't seem to spell out anything intelligible. The only ones that make any vague sense to me are the last four letters of the word floating on the left side (right hand side from reader's POV) of Wheeljack's head: "WLJK" (WheeLJacK?)

  5. #25
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    Picked this up last night when I was in Melbourne for work.

    I agree it wasn't bad, but it was the first issue where I was left feeling there was no real story progress made, almost to the point that I felt as if I wouldn't have missed anything if I hadn't read it.

    Trunks makes a good point re the damage on the characters. There were a couple of panels with close ups of Prowl which were quite jarring. I thought I'd missed a page where the damage had been inflicted as it seem to come out of no where.

    RID is interesting as it seems to be a lot more serious in tone that MTMTE, and definitely lacks the enjoyable banter between characters present in its companion series.

    Still, I'm sticking with it and hoping it is just the ugly duckling of the two. Fingers crossed there is something big building here, and that we get at least a sniff of it in coming issues!

  6. #26
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    Metalhawk annoys me... Can't wait for him to A. get his metallic a$$ handed to him and B. Finally realize he is a schmuck and wise the hell up....

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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    ...kinda sad when the most interesting Autobot in the entire issue is the red shirt. Also, nobody transforms after page 1... why is this series called Robots In Disguise?? Even in the scene after the second explosion... surely some of them might transform into construction/salvage vehicles/equipment of some sort. Gah. Hardly any transforms anymore in this series... MTMTE too (in the last issue the only transformation we saw was from Whirl - and only briefly). As far as political intrigue cos - with the whole Starscream thing - it's interesting enough... but otherwise not the most action-packed issue around.


    They were going for names catchy to as broad a market as possible. It's not a statement that there'll be lots of transformations every issue.

    Out of all the comments I've seen about the book, that is definitely the weirdest.

    I'm loving RID (well, I love both titles, but RID is my favourite). Andrew's killing it with the art, and the writing is just as good, very Battlestar Galactica-ish in places.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    They were going for names catchy to as broad a market as possible. It's not a statement that there'll be lots of transformations every issue.
    I think the point is that Infiltration was about an infiltration; Escalation was about an escalation; Megatron Origin was Megatron's Origin; All Hail Megatron was about hailing Megatron; Maximum Dinobots was about Dinobots; Bumblebee was about Bumblebee; Last Stand of the Wreckers was about the Wreckers; Infestation was about an infestation; Infestation II was about a second infestation; Autocracy is about an autocracy... and yet Robots in Disguise is not about robots who are physically in disguise. However, the title is about characters (Prowl, Starscream, Arcee, et al) who deal in façades, deception, and cloak and dagger trickery. So just because there is no longer a need for the Transformers to be literally in disguise on Cybertron, it doesn't necessarily mean the RiD title was randomly given to this book.

  9. #29
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    Fair point. Although I would like to see more transforming in my Transformers comics... cos ya know... they're Transformers.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    I'm loving RID (well, I love both titles, but RID is my favourite). Andrew's killing it with the art, and the writing is just as good, very Battlestar Galactica-ish in places.

    That's interesting to hear (or should it be read?) as I get the impression that MTMTE is the more appreciated of the two. For you, what gives RID the edge? Apologies, but I haven't watched much of the new BG so I don't get much from the comparison. BG is one of the many shows on my list to one day get around to watching though!

    Also, would be interested in your views on #3 in comparison to the first two issues?

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