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Thread: Ozmasters, The MOTU General Discussion Thread.

  1. #321
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    I am still none the wiser.
    It's the software that comes with Device Label Ravage

  2. #322
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon



    Carry on then.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  3. #323
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Got banned again after I replied to a post of someone who asked 'Why such a serious issue like the 'Paint on Black' thread not grown as big as other similar quality concerns thread in the past?'

    All that I said was "Because anyone who cares to express their grievances against Mattel would not post here because chances are their posts will be deleted" (paraphrasing as I no longer have access to the Org).

    I wasn't "Disrespectful of Others" at all! They had to tag me with a random infraction for an excuse to shut me up like a good ol' traditional fascist regime.
    Lol, JonWes got you again. Seriously, that place is really flawed. That's about the nicest way to say it!

    How exactly were you "disrespectful to others"???!! Apparently now, according to the Org, black plastic has feelings?? Or do they mean Mattel? Either way, it makes no sense.

    It's funny, I saw a different forum (which I won't mention) that discussed "bad Moderators" the other day, and of course the Org was brought up, and 3 Mods there (ones starting with the letters J, D, and F) all got a mention as being the worst. You don't even have to point it out, because clearly everyone all over the net can already see it.

    I don't bother with the Org anymore. I can't even be bothered posting "I told you so" in the countless threads where Matty Apologists are now questioning Scott's credibility, since he's back tracked on so many of his recent "promises", after they defended him so vigorously during the Sub campaign! It's painful!

  4. #324
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    Lol, JonWes got you again. Seriously, that place is really flawed. That's about the nicest way to say it!

    How exactly were you "disrespectful to others"???!! Apparently now, according to the Org, black plastic has feelings?? Or do they mean Mattel? Either way, it makes no sense.

    It's funny, I saw a different forum (which I won't mention) that discussed "bad Moderators" the other day, and of course the Org was brought up, and 3 Mods there (ones starting with the letters J, D, and F) all got a mention as being the worst. You don't even have to point it out, because clearly everyone all over the net can already see it.

    I don't bother with the Org anymore. I can't even be bothered posting "I told you so" in the countless threads where Matty Apologists are now questioning Scott's credibility, since he's back tracked on so many of his recent "promises", after they defended him so vigorously during the Sub campaign! It's painful!
    I have noticed that people these days forget very quickly. They will be defending Scott/Mattel again and swallowing every promise next year when subs go on sale.

    Just look at the US elections. Republicans left the US in a state of economic, political and social chaos. This was done through constant and shameless lies, media manipulation and selfish interests that brought us into two senseless wars. Some argue that this expedited the US into a decline it will not be able to recover from.

    Four years later, people appear to have forgotten about all that and are still willing to vote in the same type of people from the Republican party and to make it worse, the extremist right wing sides of it seem to be as popular a s ever.

  5. #325
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    So, apparently Frosta's got reversed forearms as well now... Pretty cool huh?

    I swear, if this is true, this line is almost dead! It's like Mattel doesn't want it to continue! I'm having a good ol' laugh at the responses by Matty Apologists on the Org though... Saying things like, "Meh, it's an easy swap", "What's the big deal, just swap them" or "Hopefully it's like Swiftwind: some are, some aren't! I guess that's better then all of them being reversed"...

    Um, NO!!! We (the, you know, CUSTOMERS who, you know BOUGHT the figures) shouldn't have to "swap" them, or "be happy" if the issue is not "widespread". What a joke!

  6. #326
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    So, apparently Frosta's got reversed forearms as well now... Pretty cool huh?

    I swear, if this is true, this line is almost dead! It's like Mattel doesn't want it to continue! I'm having a good ol' laugh at the responses by Matty Apologists on the Org though... Saying things like, "Meh, it's an easy swap", "What's the big deal, just swap them" or "Hopefully it's like Swiftwind: some are, some aren't! I guess that's better then all of them being reversed"...

    Um, NO!!! We (the, you know, CUSTOMERS who, you know BOUGHT the figures) shouldn't have to "swap" them, or "be happy" if the issue is not "widespread". What a joke!
    I just saw the photos.

    Wow, they really did ruin Frosta. Here is a list from Staff of Ka at

    - - - Updated - - -

     Non requested translucent ‘Ice’ hair
     Gray hip pegs
     Half Painted bodice
     Gray instead of white
     Badly designed face apps

    The gray is what kills it for me. What the hell were they thinking? She is Ice/Snow themed! Not a garage mechanic!

    The face is also horrendous. That photoshop in which the mouth is colored properly changes her expression considerably which shows that it's not so much the sculpt but the horrible paint apps that ruin it. The possibility of reversed forearms (again!) also shows that they don't give a damn.

    Another figure ruined in the transition from the 4H prototype to Scott and the moron Mattel designers.

    It is also amazing how the figures that Scott cares about never have these Quality Control or cheapening out issues. Not that he cares since he has already managed to con a lot of people into buying the sub for another year

  7. #327
    Join Date
    11th Apr 2008


    I'll need to see Frosta in-hand before I make up my mind. I'm not sold on the face as it really doesn't look like Four Horseman design to me. It annoys me that Mekanek, Rattlor and D.B. Skeletor look great but Frosta gets the shaft.

  8. #328
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Looks like DB Skeletor is cast in black plastic (and painted blue) as well... I've read that it's showing through where the paint is chipping.

  9. #329
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Got banned again after I replied to a post of someone who asked 'Why such a serious issue like the 'Paint on Black' thread not grown as big as other similar quality concerns thread in the past?'

    All that I said was "Because anyone who cares to express their grievances against Mattel would not post here because chances are their posts will be deleted" (paraphrasing as I no longer have access to the Org).

    I wasn't "Disrespectful of Others" at all! They had to tag me with a random infraction for an excuse to shut me up like a good ol' traditional fascist regime.
    And there's your proof. Ha ha haha! Sad days for the Org.

    On the Frosta side of things, erm, the arms didn't look reversed to me, but her hair looks like it almost locks her head in one place.

    I saw this

  10. #330
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    hmmm, there's something off about how Frosta looks, like she's bucktooth or something... so far from that pretty image in the bio at the backing card. She looks so feminine and sweet there and then you get a manly dikey faced figure . Plus is it me or does the figure look kinda fat?
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
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