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Thread: Ozmasters, The MOTU General Discussion Thread.

  1. #471
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    They love that term true fans don't they?

    Sigh, I was reading through that "We made the numbers" CG thread and wow. I am shocked.

    Is foreign postage really at $200 for that thing though? That makes it ridiculously expensive...

  2. #472
    Join Date
    1st Mar 2009


    I don't know how you guys can do it, how you can constantly subject yourselves to the BS that gets spouted on the .org and from the (what I am sure he thinks he should be named) ToyGod.

    I will admit, I was honestly concerned about the future of the 2013 sub. I really did think the line was in jeopardy. We all know how that turned out and for that reason I refused to get caught up in the hoopla surrounding the CG preorder.

    At the end of all this I do not feel relieved that the preorder has gone through, I feel anger at how it has been mismanaged. I said it a post elsewhere, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    I am tired of this guys shenanigans. I want him to go away for good. He has done one thing for the line and that is get it started. He has based his entire self importance on this one thing and has done sweet FA since.

    I am tired of seeing everyone report on every single thing he says, especially when it is mostly just something he has recycled. Unfortunately, the legacy of this line will be not be how well the 4H made the figures, it will be how Scott and Mattel screwed up everything else and spent 4+ years propped up by the fandom.

    I wish I could just sit back and enjoy the figures and not worry about all the other crap but unfortunately, the only way I can find out the important things about the line is read it on a message board or something because Mattel, Scott, Digital River and Matty Collector don't do diddly squat to notify the customers as to what is going on.

    TL;DR? Get rid of Scott and there might be some credibility returned

  3. #473
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    They love that term true fans don't they?
    Yeah, they do! It's my single most HATED term in any fandom. How can you have true fans? You're either a fan or you're not! It's really simple... although apparently not simple enough for some vacuous minds over there!

    One of the biggest points that seems to be lost on some of these pontificating morons, is the fact that not everyone can afford one of these things. Postage is a b!tch for international customers... so does that mean some Org members believe that ONLY the rich can be "TRUE FANS"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Sigh, I was reading through that "We made the numbers" CG thread and wow. I am shocked.

    Is foreign postage really at $200 for that thing though? That makes it ridiculously expensive...
    It's pretty steep... I'm expecting about $100 The stupid thing is, I have a friend who also wants one and we decided we would ship together, you know, to save money. Smart idea right? Well, those "smarter" guys and gals over at DR and Matty have a better idea... charge the same amount in postage for each one and offer no bulk discounts... thanks Mattel! There's no incentive to buy multiples!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFallen View Post
    I don't know how you guys can do it, how you can constantly subject yourselves to the BS that gets spouted on the .org and from the (what I am sure he thinks he should be named) ToyGod.
    I only do it when I'm wearing my nipple clamps and getting whipped!

    I just can't stand watching stupid people being stupid. Yes, I know I should avoid the Org altogether - especially after reading something like Emiliano's latest post about why Mattel don't like him, (I still can't believe how the Org has facilitated his ostracization) - but I just have a morbid desire to watch the train wreck.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFallen View Post
    At the end of all this I do not feel relieved that the preorder has gone through, I feel anger at how it has been mismanaged. I said it a post elsewhere, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    I am tired of this guys shenanigans.
    I'm sure he secretly pretends his real name is He-Ro!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFallen View Post
    the only way I can find out the important things about the line is read it on a message board or something because Mattel, Scott, Digital River and Matty Collector don't do diddly squat to notify the customers as to what is going on.
    There were actually people on the Org complaining, yes complaining, that fans (ie, customers ) weren't doing enough to spread the word about CG. One poster was even angry that more 'fan videos' or 'celebrity appeal videos' weren't made. Except for, Scott's buddy, Pixel-Dan!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFallen View Post
    I want him to go away for good.
    Sounds like a line from a Mafia film...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFallen View Post
    I am tired of seeing everyone report on every single thing he says, especially when it is mostly just something he has recycled. Unfortunately, the legacy of this line will be not be how well the 4H made the figures, it will be how Scott and Mattel screwed up everything else and spent 4+ years propped up by the fandom.
    Unfortunately the credulous members on the Org seem to lap it up. He is a god to them, and he's certainly done a great job of spinning it that way.

