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Thread: TF4 - 2014

  1. #11
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    And yet you'll all go and see it and feed the machine.
    Perhaps. I saw RotF on the back of how enjoyable the first film was (which I watched 3 times at the cinema). I felt that RotF had the best action scenes out of all three movies but compared to the first film, it was a big letdown overall. Once they reached the desert things really started to drag. I saw it once at the cinema and that was more than enough. Once again, I saw DotM on the back of how good the first movie was, and how much I enjoyed the action scenes in RotF. Didn't enjoy this one at all. The action was so stupid at times (Starscream vs Sam anyone? Or Optimus dangling? Perhaps the completely unnecessary building collapsing scene which, while impressive on ILM's resume, ultimately adds nothing?) and so mind numbingly constant that I completely tuned out after a while. The humour was even worse than RotF (man I miss Bobby B) and it just went for ever and ever and ever.

    So maybe I will see it, maybe I won't. I'll admit that when it comes to Transformers I am weak and am more likely to cave in and see it despite my better judgement. If it's given to a decent writer/director (I like the guys who fill both roles) then yes, absolutely I'll go and see it. If Michael Bay does end up doing TF4 I will probably drag myself there on cheap Tuesday.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    These movies have done more good than people give them credit for and All TF Fans have benefited from them immensely.
    I dunno about that Hursti. I know you aren't the biggest fan of the Animated aesthetic but I was pretty upset when the Animated toy line was cut short to make room for all the RotF stuff. There were even Animated toys that had been designed and readied for mass production that were cancelled.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
    *sigh* in my head the music is done by Daft Punk.

    seriously...did no-one else think the Tron soundtrack would work well with Transformers?
    Absolutely! Can't go wrong with the French masters. Would also love to see some super slow-mo action shots of Overlord ripping into the Autobots with this kind of music playing in the background. Ahh it's nice to dream isn't it.
    Last edited by Doubledealer; 14th February 2012 at 02:04 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    I don't know how I feel about this. On the plus side I love the movie aesthetic and lore. On the downside TF3 was fairly terrible.

    RotF gets a pass because most of that was written during the writers strike but TF3, while having a competent enough story (except really for that bit with the cosmonauts) was really poorly paced.

    The first was good because the type of movie it was allowed it to build the pace slowly to a big climax/reveal at the end of the film, but by the second and third film its a given that the world knows about Transformers so they didn't really have to stay hidden for most of the first two acts.

    On the plus side he got better at directing the Transformers action scenes as the movies went - by the third film he'd almost entirely dropped shaky cam in favour of fixed shots. So basically he needs a really good writer on board, and perhaps for Speilberg to crack the whip a bit.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    It's official. Michael Bay will be directing TF4 which is set for release on June 29, 2014.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Makes sense to have a big film in the 30th Anniversary year after Hasbro said they'd be celebrating it. It does make me wonder if the toys they teased for 2014 will be movie toys though.

    Given that Bay wants to keep Bumblebee and Optimus I hope 'reboot' means complete new looks for them. We don't need another set of merchandise/toys based on the designs from 2007.

    But since every Decepticon name that's recognisable to a casual fan has been used and killed off, they'll struggle for bad guys. Galvatron is about all that's left. That's ok. Long live Galvatron!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    25th May 2008
    Mount Barker, South Australia


    and people were whinging that a Spiderman movie reboot was too soon

  6. #16
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    If it's a reboot (please please with a cherry on top), I'd be much happier if everyone stopped calling it Transformers 4.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    If Bay is still the director, it won't be much of a 're-imagining'. It will be the same sort of stuff as before as Bay doesn't know how to make much else. He is also just doing it as part of a deal so that the studios fund his own project. He won't put much effort in it since it is just a means to a completely unrelated end.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Makes sense to have a big film in the 30th Anniversary year after Hasbro said they'd be celebrating it. It does make me wonder if the toys they teased for 2014 will be movie toys though.

    Given that Bay wants to keep Bumblebee and Optimus I hope 'reboot' means complete new looks for them. We don't need another set of merchandise/toys based on the designs from 2007.

    But since every Decepticon name that's recognisable to a casual fan has been used and killed off, they'll struggle for bad guys. Galvatron is about all that's left. That's ok. Long live Galvatron!
    1 word: UNICRON!

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    It's official. Michael Bay will be directing TF4 which is set for release on June 29, 2014.
    Oh, for #@(*'s sake! One more nonsensical film about humans and yet another year of ugly shelfwarmers.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    From the same guys who brought you the last three Transformers films comes...
    Transformers: the Refartening!
    Now with more toilet humor! More human screen time!! More gratuitous eye candy - but with a different lingerie model!!!*
    We were so happy with how mixing a few old cartoon plots worked for DotM that this time we're going to mix even more together. Our working title for the script is: Surprise Party Carnage in B.O.T-Minor!

    P.S. You all still like butts, right?

    *Conflict of interest disclaimer: I quite like gratuitous eye candy and Rosie Huntington-Whatsherface was quite enjoyable as said.

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