Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
Yeah yeah, same concept, but more modern execution. Traditional makiwara are attached to stationary posts, whereas what I'm talking about are modern focus pads/mitts that have toughened striking surfaces that's not as cushiony soft as regular focus pads and they deliver a slight stinging sensation to the knuckles when you punch them. My Chen Tai Chi teacher had a set of focus pads that were leather, and inside was a layer of soft material, but under that was a layer of wood.

I've yet to make contact with _anything_ in my GKR training so far. I don't know if my Senseis even bring focus pads, shields or bags to training (if they do, I've never seen them in use). I asked one of the more senior students if we ever do padwork, and he said rarely.
when i was actively teaching gkr classes i used to bring in a variety of pads and shields in regularly.