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Thread: TransWarp

  1. #11
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    [From TransWarp: Maximus]

    Optimus Prime found himself on the frontline once again. Ion blaster in one hand, Energon Axe emanating from the other, Optimus was in close combat, shredding Predacons big and small. He locked his axe with the sword of an approaching Predacon, as a voice yelled from behind a pile of rubble that was once a building.

    "Suck this, Prime!"

    An Energon grenade landed at the feet of the two locked in combat. Prime disengaged and dove for cover as the grenade exploded, obliterating the Predacon. Prime was hurled away by the detonation and landed in a shattered mess of his own parts and those of others. He was heavily wounded.

    The left side of his body had worn the brunt of the damage. His left leg in tatters, his left arm completely gone, and great chunks of metal torn from his chest and head. The only grace was that his blaster had landed within reach. He grasped its handle but didn't have the strength left to lift it.

    A band of Predacons encroached, laughing as they saw the mess that was the Autobot leader.

    "Watch him die, boys..." said one of them. "Nice and slow."

    From behind where Optimus had landed, a voice yelled.


    A small Maximal vehicle launched overhead, transformed mid-flight and landed between Optimus and the Predacons, unleashing a barrage of firepower at them. The Matrix pulsed within Prime's chest.

    The small Maximal scattered the Predacons who had no cover out in the open, but then his weapons jammed. The Predacons returned fire. The Maximal turned, and seeing Prime's blaster, lifted the great barrel.

    "Pull the trigger, Prime!" he yelled. The blaster unleashed blast after blast, killing the Predacons as they ran.

    When they had gone, only then did the Maximal drop the barrel of the blaster, revealing heavy Energon burns to his arms and chest. He couldn't feel them. He turned to look at Prime and only really saw him for the first time. The damage was extensive.

    "Medic!.. Medic!" he yelled to the shattered battlefield. No reply came. He tapped his comm.

    "Command, Prime is down! Requesting medical assistance."

    A voice crackled back. "This is Command. First Aid is making for your position."

    The Maximal crouched down beside Prime to see if he could patch anything up himself.

    "What's your name, Maximal?" asked Prime.

    "Maxim, Sir", he replied, surveying the damage.

    "It's no accident that we met, Maxim. The Will of Primus is-"

    "Yeah, I bet", he cut across him. "Listen, we can talk beliefs later. Right now we've gotta get you out of here."

    "Prime?" came a yell from a distance away.

    Maxim stood at the top of the bunker.

    "First Aid! Here!" he signalled.

    The Protoectobot raced over and quickly began assessing the damage.

    "Old friend", said Prime to First Aid.

    "Not your best look, Optimus", he replied.

    "Can you save him?" Maxim asked.

    First Aid's expression was stern. "Not here. We have to get him to cover."

    Maxim's comm broke in.

    "Maxim, picking up a large Predacon movement inbound to your location."

    "Open my chest", said Prime, attempting to move his arm.

    "I think the Preds have done a good enough job of that already", replied Maxim with a smile. "Can you move him by yourself?" Maxim asked First Aid, as he collected his weapons and went about unjamming them.

    "Perhaps. Where are you going?" First Aid replied.

    "Incoming Preds. I'll go and meet them, give you time to get him out of here", said Maxim, his eyes scanning the surrounds as the blasters came back online.

    "That's suicide", said First Aid, his expression sterner than ever.

    Maxim looked at Optimus. "Not today."

    Maxim made to move away but Prime caught his arm. "The Matrix..." began Prime.

    Maxim looked straight into the optics of the great Autobot. "You hold onto it. It's the only thing keeping you alive."

    Prime held his arm and looked straight back. "Take it", said Prime. Maxim held his gaze. "What was bestowed to me I bestow to you."

    "I can't, Prime. I'm not worthy", said Maxim, unable to believe what he was hearing.

    "Neither was I." Prime released his grip on Maxim and opened the remaining intact panel on his chest. With one hand he removed the ancient artefact and passed it to the Maximal.

