Probably should post this is the Soundwave thread as it is the same figure, just with a different paintjob.
Firstly, he is a charcoal colour, not actually black, but it looks good with the unpainted grey plastic. I am thinking of getting some silver sharpies to do the grey in silver. I am also a sucker for the translucent pink plastic wheels.
This toy is fun. Easy and intuitive transformation (other than the roof/gimmick projectile shooter/firing chair) that clips together simply and holds together very well. Wheels roll perfectly fine for plastic, and as they are hollow make a funny sound on timber.
Toy is built around the gimmick of the deployable "cassettes" and they designers have done a pretty decent job to get a fun robot and vehicle mode around it. The way the figures are deployed (the chest is so deep, I wonder if he can hold more than two cassettes at a time). Buzzsaw needs some coercion to fit in, but nothing that concerns me. Ejection shoots Buzzsaw pretty far, but the quick conversion does not always activate unless a solid impact is made with a hard surface.
Buzzsaw is brilliant, easy conversion to and from each mode, and is a wonderful gold/green colour with a brown/chocolate contrast and silver on the wings. You'll spend plenty of time converting him back and forth.
My Soundblaster has one leg on backwards (the Knee on his left side faces the wrong way) but it does not affect the toy in any shape or form, and since the joints are nice strong ratcheting joints I do not really feel any need to try and fix it.
Overall a great toy, something fun and different, simple but not overly so. I am seriously considering getting Soundwave, even though i own the deluxe version. Also a must buy for those interested in the Cassetticons.
Oh and no Prime gun!
Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)