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Thread: Ozmasters, The MOTU General Discussion Thread.

  1. #501
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    NIf that's annoying people though, I understand, and I won't post here anymore.
    Please dont stop, I find it extremely amusing to see what a charlatan this man is. You know, a Blog dedicated to his specific talents would be one I'd read!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Does that even make sense? What are they going to do with the leftover Photogs, Spectors, Laser-Lots and Cy-Chops? Melt them down?
    Well the Spectors will be going to Scott's Trophy room no doubt. As for the rest, pulled apart and marketted as;

    He-Man and the Masters of the Whole sort of General Mish Mash.

    For which we will have to use the acronym "WSOGMM" (Classics if you want to add that part too)

  2. #502
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Speaking of which, I forgot to mention that they stuffed up on Monday - Castle Grayskull preorders were selling for something like 40% less, plus 50% off shipping until they fixed it.

    And Knob Neitlich posted this:

    "4: This is definately last call on all the 30th figures. (Photog through CGM). They will never be offered again."

    Does that even make sense? What are they going to do with the leftover Photogs, Spectors, Laser-Lots and Cy-Chops? Melt them down?
    I'm lightweight with MOTU stuff. So all this figs I spot at times at the fair, I don't get coz I don't know em. Just who are these?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Please dont stop, I find it extremely amusing to see what a charlatan this man is. You know, a Blog dedicated to his specific talents would be one I'd read!

    Well the Spectors will be going to Scott's Trophy room no doubt. As for the rest, pulled apart and marketted as;

    He-Man and the Masters of the Whole sort of General Mish Mash.

    For which we will have to use the acronym "WSOGMM" (Classics if you want to add that part too)
    Isn't there Modulok that's like a mishmash frankenstein ant-person they can use em for?
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  3. #503
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    I'm lightweight with MOTU stuff. So all this figs I spot at times at the fair, I don't get coz I don't know em. Just who are these?
    Unfortunately Scott decided to use the 30th anniversary line not to celebrate the history of the franchise but as a vehicle for completely new characters made up by 'Chosen individuals'. The only figure that is actually a part of MOTU history is Photog as it is the previously unmade winner of the original 80s create a character contest.

    Given how selfish Scott is, I personally think that it was just a vehicle for him to produce his own figure or allow (his friends/people he is a fan of) to do so. As a result we had shockers like The Mighty Espector and Sir Laser-Lot.

    However the 30th line wasn't all bad, we did get the awesome 4H Draego-Man and Castle Grayskull-man which was a nice creative effort. It also worked for fulfilling the promise of making Photog.

  4. #504
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    11th Apr 2008


    See, I never thought Sir Laser Lot was as bad or self serving as The Mighty Deadpool...Er..Spawn...Er...Spector....

    He's not the greatest MOTUC figure out there but he's a nice solid effort on everyone's part. His Webcomic appaerance didn't really help him tho, In my head he's a goofy voiced and slightly bumbling character, very much in the vein of the Filamtion Cartoon.

  5. #505
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    29th Dec 2007


    From Emiliano's Facebook page:

    Just in case it gets deleted or merged on

    User onthoofder posted:
    "I remember when Scott was begging us to sign in on the 2013 subscription and later the Castle Grayskull order, he was open to 'explore possibilities ' for an overseas distribution centre, so international fans like myself don't have to keep paying as much shipment AND taxes as we have been doing for the past 4 years. Now we get the message: "taxes are just part of the hobby" Nice one, Scott,... This is the most idiot reply I have ever read on this issue.
    If I could cancel my sub, I'd do it right away.

    Ealo Krill asks: A lot of european MOTU fans took the plunge and ordered a Castle Grayskull despite shipping and subsequent customs charges being so high. Is there any chance an EU distribution center may be up by the time CG ships?

    Matty:No, we do not have plans for a EU distribution center. This is a very similar situation to when American fans want Japanese toys. Import fees are just part of the hobby. We wish we could make every item work for every customer and every buying habit but that just isn't always possible."

    Let's keep that in mind for the future.

  6. #506
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    For a much needed positive for this line, Ram-Man looks fantastic! I was expecting Mattel to cost cut him into ruin as he is essentially a new sculpt but he does look like a fine update with both vintage and 200x elements. I am still not liking the squinty eyes on both heads (one of them should of had open eyes) but I am still impressed with it.

    You can really tell when Mattel has let the 4H do their thing without interference!

  7. #507
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    For a much needed positive for this line, Ram-Man looks fantastic!
    Yeah, I totally agree. I will always give credit where it's due - and Scott/Mattel (and the 4H) have done an exceptional job with Ram Man! I think he's perfect - being a mini-comics/cardback fan, rather than Filmation.

    That said...