    Everything was consumed in a white light.

    "A new Age needs a new Prime", Optimus' voice echoed. "Arise, Maximus Prime, and usher in the Peace."

    A commlimk broke in.

    "Maxim, report! Reading a massive energy discharge at your location."

    As the light vanished and the world returned, Optimus and First Aid looked at the new Maximal.

    "Everything... Is just Prime", said Maximus, answering the comm, before looking at Optimus. "I'm only borrowing it, Optimus. You'll have it back soon." He turned his head to address First Aid. "Get him out of here safely."

    "Yes sir", said First Aid, who began to haul the form of Optimus back towards the Autobot line.

    Maximus turned and looked towards the Predacon front. "Alright Maximus Prime - let's see what you can do!"


    [From TransWarp: Primal]

    Maximal and Predacon ships wove in between each other in a deadly ballet in Cybertron’s orbit.

    On board the Xelor, Rhinox was desperately trying to get the ship’s systems back online as he was currently a sitting duck. The only grace being that the comms still functioned, but if Rhinox needed to know how the battle was going, he need only look out the cockpit windows. The MAD Wing pilots were selflessly protecting the TransWarp ship. A voice broke over the static.

    “We’ve got some freaky business going on out here, Spiral. Sector 043.”

    Rhinox saw exactly what the pilot was talking about. A purple ribbon of unknown origin was stretching from the surface of Cybertron up into Space, towards where the Xelor had first disappeared.

    “By Primus! Is it friendly?” asked Primal, stealing a quick peek at the phenomena from his own cockpit.

    “I don’t want to find out the hard way”, said Spiral. “Steer clear, Maximals.”


    [From TransWarp: Csirac]

    The new body was incredible. Though now dwarfed by most of the enemy combatants, the body’s twin swords and wingtip-mounted launchers had proven themselves an ample armoury to cut down the Predacons who had tried to enter the chamber; aided in no small part by the sheer speed of the form. The shoulder-mounted jets could propel the form up to head height for an attack, and then swiftly carry the form around to avoid the counterblows. The bodies were beginning to pile up in the doorway, not forgetting his own and the two of Magmatron’s that already littered the chamber’s floor.

    As Silverbolt engaged a poorly designed Proto-sized Predacon, a burst of ions hammered into the amplifier. The Predacon was distracted by the spectacle and Silverbolt didn’t require a second invitation. He cut the Predacon down with ease, scattering limbs to all parts of the room.

    Csirac had returned from his journey and was struggling to open the amplifier’s hatch. Silverbolt helped it up as Csirac tried to stand but fell to the floor. Silverbolt sat him up against the machine.

    “They’re coming”, said Csirac, with pained smile.

    “Who’s they?” asked Silverbolt.

    “Friends”, said Csirac. “Soon.”

    “We’re going to get you out of here”, said Silverbolt, moving to lift Csirac up, but a Decepticon-sized Pred thundered into the room. Silverbolt turned and engaged him with full force.

    Csirac could feel his Spark fading, but had more to tell Silverbolt. He looked up to see a Proto-Pred enter the room, but Silverbolt had his back to the door, still battling the larger enemy. The small Pred ran up behind Silverbolt with an axe in both hands raised above his head ready to bring down on him, but suddenly felt his own skull disintegrate as a laser blast ripped through it. Silverbolt heard the noise just as he brought down the larger Predacon, and turned to find the source of the blast. There, at the foot of the amplifier, was Csirac, unsteadily holding a blaster, plucked from the hand of a dead Predacon. Csirac’s arm fell back to the floor, the blaster falling from his grasp.

    Silverbolt stood there, stunned by Csirac’s actions. He sheathed his swords and went to Csirac’s side. “For a ‘bot that’s never picked up a blaster before, you’re not a bad shot.”

    “I guess that makes us even”, said Csirac, without looking up.