    You know, I didn't want to write this, because it seems bitter, but I think I have to. I met Scott at NYCC last month and I have to say - he is as big a jerk in real life as he appears online! I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt... maybe, just maybe, he might be an okay guy, who is badly misrepresented by his curt and dismissive online persona. So, I stood back and watched him. He reminds me of a guy I know who, when he talks to you, has his eyes darting around the room just in case someone more important comes in to talk to. He wasn't all that interested in chatting to any of the fans, until the cameras went on and he was doing a youtube walkthrough/interview... suddenly he sprang to life, and acted like he does in the videos. That's not how he is when the cameras aren't rolling though. He barely looked at anyone while he was signing autographs, and didn't engage many fans at all - preferring to continue his conversation with writer Tim Seeley. Maybe planning another godawful story!

    I was very underwhelmed, but not surprised. He thinks he's got everyone fooled, but many of us can see through the act.

  4. #474
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    There were actually people on the Org complaining, yes complaining, that fans (ie, customers ) weren't doing enough to spread the word about CG. One poster was even angry that more 'fan videos' or 'celebrity appeal videos' weren't made. Except for, Scott's buddy, Pixel-Dan!
    Ha ha ha! Really? the only reason I know about the Castle Greyskull is through this board! I frequent various toy forums as well and haven't seen squat bout it anyway. Lametastic.

    Pixel dan did a plea video did he? Lol, when I am drunk enough, I might give it a watch for a laugh.

  5. #475
    Join Date
    27th Apr 2010


    And this is why I stopped with MOTUC. I started a long time back cos I wanted some of my fave characters in new form (He-Man, Skeletor, Teela, etc) but found it a chore to actually order these toys and when my toys arrive at my doorstep and I've already forgotten I ordered them... you know that's a problem.

    Also, I entered the forums at the mattycollector site for a while to check out thought and whether people had the same problems with me. They did and they loved to complain in spectacular style... I think the correct response to people who say 'Matty hates me that's why I'll never get this character' is... 'The world does not revolve around you'.

    And then the CG pre-order came out and all I could think about is... 'AWESOME! I should pre-order one'... and then I remembered that it would be expensive to ship... and that as a married man, I can't jutify this to the wife. -_-; So I didn't pre-order CG... but man, the hatred on the forum was ridiculous... with 'Why are people too stupid to understand that they don't get charged til after the number is reached?' Personally, I think its because people are too smart to fall for some of TG's tricks again.

    I'm happy that CG is being made, I had the original CG and loved it to death (yes, its gone) and I am happy a new one will be out there at some point but really, people should get over themselves and stop posting hate to other people and generalize it.

    Sorry, this is going off tangent. Long and short of it is, I love MOTUC but some of the fans really destroy the experience for me.

  6. #476
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    Temple of Darkness Sorceress is part of Mattycollector's Black Friday sale.

    So...anyone hoping to get should probably go now.

    ..i bought mine of ebay three weeks ago.

  7. #477
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Awesome. They have Draego-Man too, for people who want one.

  8. #478
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Apparently Emiliano Santalucia designed Thundertron from Prime. Here's a compilation of five of his Transformers-related blog posts including an interesting amalgamation of Bay and G1 Sideswipe.

    And does anyone else think that the new Beast Hunters toyline seems ridiculously similar to the 200X vs. Snake Men snake hunters one? Right down to the remoulds of existing toys with hilarious accessories?

  9. #479
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    This is hilarious.

  10. #480
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Apparently Emiliano Santalucia designed Thundertron from Prime. Here's a compilation of five of his Transformers-related blog posts including an interesting amalgamation of Bay and G1 Sideswipe.

    And does anyone else think that the new Beast Hunters toyline seems ridiculously similar to the 200X vs. Snake Men snake hunters one? Right down to the remoulds of existing toys with hilarious accessories?
    Aaw, sweet, he posted up the concept pics for me! What a champ. Aaaannnnddd an interesting find there as well!

    Now that you mention it, the Beast hunters and Snakemen line is an eerily familiar concept! Well spotted!

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