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Thread: ack, because I forgot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2010

    Default ack, because I forgot

    Hey Guys, I'm Skript (or Brendan)

    Met a few of you at a meet up at Melbourne Central, but otherwise I normally stick to the Vic Sightings thread
    Trying to come out of my shell a little (just realised I've been here 2 years..)

    Uh, Just turned 30, work in a call centre for coles IT and im a pisces.

    Been collecting ever since I can remember, yet my collection doesnt do that statement any justice.

    Moving house a few times, my collection which was a nice g1 shrine slolwly dissapeared into only Cloudburst, Defensor and Tracks.
    Started getting back into TFs when Armada hit (missed beast wars at the time) and started watching Beast Machine repeats on Foxtel. The addiction began again..

    Finished Uni at 21 jumped on a place to Japan, stayed there for about 5 years. I think my first weekend there, I was nursing a terrible hangover when I went to Akihabara for the first time. Looking for TFs I was really dissapointed. I think Superlink was winding down and it was hard looking for G1 stuff in a Gundam world.
    With head pounding and searching for a coffee and somewhere to smoke, I found one store which was the Mecca of all G1.
    I remember calling my Mum back home and saying, "All those transformers that just dissapeared? I'm looking at what they were worth."
    Walked out of the store with only a Hot Rod and an Armada Starscream but a taste for all..

    As I said in the under 100 collection, when the company I worked for went bankrupt had to sell the 50 or so Tfs that I collected. Managed to get about 3k for them which was nice, but I really regret it now. Same as when I was a child and lost all those figures. I guess most can relate..

    Anyway, thats me. Back in Melbourne and still collecting (I show my gf how much they can be worth, so she lets me collect with the thought that I will sell one day..)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    5th Jul 2010
    Mornington Peninsula


    Welcome to the boards Brother!
    (my gf is the same :P)
    Follow me on twitter:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Skript View Post
    Hey Guys, I'm Skript (or Brendan)

    Met a few of you at a meet up at Melbourne Central, but otherwise I normally stick to the Vic Sightings thread
    Trying to come out of my shell a little (just realised I've been here 2 years..)
    へええ、俺は最近ごろスクリプト氏を気がつきましたよ。(メルボ会やVIC州の玩具目撃スレッドはあまり読 めないので、ごめんね)
    Whoa, I haven't noticed you until recently (sorry, but I don't check out the Melb meets and Vic sightings thread often).
    Quote Originally Posted by Skript View Post
    Finished Uni at 21 jumped on a place to Japan, stayed there for about 5 years.
    へええ、すごい!スクリプト氏の日本語ペラペラは羨ましいっすよ!拙者は1年間以下日本に住んでいたから、 自分のうまくない日本語をどうか許してください。m(__)m 良ければスクリプト氏はこの掲示板に日本語を練習したいやただ日本語や日本のことを話したい場 合は、この日本語会話スレッドをどうぞご覧で使ってください。
    Wow, that's awesome! I'm jealous of your fluent Japanese! I lived Japan for less than a year so please pardon my crummy Japanese. If you'd like to practice your Japanese on this board or just talk about Japan/Japanese stuff, please feel free to check out the Japanese Conversation Thread
    Quote Originally Posted by Skript View Post
    Looking for TFs I was really dissapointed. I think Superlink was winding down and it was hard looking for G1 stuff in a Gundam world.
    拙者は現在発売されていない玩具があまり買わないので、そういうことが大体気にしません。個人的に現在発売 中玩具を買う方が好みます。もっと簡単だし、安いし・・・
    I don't really buy Transformers that aren't current, so this doesn't bother me much. I personally prefer buying toys that are current. It's easier and cheaper...
    Quote Originally Posted by Skript View Post
    As I said in the under 100 collection, when the company I worked for went bankrupt had to sell the 50 or so Tfs that I collected. Managed to get about 3k for them which was nice, but I really regret it now.
    Wha!! Cannot forgive that company!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Skript View Post
    Same as when I was a child and lost all those figures. I guess most can relate..
    拙者はトランスフォーマーの玩具は小さいごろから今まで全てずっと持っているから、そういう感じがあまり分 からないです(経験してなかったので)。しかしいくつかの掲示板のメンバーが経験しているだと思います。と にかく、よろしくお願いします。m(__)m
    I've kept my Transformer toys since I was little, so I can't relate with this feeling (as I have never experienced it). But I believe some other board members have been through this. Anyway, nice to meet you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    New Acquisitions:
    TR Astrotrain, Skullsmasher, & Hardhead
    Scouting For:
    G1 Boxes & Cardbacks
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  5. #5
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay



  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2010


    Thanks guys =)

    Goktimus - My Kanji is pretty crappy, I was getting bits and pieces, but then I highlighted the text =)
    I was one of those stupid Aussies over there, just drank, didnt study - everything I learnt was mainly spoken and from either women or children.
    Jguys say my accent is pretty bizzare =)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I was in Japan as a uni student, so I had to do some study (but on the down side, I was pov )... but I honestly learnt more Japanese from going to parties and just generally hanging out with people. Before I went to Japan I got some great advice from a friend who'd previously studied in France and became fluent... he told me to avoid the English language like a plague and try to exclusively speak Japanese as much as possible. So I took that advice -- best advice I ever got as far as language learning is concerned! And I pass this advice onto anyone else who is thinking about learning a language overseas Nowadays most of the Japanese I speak is with my daughter. (which is kinda limited cos she is, as she would say 「にいぃさあああぁぁぁいいぃぃ!」
    "Ttwwwoooo yyyeeaaaaarrs oooollld!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008


    Welcome! My then BF (now husband) lets me collect my TFs and LEGO too with the intention that I'm gonna sell them one day.
    ~ JuzMel ~
    My son is taking over all my TFs!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2010


    welcome mate

  10. #10
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Greetings and Welcome to OZformers!

    Who might your favourite character, figure and faction be?

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