Quote Originally Posted by Tallestblue View Post
I think i need to stop going to He-Man.org. It's really starting to stress me out thinking there won't be a 2014 MOTUC line that fills the gaps after this year.

Seriously. I don't care about the bios or Toyguru and his b.s. or the Matty apologist arse kissing I just want my F****ING HE-MAN AND SHE-RA TOYS.

And I am feeling physically ill over the thought of not getting a main cast of Great Rebellion ladies! I mostly just want the characters shown in the opening sequence of the She-Ra cartoon- Y'know the group shot that happens at "Me and my friends in the Great Rebellion" mark. Oh. And Mermista. Aaaand if we're getting Netossa we need Spinnerella...And Scorpia. Ohhh...here comes that nausea again....
I feel for ya Problem is Scott has little interest in PoP. But hey, take comfort that he brought you Mighty Sucktor, Cy-Crap, and Sir Fails-alot instead.