    “No, that’s twice you’ve saved me now”, said Silverbolt. “If I’m to keep us even I’ve gotta get you out of here.” He placed a hand in Csirac’s shoulder, but Csirac held his forearm and shook his head.

    “It’s too late for me”, said Csirac, smiling. “Besides, I said I wanted to die looking at the stars.” He lifted his head and watched the ions drift down around the amplifier. “I can see them. I can see her.”

    “Csirac…” began Silverbolt, but he didn’t know what to say.

    Csirac looked deep into Silverbolt’s optics. “After they come through, promise me you’ll destroy it.”

    “I will”, said Silverbolt.

    Csirac looked back up to the ions. “A lot of good”, said Csirac, his Spark flickering.

    “What?” asked Silverbolt.

    “The answer to your question - A lot of good.” With that, Csirac’s head dropped slowly to his chest and he went offline for the last time.

    “Thank you, Csirac”, said Silverbolt, bowing his own head. “Be at One.”

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    [From TransWarp: Csirac]

    The battle raged outside, but the two heaving Predacons remained steadfastly at their post – they were to guard the Sparks of Headstrong and Divebomb with their own; a task assigned to them by Razorclaw himself.

    An odd tinkling sound began to echo down the corridor. A small robotic arachnoid walked towards them, then stopped at the feet of one of the hulking guards, who looked to his partner, received a shrug, so he stomped on it, crushing the tiny creature under his enormous foot. He smirked to himself.

    Suddenly the same tinkling sound began to emanate down the corridor towards them again, but much louder. The guards raised their weapons as 50 or more of the spider-like creatures marched towards them. The second guard fired, but the robots evaded his shot, and increased their pace in response. The guards opened fire, killing some but more appeared.

    When close enough, the spiders leapt up onto the guards and electrified them. Smashed off at first, the spiders soon overwhelm the guards with their sheer number. The guards fell to the ground as the electrocution increased with each additional attacker.

    A slender purple figure walked casually down the corridor, and seeing the guards, chuckled to himself.

    “Oh, how unfortunate for such a door to be left unattended. Who knows what damage could be done if one were to enter”, said Taranachus to the incapacitated guards, then began to assess the doors’ control panel. Within moments, the doors flew open, and he entered the chamber, cackling. “Unfortunate, indeed…”, he said, disappearing into the darkness.


    [From TransWarp: Csirac]

    Ions began to hammer into the amplifier once again, and two bursts rocketed down, following separate conduits before each slamming into a pod. The Sparks became aware of their consciousness, and were wrapped in a cool liquid that soon set. Their optics opened - they had been reborn.

    The two figures stepped from their respective receptacles and were greeted by a huge figure, grinning menacingly down at them; a faded Decepticon badge on his chest. The two new Maximals instinctively drew their weapons.


    The expression on the face of the large Predacon warped into one of confused pain, as he began to topple forward - dead before his hulking form hit the ground, throwing up a plum of dust into the air.

    There, crouched on the back of the hulking mass, with his two swords plunged up to the handles in the dead Predacon, was Silverbolt. He stood up, drawing out his swords as he did so, each dripping with mech-fluid. He stared through the resettling dust at the two forms before him.

    "Bolt?" asked the large (by Maximal standards) grey and red 'bot.

    "Ironhide?!" replied Silverbolt, sheathing his swords and stepping off the Predacon to greet his old friend. "Haha! By Primus it's good to see you!" he said, shaking the new Maximal's hand.

    "Most impressive", said the other Maximal, studying his form.

    "Prowl?" asked Silverbolt.

    "It's nice to see you too, Silverbolt", replied Prowl, shaking his hand warmly.


    An explosion shook the Predacon complex, cracking the walls and bringing down some of the ceiling.

    "I've missed that sound", said Ironhide, grinning.

    "The war continues?" asked Prowl.

    "Yeah", said Silverbolt, sadly. "Some things don't change."

    Prowl shook his head. "I'd say things have changed quite a lot since we left", he said, taking in the surrounds, his optics falling onto the amplifier and the small robot at the foot of it.