    I just had to mention a few things. Obviously, when I last posted here, I was talking about Scott's "LIE" in writing that Courtroom Ray would never be discounted, only to go on sale less than 2 weeks later ()... well, he STILL hasn't answered the numerous questions of "why?". He's clearly read them, since he's answered questions above and below in the Ask Matty section... in typical form, Scott is avoiding the issue!

    Also, the Matty forum Moderators - known for their objectivity... ahem... towards Mattel - don't seem to have an issue with Scott's avoidance. They also don't have issues with fake news apparently either... As we know, they closed several threads down for being "Anti-Matty" last month, but when I suggested closing a thread about (confirmed) 'Fake Ghostbusters 3 News', the reply was...

    I don't think I'll close the thread. We definitely needed a new place to talk about GBIII rumors, true or false
    Um... there's already a thread for GB3 rumours, but they want to keep this one open for "false rumours"???

    They also, don't have an issue with the fact customers haven't received their "Thank You" gifts (which SCOTT promised in October, yet here we are in December and NOTHING! ) but are happy to promote where you can buy them from illegal Chinese ebay sales... That's right folks - Mattel won't reveal any news about how/when you can get your official "Gift for free", but are happy to show you how to "Buy a stolen one off ebay" instead Mind you, looks like a Mod has jumped on it, after a few weeks, when it was mentioned privately that this doesn't make Mattel look very good from a PR perspective! Gee... Really???!!

    And then there's the BTTF fans/customers who placed pre-orders for a Hoverboard, only to have DR cancel their orders right before they shipped. Yes, in true DR style, they eliminated the few "guaranteed" sales they had *shakes head* Anyway, those who still wanted the damn thing went through all the effort (or procedure) that Matty had instructions for (seriously, they have a contingency plan for when DR cancels people's ordres ).

    But, here's the interesting part - although he's since backtracked a little (trying to be kind, I think - or at least that's how it reads) Bob Gale, who wrote the script and has some of the original Hoverboard props (and liaised with Mattel early on), wrote of his disappointment with Mattel's Hoverboard. Some choice quotes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gale
    The plastic stand is poorly designed and damn near impossible to make work. And although it was indicated that the board would somehow glide across certain smooth surfaces (like carpet), mine certainly didn't. I too thought the sounds the board makes were underwhelming.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gale
    This, in my opinion, is the product's biggest problem. It's supposed to be a prop replica so, at a $120 pre-sale price, it should look perfect. But it misses that mark.
    He then talks about the responses he received from Scott when he emailed his concerns...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gale
    He told me that despite many attempts, they were unable to satisfactorily recreate the lenticular surface and chose to go with the photographed version. That may be true, although I am puzzled how we were able to do something 23 years ago in the movie (admittedly at a much higher cost) that Mattel could not do today.
    And, the Money Quote...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gale
    I really don't understand why they didn't get in front of this issue when they made this compromise instead of choosing to disappoint their customers at delivery time. But no one likes to own mistakes or compromises, especially in corporations.
    And HERE'S the saddest quote of all...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Gale
    I put myself out there to promote this, so now I want to publicly stand here with egg on my face and apologize. This product, at this price, falls short of the top notch standards that you and I have come to expect for something that carries the Back to the Future brand. To those of you who bought one because of my endorsement and are upset with the product, I'm very, very sorry. Please accept my apology.
    Wow! Just - WOW! So, Bob Gale has apologized. Mattel has not! Here's Scott's response...

    Quote Originally Posted by Toyguru
    The HB has been a huge success! It has received rave reviews in the mainstream press and is on track to sell out. We could not be happier with the final product.
    Could not be happier! That's his stance! By all accounts it hasn't been a "huge success" at all... although one has to wonder what Scott/Mattel's definition of success is... as it's apparently "on track to sell out". And we all know Mattel never fudges the sell out times of figures... "Gone for Good" only to be released later at a discounted price. As for the "rave reviews in the mainstream press"... I haven't read any rave reviews at all... let alone in the "mainstream". I think that he's over-reaching a bit with that comment. Talk about a guy in denial!

  8. #508
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2010


    Is anyone keeping up to date with the digital comics at all??

    recently Trapjaw was a good issue and i loved how it tied in elements of evil lyns Digicom and even more recently Despera

    or She-ra

    not really much on "She-Ra" tho but a nice little back story

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  9. #509
    Join Date
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    Japanicus Minimus


    What "main stream press" looks at toys? Once again, I haven't heard squat about the HB from anywhere but here and mattycoll.

    I love Trapjaw, might have a look into the digi comics.

  10. #510
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Posting here since a lot of Matty buyers frequent this thread:

    A friend is selling a Classics Voltron Black Lion - $140.

    Please PM me if anyone is interested.

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