View Poll Results: GEN FOC Soundwave - worth buying?

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Thread: Toy Review - Generations FOC Soundwave & Laserbeak

  1. #31
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Picked mine up yesterday of a fellow board member for $39.

    And for that price it's pretty good. I don't have WFC Soundwave so can't compare, but I like it. He is rather large but I suppose he had to be that big to fit the data discs. Any smaller and his chest would look massively out of proportion. You can fit 3 minions in his chest at once, which would make for some great play value. They are tight to get in and out but as Crankcase said that will loosen up after a bit of play.

    Oh and the left hand finger pose isn't for the gun, it's so he can push his eject button!

    Alt mode is kinda cool but once again slightly out of proportion next to other classicsverse toys. And I don't get what the gunner seat on top is supposed to be for???

    Overall, if you don't have a Soundwave for your classicsverse collection, this will do the job. It may look a little out of place due to the size, but that's the price for having the minions.

    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  2. #32
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    You can fit 3 minions in his chest at once, which would make for some great play value.
    Really? I could only fit in like "two and a half" -- i.e. the third disc would protrude and I couldn't close the chest-door properly. Maybe I need to try again with a combination of different discs. I have noticed that Ravage is a bit thicker than the other Discformers... he's the only one that I can't put into the container and close it all the way. I probably used Ravage as one of the cassettes, so perhaps I need to try it without him.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Really? I could only fit in like "two and a half" -- i.e. the third disc would protrude and I couldn't close the chest-door properly. Maybe I need to try again with a combination of different discs. I have noticed that Ravage is a bit thicker than the other Discformers... he's the only one that I can't put into the container and close it all the way. I probably used Ravage as one of the cassettes, so perhaps I need to try it without him.
    I just tried again and The laserbeak/buzzsaw/ratbat mold is thinner then the others. So depending on the combination, you can fit 3 or 2.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  4. #34
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    On it's own this is a great robot figure. It has great joints, poseability, asthetic, transformation and the auto-transform companion is a neat gimmick.

    The transformation is fun but his altmode looks more boxy than cool.

    He is waay out of scale with the rest of the W/FoC figures (except for Bumblebee and Cliffjumper who are also big) If you have the WfC Soundwave ask yourself, is scale more important than a this really fun and large FoC Soundwave + minions?
    Last edited by Deonasis; 24th November 2012 at 08:39 AM.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  5. #35
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    I would also like to add that while being boxy, the alt mode seems very concealed and doesn't show many signs of it being a robot, besides the fact that it's a cybertronian vehicle.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    23rd Oct 2012
    new york


    Good review. I don't see the point in getting both of these as they are both Soundwave anyway. I got the Soundwave only plus the disc packs.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    23rd Apr 2009


    It's a pretty good figure all around, except for the whole broken gimmick thing. Ratbat and Laserbeak tend to transform 90 - 95% of the time, but the other disks? Considerably less.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by aaron2 View Post
    Good review. I don't see the point in getting both of these as they are both Soundwave anyway. I got the Soundwave only plus the disc packs.
    I want Laserbeak, but I'm not willing to buy Soundwave just to get him. Odds of anyone wanting Soundwave but not Laserbeak is unlikely... so looks like I'll just have to settle for Buzzsaw. They should release a separate Laserbeak later on - in a slightly different colour scheme and maybe package it with a repaint of FoC Eject/Rewind as Flip Sides.

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