    Silverbolt followed Prowl's gaze. "His name was Csirac. He brought you back to help end the war. Let's not let his sacrifice be for nothing."

    Subsequent explosions shook the facility again, the roof began to cave in, and pieces fell around the amplifier and Csirac’s body.

    "What do you say we give these new forms a shakedown”, said Ironhide, lifting his two large cannons.

    "My sentiments exactly", said Prowl, arming his own weapon.

    Silverbolt brought his gaze back to his old allies. "To use an old cliché, there’s more to these new bodies than meets… well, you know. Now repeat after me – Maximise.”

    The three old Autobots said the word in unison and instantly began to transform and combine into the immense gestalt for the first time. Inside the form, the consciousnesses aligned, resolute in what they had to do.

    "Incredible!" said Prowl.

    "That’s something else", said Ironhide.

    "Welcome back, Maximals", said Silverbolt. The combiner's right arm reached over the missile-clad shoulder and drew out a great sword. "Let's go shred some Pred!"

    "That's got a nice ring to it", said Ironhide.


    [From TransWarp: Csirac]

    Back above Cybertron, the battle reached fever pitch.

    “They’re drawing us away from the Xelor”, came the voice of Scuttle through the comm.

    “Dammit, he’s right”, said Spiral, looking out the cockpit’s side window. “Break off pursuit and reform.”

    “Single Predacon fighter, emerging from the atmosphere. He’s making for the Xelor!” came a worried voice.

    Inside the Predacon fighter, the figure spoke to itself in a deep, calm voice. “I have target lock. Terminator, firing.”

    “Single missile inbound!” yelled Scuttle on the comm.

    “I can get there!” replied Primal, whose engines were burning flat-out to try and intercept. “I can… get… there…”


    Primal’s ship collided with the missile, saving the Xelor.

    “Primal!” yelled Rhinox, who had both the best and worst view of the whole thing. “You damn piece of slag, get back online”, Rhinox said to the ship.

    Back inside the Predacon ship, the figure smiled. “Maximal ship intercepted my missile. Scratch one for Terminator. Coming back around for another attack.”

    Scuttle had left his comm channel open. “I can’t shake him, I can’t… Aaarrghhh…” came his cries as his ship erupted in a ball of momentary flame.

    “Dammit, they’re picking us off like flies”, said Spiral. His computer gave a warning. *Enemy Lock* “Great”, he said as he pulled on the stick, attempting to break lock. “Can anyone cover me? Anyone?”

    “Look who’s back…” said a familiar voice over the communicator.

    “Wha…? Primal?” said Spiral, jerking his head around to try and get a visual.

    “And feeling Prime!”


    The Predacon ship that had been tailing Spiral was blown to pieces, as another Predacon ship flew through the smoke. There, sitting in its cockpit, whose windscreen was shattered, was Primal, alive and well.

    “How in the Pit..?” began Spiral, pulling alongside Primal’s new ship.

    “Later”, said Primal. “Let’s give these Preds something else to think about!”

    “Roger that”, said Spiral, taking the lead. “Form up on my wing.”

    The two ships re-entered the fray.

    “Primal to the Xelor. Rhinox, if you’re there, we’ve bought you some time, but we won’t last much longer.”

    In the cockpit of the Xelor, Rhinox was busily trying to do whatever he could to get the ship back online. “Damn it”, he said as the controls sparked. “Would you just work!” he yelled, and smashed the control panel with his fists. Suddenly the ship roared back to life. He didn’t know how long it would last so he quickly re-entered the information into the on board computer. “Xelor to whoever is left. Ship is back online. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 4… 3… 2… 1… Now!” A rippled window in Space opened up and engulfed the ship.

    **5 minutes earlier**

    “They’re drawing us away from the Xelor”, came the voice of Scuttle through the comm.

    “Dammit, he’s right”, said Spiral, looking out the cockpit’s side window. “Break off pursuit and reform.”

    “Single fighter, emerging from the atmosphere. He’s making for the Xelor!” came a worried voice.

