Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
For anyone who thinks Scott doesn't give generic and formulaic responses, check out the below quotes. But let me give you some background. Now, this just affects the Ghostbusters fans, but it's directly linked to all the problems with MOTU and Scott...

Here's the story...
  1. Mattel cancelled the Ghostbusters Sub (after saying the line was in "great shape". Hmmmm sound familiar?)
  2. He promised (in writing) we the fans would still get Zuul for $20
  3. He then promised Zuul would not be an exclusive (which, she was... SDCC 2012 exclusive at $25 )
  4. Offered us a "Thank you" - but took nearly 6 months of nagging to announce it
  5. "Thank you" is revealed to be a GITD Slimer repaint
  6. Announces awesome Ecto-goggles prop -Yay!
  7. Allows MOTUC Sub holders to gain early access to Ecto-goggles (before GB fans on DOS)
  8. Scott says if Ghostbusters fans' bought more subs it wouldn't have happened (So, it's OUR fault?)!
  9. Scott suggests we stay positive. Maybe even consider buying a MOTU Sub to ensure we get GB Ecto-goggles!

Here's are Scott's responses to angry customers, who feel they're being screwed in order to give MOTU fans more incentives to buy more Subs...

Even though he told us there were!

Oh. My. God.

Cut and Paste much??

He seems to love repeating how we're all jumping to a hypothetical negative conclusion in the reality of our minds, and reminding us to chill like "Mood Slime"

This guy has got to be stopped. He has no idea what he is doing. It's not enough to completely alienate MOTUC fans, he wants the DCUC and GB fans to hate him too??!!

But, to be fair, Scott doesn't always just type the same generic answers! No... sometimes he comes up with pearls of wisdom like this...

Thanks for looking out for us Scotty
If it helps, I know some one who has a sub that wouldn't mind using his early access to grab the goggles for you if you wanted

On topic, I have no doubt that he 2013 sub will go through. I will be honest, I have been back and forth on thinking if it will or won't and it has been doing my head in.

But the truth is, even if there is only 64% of the minimum for the sub to go through, that is still 64% of guaranteed sales. There is no way Mattel are going to cancel something that has so many guaranteed sales. Yes, they did cancel the GB sub but let's face it, that wasn't doing good numbers and I am sure the MOTUC sub has already sold way more than the GB sub did.

All I know is, in 2 years I will have completed my MOTUC collection and I can just pick up any extras that come along after. I'm looking forward to seeing Rio Blast in the second half of 2013