I thought I'd pass this on, as I was QUITE surprised to see Japanese Exclusive Headmasters knocked off , with packaging that (to my eyes, a non-expert) is identical and would be hard for a collector to spot.

G1 Weirdwolf, well we knew he was coming out,

I'm guessing its by a different crowd, as there is no packaging or perhaps an early sample?

But these ones will be sure to either delight or outrage collectors

Takara Japanese Headmaster Jr. Minerva

Takara Japanese Headmaster Jr. Goshooter


And yes, I'm going to buy Minerva - its too good a deal to pass up. Mock me if you will, but there's no way in a lifetime that I'd ever be able to afford a MIB one

I'm placing the links so that you can see the extrensive images, not to promote the practice.