    Inside the Predacon fighter, the figure spoke to itself in a deep, calm voice. “I have target lock. Terminator, firing.”

    “Single missile inbound!” yelled Scuttle on the comm.

    “I can get there!” replied Primal, whose engines were burning flat-out to try and intercept. “I can… get… there…”


    Primal’s ship collided with the missile, saving the Xelor.

    “Primal!” yelled Rhinox, who had both the best and worst view of the whole thing.

    Back inside the Predacon ship, the figure smiled. “Maximal ship intercepted my missile. Scratch one for Terminator. Coming back around for another attack.” As he turned the ship, something collided with the windscreen of the ship, lodging itself there. The debris, which seemed to be a Maximal, turned its head to look in.

    “Permission to come aboard”, said Primal, with a smile, before drawing a sword from out of his back.

    Scuttle had left his comm channel open. “I can’t shake him, I can’t… Aaarrghhh…” came his cries as his ship erupted in a ball of momentary flame.

    “Dammit, they’re picking us off like flies”, said Spiral. His computer gave a warning. *Enemy Lock* “Great”, he said as he pulled on the stick, attempting to break lock. “Can anyone cover me? Anyone?”

    “Look who’s back…” said a familiar voice over the communicator.

    “Wha…? Primal?” said Spiral, jerking his head around to try and get a visual.

    “And feeling Prime!”


    The Predacon ship that had been tailing Spiral was blown to pieces, as another Predacon ship flew through the smoke. There, sitting in its cockpit, whose windscreen was shattered, was Primal, alive and well.

    “How in the Pit..?” began Spiral, pulling alongside Primal’s new ship.

    “Later”, said Primal. “Let’s give these Preds something else to – Whoa!”

    A temporal anomaly opened up directly in front of Primal and Spiral’s ships. They turned sharply to avoid it.

    “Rhinox to the Xelor. Give the panel a good talking to. Worked for me.”

    A thud was heard over the comm. “That seems to have got it. See you on the other side. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 4… 3… 2… 1… Now!” A rippled window in Space opened up and engulfed the ship.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    [From TransWarp: Csirac]

    Optimus stood, unsteadily, but stood all the same. The gathered procession of Autobots and Maximals in the vast open amphitheatre cheered, thunderously. Optimus held up a hand to bring the crowd to silence.

    “Peace”, he announced, and the crowd erupted once again. The Commanders behind Optimus smiled. This day had been a long time coming.

    Meanwhile, in a massive underground vault, Generals Cinder, Rampant and Seethe stood before a throbbing mass of directionless hatred. Cinder stepped forward to address to crowd.

    “Predacons – we are in pain.” His words were met be screams and threats from the crowd. “We are defeated. We are depleted. But we are one thing above all – we are alive!” His words weren’t winning the crowd over. Rampant stepped up beside his fellow General.

    “The decision to surrender was not a simple one to make. We are now faced with an enemy that wields a weapon of unimaginable power”, growled Rampant. “Its use would see all trace of the Predacons wiped from history. A continued existence, in contrast, is a favourable outcome.” The crowd continued their anger towards the new Predacon leadership.

    Seethe stepped forward. ”The Autobots may have control of our past, but not our future! They have unknowingly delivered us the very same weapon with which they threaten us – Time. Time to rebuild. Time to rearm. Time to weaken them from within.” The crowd’s attitude began to turn in favour of the Generals.

    Cinder tried to capture the mood. “The Autobots will rebuild Cybertron; make it the gleaming jewel of the Universe it once was. And when they have – we’ll snatch it from their dying grasp!” His words were greeted by cheering. “We Predacons will rise again!”


    [From TransWarp: Csirac]

    A contingent of Maximal security forces accompany a group of allied analysts into the Predacon bunker, followed by the forms of Ironhide, Silverbolt, Prowl and, to his own surprise, Rhinox.

