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Thread: Comic review: Robots in Disguise ongoing

  1. #131
    Join Date
    1st Jan 2008


    I really like the cover that had Bumblebee, Metalhawk, and Starscream together. Kinda disappointed that Starscream did what he did towards the end of the issue - thought he had actually changed beyond that. But no. :0

  2. #132
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I just read 15 & 16 and quite enjoyed both of them, though naturally 16 is where we see the big payoff.

    While I enjoyed Starscream being developed more as a character and someone who had finally realized that 9 million years of war had gotten them nowhere it was time to try something new, the twist at the end of 16 (I'm assuming if you are reading this thread you have already read issue 16 of the comic) was unexpected but in a way welcome, it showed Starscrem had grown but in the end he would sacrific anything and anyone for power - and he got it.

    Megatron showing up, then getting done over - somewhat lackluster. He's a big hitter, should have done more. Also in issue 15, I think Arcee could probably have found a chance to get to Bombshell sooner, considering her skills as an assassin.

    I'll be interested to see if the likes of Dirge, Swindle & Beastbox actually stay in the city with Starscream. Considering they fought against their fellow Decepticons I assume that they would. One question: Who was the other Decepticon, the one with the purple shoulders, that was fighting alongside the Autobots & Neutrals? Can't place him. Don't know if any Autobots will stick around with Screamer in charge - Blurr maybe?

    Dirge! Dirge, my first Transformer - actually doing something! Go Dirge!

  3. #133
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    One question: Who was the other Decepticon, the one with the purple shoulders, that was fighting alongside the Autobots & Neutrals?
    Octane/Tankor. Which is appropriate, since that was also his general allegiance in season 3 of the G1 cartoon.

  4. #134
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Octane/Tankor. Which is appropriate, since that was also his allegiance in season 3 of the G1 cartoon.
    I thought it was him when they were all hanging out in the bar before it got demolished. And the shoulder pads kept making me think it was him. However his head looked different and he had no propellors so I was thinking I was wrong and it was someone else. Cheers for that

  5. #135
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I enjoyed this latest issue more than the previous two, writing exciting action scenes is not the writers forte and fortunately this had less of them. The death of you know who was kinda obvious really.

    I also didn't mind how they defeated Megatron, it was anticlimactic, but it's nice to see at least one Autobot took some safety precautions, with arguably the most dangerous member of their race. Overall I like that they have changed the balance of power, it will be interesting to see who is where, and whether any bots joined with Starscream. Sadly while the situation has changed it does look like it will be mainly the same old bots in the spotlight, sigh! I wish they'd promote some lesser characters to the spotlight, at least Needlenose survived the issue, that's a small victory in itself, I expected otherwise.

  6. #136
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    I was a little disappointed that everything resolved so quickly, and how after 16 issues of trying to develop a new status quo, it so quickly is made into something else.

    I was looking forward to seeing how the robot-politics would play out and what the new status quo would be, but it's become that the NAILS have claimed Cybertron for themselves alone and the Autobots and Decepticons are cast out with nothing. And it's a shame that it's come to this when a year and half ago Optimus exiled himself to prevent this very thing from happening.

    It seems selfish on the part of the NAILS, and disappointing on the part of the Autobots who gave up much and are left with nothing.

  7. #137
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    So after 16 issues of going nowhere really, we get this.

    This game changer.

    I'll have to do some more reading of all things Dai Atlas to double check, but I am not sure if this ties in seamlessly with the established pre war history, but it is an awesome revelatory issue that twists all the Shockwave related stories nicely into one comprehensible braid. It ties in the Shockwave spotlight, Maximum dinobots, Spotlight Kup and the Orion pax single issues together with Shadowplay.

    Funny that the best (and in retrospect, only decent Cybertron based) issue of RID is a follow up of a MtMtE story. Barber continues to do wonders with continuity.

    Again Ramondelli's art will polarise, but I find it suits these kind of stories. The only time I was unsure what was going on was with Dai, Shockers and Proteus, I think the projector Shockers was using was an actual transformer, but not sure.
    It is a minor thing, but I liked it, Starscream talks like a ruffian, very thuggish. It suits who is was back before the war, I think (do we know what Starscream was in the IDW-verse before the war? was he elite guard or something?)

    If you were planning on giving up on RiD, as I had thought about, DONT. If this issue is an indicator of where RiD is going, (doubtful seeing as next issue goes to Arcee feeling sorry for herself) then RiD will be worth reading for months to come.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  8. #138
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    So 18......

    One entire issue after I gush on and wax lyrical about #17, is issue comes along and puts a dampner on it all. Like most of RiD, it isn't terrible, but it isn't great or all that enjoyable, I feel like I am reading it for the sake of reading it. It does a good job of letting us see the aftermath brought Arcee's eyes, and her unique outlook on life post Iacon.

    The other stuff regarding Constructicons, Dinobots, Prowl and the last two page reveal is interesting in a way, but at the same time I find myself not really caring because I know itis all going to take a back seat and be glossed over so that Barber can try and squeeze in the Dark Cybertron arc before the release of Tf4 comes along and Hasbro bully IDW into focussing on movie based "stories" to fix the continuity and make theft unrecognisable once more.

    Also hate that all the injured auto bots are languishing and barely able to be fixed and Bumblebee is fixed in hours, with the lame revelation that his auto-waste from his previous earth mode (which just so happens to look like his upcoming toy!) made it an easy fix.

    Did not like the art in this, it was very human form and plain. Colours were nice but had so little to work with, there is no "wow" factor in this issue, not even the final page reveal. I is a very down eaten issue that is a quick read and easily forgettable. There is nothing here that we will be coming back to for clues and pointers in later re-reads. Barber is brilliant with continuity but his writing has been bland and plodding for some time now. He needs to stop bothering with tying to fix he mistakes of his predecessors and get on with telling the tale he wants us to read.

    Final note: the Bumblebee change in this will be made into a big deal. The way Prowl thinks will probably be better explored in MtMtE in flashback too. The a Prowl we see in this issue is like a little kid version of what we have had elsewhere for the last few years.

    Only worth getting to complete the set, otherwise wait for the comixology app to drop it to $1. You won't miss anything between 17 and 19 in the grand scheme of things.

    Next issue, is back to Optimus, Orion Pax and he Jhiaxus story. Sad when I wan mor Wheelie over Bumblebee and co.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  9. #139
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Spoilers yo

    Uh, why do they keep saying that Monstructor is comprised of five Cybertronians when he's actually made from six??? There's also a typo in one of Shockwave's speech bubbles, which makes it look like he can't pronounce his words properly. Most illogical!

  10. #140
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Neither of those things were spoilers.... Only complaints.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

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