    “You won’t find me in a cockpit again anytime soon”, said Rhinox as he entered the ruins of the chamber. “I wasn’t built for flying.”

    “I know the feeling”, said Ironhide, as he left to help some other Maximals remove debris.

    Rhinox looked around the dilapidated room. “Is he still here?”

    “No”, said Silverbolt. “I had his body moved to the temporary Mausoleum.”

    “He is most deserving of a statue”, said Prowl, also removing debris, “but the full details of what he did, and how, must remain secret.”

    “We’re told you worked closely with him on the TransWarp technology. Therefore you have the best chance of understanding his work here”, said Silverbolt, who nodded to an Autobot who brought forth the amplifier. Rhinox began to study it.

    “I promised Csirac I’d destroy it – a task I now pass to you”, said Silverbolt. “Pull it apart, melt down its components. But in doing so, I want you to figure out how it works.”

    Rhinox looked up from the device to Silverbolt. “No offence, but I don’t think that’s exactly what he meant”, said Rhinox.

    A Maximal analyst was scanning the room and came to a large pile of rubble. His equipment started to beep. “Sir, I’m detecting a large Predacon energy sig-“

    An immense form erupted from the pile of rubble, sending the small Maximal flying. Magmatron had somehow survived the Spark Transfer process, and announced his return with an enormous scream.


    Hic circuitry burning and unsure where he was, his optics fell to those in the room, all of which his sensors detected as Maximal.

    “Predacon, stand down!” ordered Prowl. Ironhide, with weapons drawn, stepped in front to protect his fellow Maximals.

    Magmatron was outnumbered, which left only one option: fight!

    “The Predacon Generals have signed an official notice of surrender!” shouted Silverbolt.

    Magmatron smashed Ironhide aside with one swipe.

    Everyone watched Ironhide crash into the wall. Prowl gave him one last warning. “Any further actions will be in direct violation of the ceasefire! Stand down!”

    Magmatron’s processors were still whirring, his Spark still in incredible pain. He didn’t know who these ‘bots were but they wouldn’t stand in his way. He drew out an enormous sword and made to engage the remaining Maximals. He took one step forward, but suddenly began to take heavy fire. His optics couldn’t focus on the attacker, and the sound of the weapons-fire was echoing around the room, disorientating his sensors. Unable to protect himself, he lashed out wildly, but the damaged began to toll on his body and he fell back to the ground in a smoking heap.

    Maximal security troops surrounded him with weapons drawn, but it had not been them that had fired. All optics looked for the source of the torrential gunfire.

    There, with a large, smoking Chain gun in each hand, was Rhinox, who had a look of surprise on his face, which gave way to a cheeky smile. “Not too shabby.”


    [From TransWarp: Ravage]

    “A job well done.”

    Ravage sat opposite three old foes, miraculously returned from the dead.

    “From the reports we’ve received, Razorclaw was very heavily guarded, but you somehow found a way to cut him down”, said Silverbolt. “You’ve done us a great service.”

    Ravage sat in silence. He didn’t know who had slain Razorclaw, but if they believed him to be the assassin, then he wouldn’t tell them otherwise.

    “You held up your end of the bargain - helping bring an end to the War”, said Ironhide, with coldness in his voice. “You were promised your freedom, and as much as I’d like to renege on the deal…” he continued, glancing to the two beside him for confirmation. He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

    “All participation in the War is pardoned”, finished Prowl.

    Silence returned to the chamber.

    Ravage slowly stood up, received no sign of protest from the three behind the desk, turned and walked from the chamber.

    A cold voiced called after him.

    “Enjoy the peace, Predacon.”


    [From TransWarp: Ravage]

    “Magmatron isn’t dead”, began Rampant, and Ravage’s optics widened. “He was carried from the battlefield, heavily wounded, so we can understand your, assumption, that your blaster fire had been lethal. But the fact remains that he survived, and has now acquired an improved form in the process”, Rampant stated, unsuccessfully hiding his frustration.

    “However”, Seethe cut in, for which Ravage was relieved, “his temporary incapacitation served its purpose - we, the Tripredacus Council, are now the recognised leaders of the Predacon faction, and it is due in no small part to your actions.” Ravage remained silent.

    “You have valuable skills, Ravage. We may be in use of them again in the future, so we have a proposal”, said Cinder, speaking for the first time. “We have signed a temporary armistice with the Autobots and Maximals. A full Peace accord is being drawn up as we speak - the contents of which will be unpleasant for we Predacons”, he continued. “We will have to forfeit many rights and forgo a number of privileges, but given the alternative now that they are capable of traversing Time, a continued existence is a favoured outcome”.

    “But we refuse to capitulate in entirety. Our day to rise up once again will come, and when it does, it will be clean and swift”, said Rampant.

    “But until then, we have much to achieve: quietly, and without raising suspicion - a talent you’ve proven to possess”, said Cinder.

    “We can offer you pursuits that would satisfy a warrior such as yourself, and in return for your service, we will grant you much, starting with a technologically improved form, one much more fitting to your new role as our Agent”, said Seethe, studying the great black form before them in the Chamber.

    “Victory will be ours, in time”, said Cinder. “So what do you say?”


    [From TransWarp: Ravage]

    Ravage opened his eyes and stepped from the machine, on two legs - a very different experience.

    “Welcome, Agent Ravage”, said a purple Predacon. “Welcome indeed, tehehehehe…”

    Ravage studied his new form as the purple Predacon, still cackling, left the chamber. The form was stronger, yet still as agile as his old one, well-armed, too. But its greatest feature, cloaking technology, required immediate testing Ravage felt.

    The body carried Predacon badges, and was made from stolen Maximal technology (with a few tweaks), but he was neither. As he disappeared into nothingness, a smile crossed his panther-like face - “Decepticons Forever…”

    The End...

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    If anyone has managed to make it to the end, I'd love some feedback

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    I hope you all enjoyed reading, or are enjoying reading TransWarp.

    In an attempt to make it more accessible and noticed by a larger number of TF fans, I've created a Facebook page that will also have the story for people to read.

    TransWarp on Facebook

    Please have a look and 'Like' it and help me spread the word!

    With enough support behind it, who knows, it may even come to the attention of the nice folks at IDW!

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    As the story is done for the moment, I've turned to the artistic side.

    I've been canvasing TF fan artists who might like to collaborate with me and actually produce the work in a comic book form, but as yet none have come on board. So I recently bought a copy of 'You Can Draw Transformers' to get me started on possibly doing the artwork myself.

    But while we're on the topic of art, I knocked up two logos for the respective stories of Ravage and Csirac.

    Nothing flash, and done in Paint, but they compliment the TransWarp logo style.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    If you can take photos of your toys in poses as if each photo is a panel in your comic book then I would gladly do some free-photoshop work on them, heck, even compile them together into a fanmade comic-book. Though my photoshop skills aren't the best, I'd still be up for it. Maybe quite busy though so might take a while as I have plenty of other projects.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    I've been holding off creating the scenes with the toys as I don't have a G1 Razorclaw and Silverbolt to give reference. I could play out the whole thing with BW figures, but it'd get confusing.

    Do you have an example of what it would look like though SW91?

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    I've been holding off creating the scenes with the toys as I don't have a G1 Razorclaw and Silverbolt to give reference. I could play out the whole thing with BW figures, but it'd get confusing.

    Do you have an example of what it would look like though SW91?
    I'm so sorry for late reply mate, been busy with work. Well, if you can send me a photo of any of your BW figure in some dramatic pose I could do some magic on it and you'll see what I mean! If you can could you preferbly take a photo in front of a plain background?

    Btw I saw that you picked up a how to draw Transformers book, hope that goes well for you too man!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    15th Aug 2010


    Hey Verno,

    Can I say thankyou for writing this, I only read it the other day, but found it a rivetting read from start to finish, and to off laserbeak!

    Man, a really enjoyable read, cheers!

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